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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Did anybody record Heat by chance?
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Alien vs. Predator

    My guess is getting the shoulder cannon was part of the training, to get through the aliens and to get the guns would make them "earn" the weapons so they could kill them easier. Then again, if getting the guns was near the entrance of the location, that defeats this post.
  3. No, Unforgiven is still a RAW PPV (unless they decide to change it at the last minute) because Kane is again on the promo poster except he's blue and he's happy. Edit: You guys think they'll drag out the Best of 5 so the 5th match takes place at No Mercy?
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Eddie Guerrero DVD details

  5. Lil' Bitch

    I Met Some WWE Superstars Today

    Hey congrats on your experience. Its always great to meet and talk to a WWE Superstar, even if its a jobber. I met almost everyone on the roster over the last couple of years and I haven't really had a problem with anybody although I did get blown off by Paul Heyman and Theodore Long, but I was expecting that to happen anyway.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Holy Grail of wrestling

    The WCW TV Title or Bret Hart's pink shades
  7. Agreed. I thought Cena's reign was tremendous this year as to me he was booked as a fighting champion. The 4 Way at the GAB proved that. . I don't mind it, but its still weird seeing Teddy play it off as a face. Beats not having the biker around.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    New GBA Retro Games

    *marks out for Castlevania
  9. I was able to see these 2 wrestle for the first time ever for the title back at my house show on July 30. It was really good. Benoit made Orton look like gold in the ring and Randy knew what he was doing. There were no botches, it went pretty smooth. I'm not an Orton fan and even I was impressed. It was a very good match, the crowd was into it, so I look forward to seeing it again even if Orton wins because IMO I don't think he's ready for it and will probably wind up like Lesnar if he does get the strap. My pick: I'm still going for Benoit via tap out I agree. I can't stand JBL, he is the worst WWE Champion of all time IMO, and Undertaker has no excuse not to win. He lost 2 SummerSlam title matches already. I can't afford to see Undertaker as the Phenom possibly job to Bradshaw. So the longer JBL is champ, the longer I still not watch Smackdown. My pick: The Undertaker of course I'm worried for Angle of course because of his neck and if his ring rust has worn off, I'm hoping these two can have a better match than their WM bout which is something Angle and Lesnar were able to pull off last year. My pick: Eddie Guerrero so he can get back into the title picture plus he's healthier than Kurt. Like with my house show, this was a very good match. They are all capable of working an enjoyable match, plus the crowd was heavily divided on all three men. Batista's cool, I like Edge, but Jericho's my boy. I'm expecting Edge to win because well its his hometown. My pick: Edge I fucking hate this angle, I fucking hate how long this has been going, and I fucking hate Lita's horrible acting. Just let this get over with for now. Winner: Kane because there are no happy endings in WWE I HATE EUGENE, but the match was fun to watch at my house show. My pick: HHH, please win. I like Cena, I like Booker, but 5 matches altgoether? Yeesh. My pick: Cena The Spike heel turn was a nice twist plus I was sick to death of Spike Vs. his evil older brothers angle. My pick: Team Mysterio because Rey and Paul rule.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Tom Sizemore arrested

    He also survives in Ticker. That sucks, I always enjoyed Sizemore's work, he's just like Robert Downey Jr.: can't keep himself out of trouble.
  11. For me, Benoit / Orton, the Triple Threat match, and Angle / Guerrero.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Alien vs. Predator

    Just got back, loved the movie, yes it did have its flaws and they could have done better, but I wasn't expecting absolute perfection. Its worth checking out and it was a million times better than Alien Resurrection. In response to Downhome: Easy, they changed that so they could move the film along. Maybe the Predators altered the Alien Queen's genetics so that her children can be born faster to be killed faster. After all, the Predators are sportsman and don't like to just sit around and wait. I mean they did have the Alien Queen captured and they do have their technology, I wouldn't be surprised if they tampered with her in any means to increase the activity of their sport. I'm assuming they were newbies as I got the distinction the Pyramind was used as a training ground. As Corey said, its the honor code. I don't see the reason in your bitching about this one, they did the same exact thing in the comics AND the novels. They did it with the humans so they can kill them easier and get them out of the way since they were interfering. According to the game, camouflage is useless against Aliens as the Aliens can still see them. Well duh, they did that so more people can watch the movie so it makes more money at the box office. Not a favorable decisions to hardcore fans like most of us, but a smart one by the movie company in terms of business. Multiple guesses here: 1.) Predators are arrogant so I guess they figured "Oh, there's no way he could have gotten infected, he's a strong warrior!", 2.) The fact that his death alone probably overshadowed them thinking about that precaution 3.) Maybe that Predator's mask had that see through option that the other warriors lacked I dunno I agree, I yelled "Bullshit!" real loud after seeing how the 2nd Predator was knocked off which pissed off quite a few of us in my seating section. In response to Corey: I was noticing that too, I was hugely disappointed she didn't go with the Preds / wasn't offered to join their clan.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    I can't believe its been 5 years already, holy shit.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    MUGAtaker vs. Orlando Jordan

    Well there's always those last minute politics. *crosses his fingers Come on, Taker, you know you want to be a 5 time WWE Champion and have just one more final run with the belt.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Who is getting Summerslam?

    I like the card except the WWE Championship and Kane / Hardy match, I'll watch it.
  16. Haven't watched SD since the Great American Trash.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Summerslam 1993

    ^ I think it was because Yokozuna had just been on such a rampage since putting away Hogan that the point they wanted to show is that Yokozuna COULD be defeated in some fashion. At least that's how I saw it. Edit: It was just so awful even Yokozuna had to make Luger look good.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    My Take....

    They wouldn't have to. Hogan / Warrior and Hart / Michaels worked just fine without any heel turns.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    My Take....

    Say what you want, but I'd rather put up with some more of Hulkamania Vs. McMahonamania from last year than deal with the shit currently happening with Smackdown. Edit: I'm still pissed we never got to see Austin / Hogan, WWE blew away the biggest money making match of all time IMO.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam 2004 commercials

    God, that pissed me off so much. I was hoping they'd have the Confidential segment that featured the making of the SummerSlam 03 commercial because in one of the bloopers the wave pushes the shark back up to shore fast and hits Brock from behind from him, knocking him down as he wasn't paying attention. I still kick myself in the ass for not having a cap card last year.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Summerslam 1993

    I condemn any PPV with Luger main eventing in singles.