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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Great artists with terrible, terrible songs

    Amen. American Life somehow turned out to be even worse. D12 - My Band The song is horrible, but the video makes up for it.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Jay-Z is dead...

    Damn, I thought he got shot or something when I first saw the thread title.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    WWE June PPV Poll

    Both since one of my buddies is in the armed forces so he's gonna help me get a refund on GAB.
  4. A bit under 20,000 I think for the Staples Center if I'm not mistaken.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    The GAB match was the final match in the Best of Seven series even though it was the eighth match due to the controversy of the last match held on Thunder. Match #4 is on the MNW DVD. If not for the blur crap, I'm sure the Ultimate Submission match would have been on there, its one of Benoit's favorites.
  6. Hopefully $400 at the most.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    I was hoping some of his matches against Raven, DDP, or that one Nitro against Sting would be on there, but that's a good selection. Can't wait. Some nice other extras on too. Props to the WWE Home Video Department.
  8. IS IT ALL OVER? May 31, 2004 Apparently, Lita lived up to her end of the bargain after giving Kane an answer of yes to his mysterious demand. As a result, Lita thought it was over, whatever "it" is. While RAW fans still don't know what "it" is, it appears to be far from over, despite Kane's claims that "it's all over." Will we ever find out what "it" is or was? Tune in to Monday Night RAW to find out. Now that a Hell in a Cell Match has been announced for Bad Blood, pitting Shawn Michaels up against Triple H, will these two bitter rivals be able to bottle their emotions until then? If their pasts are any indication, fans can expect to see one of these icons try to gain the upper hand prior to Bad Blood. But who will it be? All of this and more, as the road to Bad Blood continues on Monday Night RAW at 9/8 PM CT on Spike TV. So any bets how long they will go into the show before JR and company make any Bret / Screwjob references?
  9. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY Demolition Thread

    If so, was there a televised recording of the match?
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    If Wrestler X doesn't get cheered in his hometown, that's pretty fucking horrible. Where is Gunn from anyway?
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    What do you expect? He was the hometown hero. Yeah, I didn't like that, but at least I did hear a "Lets Go Benoit!" chant.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Am I paranoid about HHH...

    Take away all the good things about Smackdown, and low and behold, there's no longer a reason to watch.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Victoria's new intro music

    Its one of the worst WWE themes has ever produced. Ever.
  14. My best friend is stationed in Okinowa right now. He is coming back home for some long overdue leave in July. I haven't seen him in 3 years.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    What the hell does this mean?

    It means he's a cow fucker!
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Best NA Match Tournament

    1)Austin vs Rock wm 17 32)hhh vs jericho fully loaded 00 16)hhh vs foley rumble 00 17)flair vs steamboat chi-town rumble 57)bret vs hbk wm12 25)austin vs angle summerslam 01 9)angle vs benoit rumble 03 24)austin vs benoit smackdown 5/01 4)bret vs austin wm13 36)steiners vs sting/luger superbrawl 1 52)hogan vs warriar wm6 20)hhh vs foley no way out 00 5)bret vs owen wm10 37)flair vs vader starcade 93 12)savage vs warriar wm7 44)eddie vs lesnar no way out 04 3)rey vs eddie halloween havoc 97 34)bret vs benoit 10/4/99 15)bret vs owen summerslam 94 46)flair vs savage wm8 7)savage vs steamboat wm3 38)rock vs foley rumble 99 54)hbk vs jericho wm19 42)bret vs buldog summerslam92 22)10 man tag canadian stampede 10)92 rumble 26)london vs danielson 4/12/03 6)hhh vs hbk vs benoit wm20 47)owen vs buldog 2/26/97 51)rey/edge vs angle/benoit no mercy 02 30)bret vs perfect kotr 93 2)bret vs austin survivor series 96
  17. Lil' Bitch

    This Day in WWE History Thread

    Wow, thank God I didn't attend that SD house show in my hometown last year, that card looks terrible although I would have liked to seen the 2 title matches.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Who needs a new gimmick the most?

    Garrison Cade. There is NOTHING to like about him.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    15 years ago this weekend

    Was this the spectacular 2 out 3 falls match?
  20. Yes, on April 3, 2005
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Because Kane's the number one contender. Things I liked about RAW: Shelton / Randy - I absolutely loved this match, I felt they worked better in the ring than Cena and Dupree have. If tonight was a sign of things to come, Bad Blood will definitely have my order as they can only try to get better. La Resistance winning - While I hated to see Benoit and Edge lose gold and the fact I can't stand Sylvian, that was nice of WWE giving him the gold in his hometown plus I like Conway. The hot crowd helped out a lot and LR won clean. HHH - He didn't cut another 20 minute promo tonight plus the HHHIAC tribute video was pretty kick ass. No HBK - I'm sure a lot of fans in Montreal were glad that he was too chicken to show up again. Things I DID NOT like: RAW Preview falls through - Okay, so basically it said the Lita / Kane angle would continue, and tonight apparantly they changed their minds. I mean in a way, Kane - Okay so for weeks, Kane squashes a bunch of talent no problem, but gets his ass handed to him by a retarded character. Give me a fucking break. The Highlight Reel - With Trish pulling the wool over our eyes, it was some of most boring shit I've ever seen. No Ric Flair - Anybody know why? There's more stuff from tonight, but that's all I can think of right now.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Sting: What brand should he go to?

    Sting for the sake of starpower and to be a better main event for the show.
  23. I think the tickets go on sale in September I'll definitely be there at WM 21.
  24. This is only a dream, this is only a dream, this is only a dream, none of this is really happening...WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE WAKE ME UP?!!
  25. Lil' Bitch

    Randy Savage Interview

    I'd like to see Savage come back for one last match or something. Despite his age, he's still in great shape. Did you see him in Spider-Man?!!