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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Fucking shit, its down.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Bad Blood Main Event announced on radio ad

    HHH buries HBK, nuff said.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    Media post: Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Benoit

    No problem.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    Re: Warrior's last match, I meant for 1992. My bad.
  5. Forget what I posted.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    New School Question Thread

    I think it was his neck.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    WWE Wrestlemania XX DVD in my hands now...

    I skimmed through it this morning, looks like they did although they did keep in the part where they knock heads with each other. Its funny on the angle they used where Ultimo is supposed to slip, even though its far away, you can still see his body fall to the ground. Not an edit or anything, but I want to mention how fucking awesome it was for the NY City display to be on fire once Kane was coming out along with Paul Bearer yelling out "You're no son of mine!" at Kane right before Undertaker came out. Oh, Victoria's music got edited. And the part where the beer can hit Austin in the face got cut out much to my disappointment, now I gotta find an online copy of it.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    Managers and their Foreign Objects

    Paul Heyman helping Rick Rude retain the US title after hitting Ricky Steamboat with a PHONE at Superbrawl II.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO Good Food Thread

    Those Italian breadsticks at Olive Garden, that's good stuff right there. Addictive too.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    WWE cracking down on tape trading

    Came across this while looking on E-Bay as usual.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    What is the evolutionary purpose of

    Amen to that. I was out like a fat kid playing dodgeball.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    What a bunch of shitbags. I hope somebody sends them straight to Hell where they belong.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    When did Undertaker attack Warrior and put him in the casket? What was the reason for Vince putting the gold on Flair? Not that I'm complaining about it, but I still think its weird Vince would make the top star of his opposing company his champion. Did they continue with the Martel / Michaels following SummerSlam 92? How long did the Steiners last in the WWF? Was Warrior's last televised match indeed the SNME tag title match? I'm watching SSeries 1990, what the fuck happened to Jake Roberts' eye?!!
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Lex Luger's babyface run in 1993

    Well, according what I saw from SummerSlam 93 and RR 94, the crowd went apeshit over him although they did boo Lex's ass right when the co-winner announcement was made because a majority of the crowd were for Bret.
  15. Woah, that's crazy. Didn't know that. And speaking of cameos, Stacy Kiebler is in the audience for Starrcade 1998, they zoom in on her right before Konnan comes out for his match against Chris Jericho (after they show half of his "Psycho" music video.)
  16. Lil' Bitch

    I'm going to see Fozzy tonight...

    Hope you have fun! Tell us what happens! Fozzy rules!
  17. I'd like to come out to Edge's, with the smoke and running to each side of the ramp, that's just cool in my book. And a little bit of Sabu, I don't know why, but I to like to point up a lot.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Prince Paul is back

    Conducted at 3:16 AM. Just thought I'd let you guys know.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Media post: The Final Saturday Night's Main Event

    Because its supposed to automatically open and play in Windows Media Player or whatever program you used to watch movies, if that doesn't work, just right click Save As over the link to get the file.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    House Show Length Question

    3 hours as it was for me last night.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    SD house show results from 05-02-04

    Well, SD's been getting better the past couple of weeks, its too late to go, but I'll probably be ordering it. Well, it IS MY report so of course I'm going to write tidbits of what I did. Well, they just cut off the talking, I'm pretty sure it was Vol. 2 because I could hear the violins being played.
  22. Match 1 RVD Vs. Bubba Ray - to starts things off. Bubba doesn't get in the ring and moves around yelling at RVD. D-Von runs in from behind and takes him down. Bubba comes in to join in the beatdown. Rey Mysterio comes to make the save and they clear the ring of those damn Dudleyz. *Cue Kurt Angle's music SD GM Kurt Angle gets rolled out on his wheelchair by Luthor. Kurt Angle: "Rey Mysterio, this isn't Mexico! You can't break the rules here! But since you like to stick your nose in other people's business, as of right now, I'm making this a tag team match!" RVD & Rey Mysterio Vs. The Dudley Boyz - Did I mention how much I love the Dudleyz as heels? Crowd was very into this one with massive "RVD" chants. Dudleyz got major heat, but a "We Want Tables!" chant did occur. Finish came when Mysterio connected with the 619 on Bubba with RVD following up with the Five Star Frog Splash for the win. Match 2 Shannon Moore Vs. Johnny Stamboli - As Shannon makes his way down the aisle, Stamboli wastes no time by coming from behind. They both get in the ring, bell rings. Of course I didn't care about this match so I turned my head for something and next thing you know the bell rings again with Moore being announced as the winner. I was like WTF? Match 3 WWE Tag Team Championship Match Rico and Charlie Haas Vs. Chavo Guerrero Sr. and Jr. - Chavo came out to Eddie's WCW theme!!! Crowd was divided on the Guerreros since they were the heels, but the hometown heroes. Lots of "Chavo sucks!" chants. Rico points me out after seeing me in my green pimp suit holding up my Rico sign!!! Rico was very over with the crowd, it was unbelievable to hear, after playing Super Gay with both the Guerreros and Charlie. Finish came when Rico kissed Chavo Sr. and Charlie following up with a rollover for the win. Match 4 Paul London Vs. Mordecai - Okay the Mordecai character seems pretty cool actually, IMO. Although since it was a 4 minute squash (Sadly, London was fucking destroyed), couldn't judge him on in- ring skills. Basically, he comes to this theme music that is a mix of a march, some PING sound effects, and what sounds like the voice of one of those Muslim prayers for noon time in Baghdad or something. He comes out in a white monk outfit with the hood up (like that one sorcerer from Conan The Destroyer) very slow walk to the ring. He then turns his face to the turnbuckle and gets on one knee to make what appeared like a prayer. He then gets up and turns around and take off the robe and gives it to the referee. He's a big dude so right there I knew London had no chance. He looks like Sabertooth from the X-Men but in Jeff Jarrett's old white outfit from 95 but the top is a see through white mesh with that cross of his on his chest and back. Paul was finished off by the Razor's Edge. Yeah, I marked out for that. Match 5 Billy Kidman Vs. Jamie Noble - Solid 10 minute match from these guys. Can you believe Kidman actually got a reaction? The match was pretty much back and forth. Finish came when Noble went for that headlock submission, but Kidman rammed him into the turnbuckle. Noble then connected with the Tigerbomb, but amazingly Kidman kicked out. Billy then connected with an Enziguri and then followed up with the Shooting Star Press for the win. Match 6 WWE Championship Match Eddie Guerrero Vs. John Layfield - To start off things, Bradshaw cut a really nasty racist promo and got insane heat for it although he couldn't get it across the first time since it was completely drowned by "Eddie" chants. I forgot most of it, but it was pretty fucked up and really tasteless, I'm surprised nobody threw shit at him. I think he said if it was up to him, he would have every Mexican deported and after he wins the WWE Championshiip, he said he wouldn't bother coming back ever to this shithole (yes, he really said that). Cue Eddie, the hometown hero, to defend us. Lots of "Culero" (Asshole) chants for Bradshaw. Eddie worked his magic and got a decent match out of Bradshaw that seemed to go 20 minutes. I mean the match was fucking long. Bradshaw wouldn't stop with the fucking chinlocks so that was the biggest gripe of the match. Funny spot Bradshaw did when as he was holding Eddie to do the Crucifix / Fallaway Slam, he flipped off the crowd with both hands. Finish came when Bradshaw missed with a belt shot and got slammed for it. Eddie then connected with his beltshot (ref bump happened) and finished off Bradshaw with the Frog Splash. After receiving the belt, he got in the middle of the ring, got on both knees and pointed to the sky, I'm sure he was refering to Gordy. The following was actually recorded so you might see the footage on TV this: Eddie posed for awhile, then went around the ring to get cheered by the people in front row, I patted him on the shoulder! Then he got back in the ring and got on the mic. He said he was proud to be from El Paso and to return home as the WWE Champion. Told some jokes, and then got his family into the ring. Introduced his two dauighters and wife to the crowd, kissed his wife while grabbing her ass and then gave her some flowers. He said since it was so close to Mother's Day what better than do introduce his mother. She came down and she received flowers from her boy. Bradshaw then comes back to the ring and nails Eddie with Clothesline from Hell. He then goes over to Eddie's mother and grabs her shoulder and squeezes it as hard as he can to take her down, I guess he was trying to do the Vulcan Pinch or something. Huge heat for this, Eddie is down as his family is crying outside the ring. Road agents and referee come in to make the save, Bradshaw then poses with the title and then leaves. Eddie recovers and wants-to-beat-the-shit-out-of-a-crazy-fan pissed. Eddie's mother is taken out on a stretcher with the oxygen mask put on her. 10 Minute Intermission I was shocked Guerrero / Layfield wasn't the main event, seems like something always had to end shitty for Eddie when he comes back for a show in his hometown, Match 7 Bob Holly Vs. Mark Jindrak - Despite being over with the crowd, I yelled insults to Bob every chance I took whenever it got quiet. Nothing really of interest except for Holly losing via a rollover after Theodore Long provided a distraction on the apron. Did I mention how much I like Jindrak being the new Narcissist? All he needs are the women now. Match 8 Torrie Vs. Dawn - Both women come out for a match, but before things could get underway, Rene Dupree comes out (he looks like Ric Flair now, dyed his hair blonde, sports a shiny purple robe, along with matching purple boots and tights and even acted like him a bit when he demanded the referee lift the ropes so he can enter easier to which the referee did), corners Torrie, and says he wants to finish things with her from the last SD. Before he can do anything though, cue John Cena to make the save. Cena cuts a rap on Rene and Dawn saying Rene was a French f----t and Dawn was a butter-face cheap ho which of course infuriates them both and Cena getting mad love from the crowd. SD GM Kurt Angle gets rolled back out. Kurt Angle: "Cena, you don't run things on SD. I do and as of right now, I'm making this an Intergender tag team match. You're lucky I'm in this wheelchair, otherwise I would come in there myself and kick your ass." John Cena & Torrie Wilson Vs. Rene Dupree and Dawn Marie - Fun little match the crowd had fun with. Finish came when Torrie and Dawn got in a catfight and rolled out of the ring, Cena threw Rene into the turnbuckle chest first and turned around to get an FU for the loss. Cena poses with the US title while Torrie puts on Cena's lockchain and does the "You Can't See Me!" gesture, oh lord. Match 9 and The Main Event Booker T Vs. The Undertaker - Booker T comes out and insults El Paso on the mic. He then says he isn't scared of the Undertaker and dares him to come out and face the former 5-time WCW Champion. Lights go out, cue "Darkside" from The Music Vol. 2, crowd goes apeshit and out comes Undertaker along with Paul Bearer in a blueish-green spotlight. Very slowly they walk to the ring just like the good old days. Taker is still sporting the trenchcoat, but check this out, he got rid of the leather cowboy hat and was wearing HIS ORIGINAL HAT!!! My God, I was marking out like I was 10 years ago. Undertaker commands the lights to go back on after getting on the steel steps. Taker enters the ring and Bearer takes off the trenchcoat for him. Undertaker takes off his hat just like old school!!! Booker T says what happened on SD with him hitting the urn was an accident and then said El Paso was not worthy of seeing a match like this and demanded it be saved two weeks later for the PPV. Major heat for that. Undertaker's just standing there like a statue. Booker T then clocks Undertaker and we're on out way. Check this out. The match was NOT a squash. It went on for a good 10 -15 minutes, it was pretty much back and forth as well. Finish is a little foggy, but it occured when Booker T nailed Undertaker with the Scissors Kick, but kicked out of it and then did the rise up. Undertaker connects with the Chokeslam and then ends it all with the Tombstone holding Booker T's hands as Undertaker rolls his eyes back for the 1-2-3. I liked what I saw, I hope to see it re-booked the way it was tonight for Judgment Day. Lights go off again with the blueish-green spotlight on him. Paul Bearer holds the urn up and Undertaker gets on one knee and holds his hand out (OLD SCHOOL AGAIN!). Undertaker and Bearer leave as so does Booker soon after. And that's the end of our show. Edit: Missing In Action for Tonight (and mostly Thank God): Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi, Billy Gunn, the Bashams, & Sable. Sadly, no Funaki, Akio, or Sakoda either. I had a blast tonight, I HOPE Judgment Day will be similar to all this.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    New School Question Thread

    Recently on SD, the Dudleys are now "The Dudley". I don't get it.