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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. I liked Rue. I'll miss her. Plus she was hot.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    HUGE spoilers for GAB 04 !!!

    I hope Charlie makes it onto the PPV or at least pulls Heat duty. Looks awesome. "What the fuck?" immediately comes to mind.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    30 Hornets against 30,000 bees

    That was fucking horrible, we lose more bee colonies that way.
  4. Why are Mordecai and Holly feuding anyway?
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Dennis Rodman coming to TNA

    The worst of WCW rears its ugly head.
  6. Should be decent, lets hope Eddie doesn't try to re-kill himself this time. RVD or Booker T wins via Angle screwing Cena somehow Rey needs his JOB back from No Way Out. Undertaker goes over after wrestling 10 minutes. Unless "the right thing" they keep talking about is Undertaker actually jobbing. Piss break. Holly getting fed = GOOD Shit break. I'll take Kenzo winning. Quick piss and shit break. Um...Torrie wins...again?
  7. Got the e-mail back from WWE on the package deals: HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE THE HOTTEST TICKET FOR 2005... If you thought that WrestleMania XX was a milestone, just wait 'till Sunday, April 3, 2005, when WrestleMania turns "21" at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. As you'd expect from World Wrestling Entertainment... and Hollywood... we're planning a once-in-a-lifetime, star-studded event to mark the occasion. We have reserved terrific seats as part of the exclusive WrestleMania 21 Travel Packages. Here's a brief summary of what's included in the packages: - Some of the "best seats in the house" at Staples Center for WrestleMania 21 - "MidDay Madness"; a private autograph and photo session with WWE SuperStars - Tickets to "Bacon, Bagels and Biceps Brunch" featuring a question-and-answer session with WWE SuperStars - Tickets to the WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Exclusive WrestleMania 21 souvenirs - Three-night room accommodations at a first-class hotel in downtown Los Angeles Please be aware that the seating capacity at Staples Center is smaller than at Madison Square Garden. Considering that WrestleMania 21 is another big milestone event, there will be a tremendous demand for a very limited number of seats so make your plans now while tickets last! The cutoff for all Travel Package Request Forms is Tuesday, August 31st... unless Travel Packages sell out prior to that date! We look forward to having you join us at the most exciting and spectacular WrestleMania weekend of all time! Remember, we only turn "21" once. Be there! ******************************************************************** WrestleMania 21 Platinum Travel Package - Request Form Each person on this request receives a WrestleMania 21 Platinum section ticket (sections vary depending on seating capacity at venue), a commemorative WrestleMania 21 chair, a WrestleMania 21 souvenir, a MidDay Madness ticket, a Bacon, Bagels and Biceps Brunch ticket, plus a Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony ticket. Each person on this request (maximum 4 people) shares a standard room with three-night hotel accommodations in downtown Los Angeles. _____ Single Occupancy - 1 Person @ $1,832 (USD) - Total Cost: $1,832 (USD) _____ Double Occupancy - 2 People @ $1,567 (USD) per person - Total Cost: $3,134 (USD) _____ Triple Occupancy - 3 People @ $1,506 (USD) per person - Total Cost: $4,518 (USD) _____ Quad Occupancy - 4 People @ $1,455 (USD) per person - Total Cost: $5,820 (USD) Nice deal and all, too bad I can't fucking afford it.
  8. Undertaker / Cena > Eugene / HHH
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Jacqueline released?

    FINALLY WWE releases the right person.
  10. No point in having them there just taking up space.
  11. Probably clubbing my nights away while getting drunk. Fuck the sun.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Review of Flair's book

    I can't wait for that Flair / Foley match to happen.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Judge makes love to his hand

    I remember some judge in France last year got busted while playing with his wee wee in court.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Trivia's little biddy tidbits

    So if I bring a poodle before a televised SD show is to begin...
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Paul Bearer likely done with WWE after PPV

    Well, he just underwent surgery, I hope he's okay.
  16. 9)Angle vs Benoit-Rumble '03 (17-14) 5)Bret vs Owen-WM 10 (30-1) 42)Bret vs Bulldog-Summerslam '92 (17-14) 2)Bret vs Austin survivor series 96 (24-7)
  17. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam poster...?

    She accompanied A-Train to the ring.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    SummerSlam poster...?

    I can't see that as the eventual DVD cover.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Review of Flair's book

    Can't wait for the wave of "Fuck you, Flair" responses from wrestlers Flair trashes in his book.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    Star Wars DVD's

    I wouldn't be surprised. Not one bit.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Tentative SummerSlam card

    Benoit/HHH will be the main event. I meant for SD's portion.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Tentative SummerSlam card

    They can't be serious about Mordecai main eventing WWE's 2nd biggest show of the year in his third PPV match, I refuse to believe it. Give me Undertaker or Big Show anytime.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    6/24 Smackdown Spoilers

    Sorry to ask, but you'll have to explain your post in a bit more depth: Specifically the part where you call Rico's tag reign "serious." Well, compared to his reign with Rikishi, it's serious. Reign with Rikishi: Rico throws the matches whenever he could, because B&C were his guys and thats who Rikishi won them from. Reign with Haas: Actually beating people, and having good (on the SD Scale) matches in the process Along with the fact Charlie & Rico defeated every tag team on SD except for the Dudleyz.
  24. Lil' Bitch

    Korean hostage beheaded

    No one is safe.
  25. Lil' Bitch

    Megaman collection

    Thanks for letting me know guys, I'll be picking it up next wek.