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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Sandman turns down WWE

  2. Lil' Bitch

    Moves that nobody ever kicked out of.

    Hogan's the only guy I know of that has kicked out of the Jackhammer. Go figure.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    Christians theme?

    When did Christian debut this theme by the way? SSeries? Or before that?
  4. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    Whatever happened to Titan Sports? I remember it used to be at the bottom of the shows back in the day all the time.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    New Year's Revolution Prediction Thread

    I want Edge or Batista to win. By the way, are there DQs in the EC just in case Edge or HHH snaps and decide to attack the biased referee HBK?
  6. Lil' Bitch

    TV Shows on DVD

    Married With Children for now Highlander and Babylon 5 are soon to be on my list.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Can somebody tell me when these face/offs happened

    Not a face-off, but man, this picture definitely had me wondering when it took place. The greatest dream match yet to happen.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    Wrestling Figure Commercials

    Savage: I challenge you, Hogan! Hogan: Feel the power of Hulkamania! *clip of Savage getting punched by Hogan Savage: AH!!!!!!!!!
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Search Bar, how do I get rid of it?

    I tried Spybot and Hijack This and its still there. I'm guessing I have to delete it through the Registry to get rid of it for good? Thanks in advance.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    How many cats would it take to kill a man?

    12. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Marney: RIP

    I'd hit it.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Don't take a bite out of that Hot Pocket...

    Edit: I love how this guy has streaming video available. Oh man, that is some terrible acting. I can't believe this shit is up to fucking $112!!!
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Just Bought 10 WWE DVDs..

    Really good. I loved Benoit / Kane and Benjamin / Orton. HHH / HBK went longer than I would have liked it to. Sucked. Good. Angle-Benoit / Guerreros and Edge / Lesnar-Heyman were fun matches. Sucked. Only good thing was RVD / Orton and that's still debated to this day on this board. I liked the match though. Great especially the Rock / Angle / Undertaker main event. Decent. Eddie jumping in front of the Grim Reaper's door still gives me goosebumps. Shit PPV. Burn it.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Paul Heyman Released

    Watch Heyman come back with a returning Brock Lesnar.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Paul Heyman Released

    What did he want you to major in?
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Brain Teaser

    Three friends check into a motel for the night and the clerk tells them the bill is $30, payable in advance. So, they each pay the clerk $10 and go to their room. A few minutes later, the clerk realizes he has made an error and overcharged the trio by $5. He asks the bellhop to return $5 to the 3 friends who had just checked in. The bellhop sees this as an opportunity to make $2 as he reasons that the three friends would have a tough time dividing $5 evenly among them; so he decides to tell them that the clerk made a mistake of only $3, giving a dollar back to each of the friends. He pockets the leftover $2 and goes home for the day! Now, each of the three friends gets a dollar back, thus they each paid $9 for the room which is a total of $27 for the night. We know the bellhop pocketed $2 and adding that to the $27, you get $29, not $30 which was originally spent. Where did the other dollar go????
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Road Rage Stories

    I was going down a street near my neighborhood, its a very small one because I saw this hot female walking down all by herself. But then there was this big ass trailer truck that decided to zoom down the damn thing and I had to pull to the side because he nearly ran into me since he took up almost all the room of the God damn road. And I honked my horn with my arm raised in the air in the WTF? gesture, so the driver decided to flip me off. I'm like "OH HELL NO!" So I flipped a bitch, pulled up right next to him, got his attention and flipped him off right back. So he gets all pissed and tries to entice me into a fight right in the middle of the fucking intersection and this dude is obviously bigger so I passed on that and backed up. This motherfucker actually tried to back up INTO ME intentionally. That's the fastest I ever had to switch gears otherwise my car and myself would have been goners. So I take off down the opposite part of the road and I see this fucking asshole actually putting his truck in reverse. I shit you not, he was fucking coming after me. So considering this guy is huge and probably has a weapon, I'll probably going at least 90 mph in a fucking residential zone. I cut a couple of corners just to make sure I lost him. Its okay though, I know where he lives since I saw that's where the truck originally came from. I can get him back anytime I want. Well that's my biggest story so far to date. Other than its the usual horn honk, the middle finger raised, and the cuss words thrown around.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    I didn't come up with it, but I always crack up when somebody calls HHH "Gonzo"
  19. Hate to be nitpicky. It was 99. The night before Fully Loaded.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    Carlito @ New Years Revolution?

    Yeah, but it would really weird to see the WWE Champion jump to the other show with its own champion already there, unless JBL convinced to trade him over to RAW for HHH. (Yeah right. )
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Carlito @ New Years Revolution?

    I wouldn't be surprised if CCC did jump to RAW since he's getting tired of putting up with GM Long.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Orton vs HHH with HBK as ref

    After experiencing how over Orton was, I have faith in Orton being the one to lead the WWE into the new generation of superstars although I feel Cena is the better choice overall.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Best threads of 2004

    Wrestling-wise: RAW Is Randy