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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Bob Holly, thou shalt be delivered to Hell for past sins upon us as Sparky Plug.
  2. Nevermind, Sable wins. No, I didn't order this one.
  3. And Torrie / Sable is next.
  4. Gunn did the most ugly fisherman suplex pin I've ever seen. And Kenzo counters with chops and ghey holds.
  5. And Gunn / Sosucky is next. I suggest taking a nice long shit break to ease the pain.
  6. Well, he did win at the last RR.
  7. Mysterio wins via a Sunset flip.
  8. Chavo just countered the West Coast Pop into a half Boston Crab. Nice!
  9. Rey kicked out of the Gory Bomb.
  10. Chavo Vs. Rey is going on now.
  11. It would have been nice. Well, it beats pulling Heat duty anyways.
  12. At least have Holly get squashed, that will probably be the only good thing about this year's GAB next to Eddie retaining. Some weird spinning neckbreaker.
  13. Haas / Reigns is next.
  14. As a matter of fact, nope, Man of 1004 Modes.
  15. I'm going for Booker T now via Angle interfering. Edit: Rene Dupree has been eliminated.
  16. Nah, Eddie can pull a good match out of Bradshaw. Savage couldn't even do that with Nash.
  17. Fatal Four Way to start things off.
  18. Alright, I got GAB via Yahoo webcam, I'll keep you guys up to date. Torrie starts thing off ala No Way Out, she's in Uncle Sam gear.
  19. Hey, Paul Bearer was able to make it there, now I don't want them to kill him off.
  20. I'm sorry, I'm changing my mind. Fuck this PPV. I'll bring play by play from the Yahoo room.
  21. Okay, it looks like GAB does have a theme song, I can't make out the song. Sounds like Puddle of Mudd.
  22. Just like with Judgment Day, none. Edit: Yay, Noble pulls SNH duty with Spike Dudley.
  23. How dare you forget La Parka!