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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    - Wrestlemania IX when Hulk Hogan won his 5th WWF title. - An incredible main event of Kurt Angle, The Undertaker & Kane Vs. Stone Cold, DDP, & Kanyon at a house show in my hometown two days before SummerSlam 2001. - Test debuting his fake foot injury into the Big Boot at a RAW house show last year and he still lost the match. Kevin Nash winning the World Heavyweight Title, but then the decision was reversed so he didn't get it. Me standing on a chair and flipping off HHH. Ric Flair then pointing me out to HHH with him giving me the "I'm going to kill you" look. - The awesome Flaming Dumpster ending to the RAW following SummerSlam last year. - The return of Mortis - Seeing Eddie Guerrero return home on two separate occasions - Seeing Shawn Michaels & Vince McMahon pouring out pints of blood right before my eyes, Batista running right by me, and the death of The Undertaker as a biker at SSeries last year. - An awesome Rico Vs. Steven Richards match and the debut of Goldberg Vs. Kane and it was for the title. - Ernest Miller playing a face - Hearing John Cena call Rene Dupree a French fa***t - Seeing the Undertaker live as the phenom with Paul Bearer next to him. - The debut of Benoit Vs. Orton for the title. A small list out of my experiences out of the 11th WWE events I've attended live in my lifetime so far.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Who will Angle wrestle next week?

    I'm going to say Cena as well.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    Weekend Boxoffice Report July 30-Aug 1

    Damn, I didn't think the Village would top the box office. Thank God Thunderbirds bombed and its nice to see Anchorman still hanging in the top 10.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Best Summerslam

    1998 definitely, it was given a Wrestlemania-like treatment. 2002 is right behind.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO RAW Thread for 8/2/04

    Here here. After seeing Orton / Benoit a few nights ago, let the build-up begin I say! I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO RAW Thread for 8/2/04

    I predict Eugene gets the ever loving shit kicked out of him...again.
  7. The Coach comes out, makes fun of Albuquerque, and says he will be annoucing tonight. Val Venis def. Chuck Palumbo via The Money Shot. Chuck got major heat just by posing. The opening match was hot with the crowd, surprising to me considering who was in it. Chuck is gimmickless now, what was the point of moving him from SD and the FBI? Coach introduces Eric Bischoff who demands Regal to come out. Bischoff goes off on Regal about his business with Eugene and that Regal will be punished tonight by facing...KANE! Kane def. William Regal via The Chokeslam, I still can't believe how over Regal is as a face. The Hurricane def. Tomko. Tyson has actually improved a bit, he's not sloppy as he was when he first came. He still comes out to Christian's theme, ugh. Steven Richards def. Rodney Mack with the Stevie T. Stevie comes out normally. The crowd shitted on this match with massive boring chants. I felt so bad for Stevie, but after the match, he jumped over the barrier and ran through the crowd to celebrate. The Coach plugs SummerSlam and the RAW Diva crap. He announces Stacy will be the guest announcer for the next match. Stacy makes her way to the ring. Coach changes his mind, goes off on her and then makes fun off her. Stacy insults back and hits Coach in the balls just like Chyna used to do once he turned his back. Stacy leaves and Coach takes awhile to get up and go on with the show. Victoria def. Molly with the Widow's Peak. Molly is still doing the wig shit, ugh. Eugene def. HHH (Same exact finish from HHH / HBK's SummerSlam 02 match). Batista came out to interfere, but it backfired. After the match, HHH and Batista beat the shit out of Eugene. Regal came out to make the save, but he got the shit beat out of him too. Pedigrees for both guys and then HHH did the falling knee onto Regal's crotch just to add insult to injury. World Tag Titles Match The New Quebecers def. Tajiri & Rhyno after Sylvian pinned Rhyno with a school boy after Rhyno Gored the wrong guy (Conway). Triple Threat Intercontinental Title Match Edge def. Chris Jericho & Batista, all three men were really over with the crowd. World Heavyweight Title Match Orton busted out with some weird ass moves and submissions I'd never see him do before. It was really interesting to watch as Randy was actually going toe to toe with Benoit on a technical wrestling aspect. Ref bump happened and he goes outside causing HHH and Batista to come out and jump Benoit. Eugene and Regal made the save. Benoit places HHH in the Sharpshooter. Orton connects with the RKO. HHH throws the ref back in. Benoit kicks out! Randy goes for a 2nd RKO, Benoit counters with the Crippler Crossface and Orton taps the fuck out. Benoit poses with Regal and Eugene and another show is over with. I really enjoyed the match, Orton has come a long way and he flowed really well in the ring against Benoit, I can't wait for SummerSlam. Val Venis, Chuck Palumbo, Rhyno, Victoria, and Chris Jericho signed before the show. Missing in action: Rosey, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, Lita, Maven, and A-Train.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    New School Question Thread

    What was the theme song for Vengeance this year?
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Benoit DVD Discussion Thread

    Got my copy at Wal-Mart the other day. Personally, I would have added some of his matches against Malenko, DDP, Jericho, Raven and the one against Lesnar, but this is an awesome line-up. Congrats to the WWE for this, I hope another Benoit DVD comes out in years to come.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was WWE produced.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Alex Wright....

    I loved Alex Wright and he had one of the best wrestling themes ever.
  12. If anything, it was Canadian Stampede.
  13. What were your favorite and least favorite moments about GAB? Favorites: Luger losing the match due to excessive bleeding Vader debuting Sting's first world title win against Ric Flair in 1990 Sting / Vader in 92 I liked both Sting / Meng & Flair / Savage from 95 Least Favorites: The entireties of GAB 99 and 2000
  14. Thanks in advance.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Sounds awesome, can't wait to watch it tonight! Edit: Brock Lesnar would be perfect for the Venom role.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    WWE needs to stop bringing in new guys from OVW only to send them back there. The shit is annoying. *misses Matt Morgan
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    The first Rock concert was classic.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Star Wars DVD's

    Star Wars Cantina!
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Howard Stern to sue Clear Channel

    Howard is fighting the power!
  20. Lil' Bitch

    Portland Man Arrested on Charges of Incest, Rape

    Cut his fucking head off!
  21. If the kid was aiming a gun at the solider or was strapped with a bomb then the soldier should let off the hook.
  22. Lil' Bitch


    I didn't like the original Dune movie except for Captain Picard being in it. The remake did a great job of being more faithful to the book (which is pretty damn long IMO). Haven't seen Children of Dune yet, how is it?
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Pros and Cons on Mordechai & Suzuki

    Kenzo makes Nathan Jones look like a pro.
  24. Lil' Bitch

    "Scotty" diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease

    Why does all the shitty things happen to the good people? Fight this for as long as you can, Scotty.
  25. Lil' Bitch

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    Sid's overness in 96 still surprises me to this day. *watches WM 11, SummerSlam & Survivor Series 96 How did he do it?!!