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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Freeze-up and blue screen of death

    Looks like your HD might corrupted from a virus, you can get cleaned by professional comp store for about $30, believe me its worth the convinience, I have had it done a few times because of the same problem.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    Yeah so I took mine back to Wal-Mart, almost got into a fight with the fucking clerks at Customer Service, but proved them wrong about it just being one defective DVD after I went to the manager and asked to open up a new one and show her it was affecting all the DVDs. Then they pulled all of them off the shelves and I walked away with my $15 back in my wallet.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Beware of John Heidenrapist Here's the clip of Cole being violated: Download Here Gay sex scenes = ratings
  4. Lil' Bitch

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 9/16/04

    Taker & JBL have a stipulation that will save their asses as well as the show. Booker & Cena have been putting out decent matches. Angle & Show have had good matches together and Eddie will try to make Luthor look like gold. Add the four other matches I listed and you have a watchable / possibly enjoyable show. This will make up for the Great American Trash debacle.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 9/16/04

    Pretty good show tonight after months of dealing with crap after never ending crap. The Cole / Heidenrapist gay sex scene was my only gripe tonight. I was so happy to see Rico return and I marked out huge for Gangrel. It looks like they're actually trying to make No Mercy look good so far. Taker / JBL Booker / Cena Angle / Show Eddie / Luthor I'm guessing the rest will be: Rico - Charlie / Dudleyz Spike / Rey Rene - Kenzo / Whoever London / Kidman with RVD or Mark Jindrak on Heat.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Matt Hardy/Taboo Tuesday/HHH quotes

    ^ That's awesome, HHH and us have something in common.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    I missed most of SummerSlam during the live feed, did the Dudleyz come out to the Powerman 5000 song or Spike's theme to anyone who saw the original broadcast from the get go? Thanks in advance.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    Booker T, Matt Hardy, and Kane's theme are kept intact, so is that lame Rush song. Edge still gets booed, "Eugene Sucks!" is very audible, I'd tell you about the wave, but that means I have to skim through Taker / JBL, which ugh I don't think I'll be doing. Edit: Did I mention how glad I am that WWE changed the cover?
  9. Lil' Bitch

    *Smackdown Spoilers* from Spokane

    Only one man can save Smackdown and his name is Rico! By God, I'm so happy he has returned!
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie's DVD

    Chavo Jr. and Chris Jericho's WCW themes are dubbed out. Booker T's, Eddie's WCW and Mysterio's "March of Death" themes are kept intact though.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    The audio stays off all the way until the end of the DVD program. The Lita sign angle is kept intact.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    I bought mine at Wal-Mart. The audio cuts out right after Benoit & Orton do a flying crossbody into each other.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Mean Gene needs help

    That sucks, I hope everything works out for him.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    FUCK! I just bought it today!
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Jamie Noble released from WWE

    This is bullshit! Fuck you, management!
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Taboo Tuesday

    If they go by actual fan votes, HBK or Y2J will get the shot.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    How did Marc Mero go from Wild Man to Marvelous?
  18. Lil' Bitch

    What will Vince say next week?

    HHH / HBK Round 37
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Simon Dean

    Simon Dean should be the new spokesperson for Subway.
  20. Lil' Bitch


    www.fahrenhype911.com Should be intersting since Michael Moore Hates America is also coming on whatever date.
  21. Lil' Bitch


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5121520387 Some sellers I swear. I'd be better off trying to obtain Mind Games instead.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    What will Vince say next week?

    Bischoff gets fired. I don't think he's mentioned SD at all so nothing for them.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    Decent show overall. I bet the baby will be pronounced dead next week to finally to put an end to this God awful angle.