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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Mania XXI @ Staples Center in LA

    Any guess what the floor seats price for WM 21 will be? *hopes to just pay $400
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Shopzone's New Releases...

    I wish they'd remake Eddie's old WCW shirt. Front: Eddie Guerrero Is My Favorite Wrestler Back: Cheat To Win
  3. Lil' Bitch

    What is your most hated song ever?

    Mine would be that fucking Titanic song by Celine Dion. I hate it with a passion.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Who does better promos?

    Gotta go with Piper, always fun to watch his, feel the intensity!!!
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Shopzone's New Releases...

    I am SO getting Eddie's shirt.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    The WWE PPV DVD Thread

    No Way Out 2004 Extras Commercials: Mysterio / Guerrero Guerrero / Lesnar Sunday Night Heat: Interviews with Jamie Noble and Big Show Ultimo Dragon, Paul London, & Billy Kidman Vs. Kyo Dai Misc. Highlights of the SD RR Confidential Segment - The Making of the "Crossing Borders" music video The "Crossing Borders" music video and Eddie Guerrero's WWE Championship victory aftermath (The segment where he's talking to his wife on the phone)
  7. Lil' Bitch

    New DVD's

    Ha! Well, anyways speaking of new DVDs, any update on Angle's DVD?
  8. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    How did Sgt. Slaughter turn face after being the Iraqi sympthazier? And has anybody ever kicked out of Goldberg's Jackhammer?
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown/Velocity spoilers

    To quote John from SSeries last year: He's from Westbury.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Raw rating

    SHIT! Thanks for posting though. I FINALLY get to see Rico / Stevie wrestle each other on TV. So much for a face Stevvie though.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Wrestlemania XX DVD

    Interviews with any of the recent Hall of Famers would be a nice extra.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown/Velocity spoilers

    Wow, a great Velocity show overall. I'm definitely not missing out. I hate it when WWE keeps changing where wrestlers are from. PICK A FUCKING CITY AND STICK WITH IT! Very clever. Kudos, WWE creative. Farooq to become a road agent again. Ooh, can't miss. Haas / Benjamin will be interesting to see also. Ooh, can't miss also. Especially considering they made A-TRAIN of all people job to him last week.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    More on Edge

    Have HHH and Edge ever wrestled each other on TV before?
  14. Lil' Bitch

    The Deadly THIRD German

    O / T: For a second there, I thought that was 50 cent in your sig, must be the doo rag.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    New School Question Thread

    When did Los Guerreros debut with their Viva La Raza! WWE theme and when did Cena debut with his"Basic Thuganomics" theme?
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Raw rating

    Can somebody please post the Heat spoilers?
  17. Lil' Bitch

    This is what I get for not watching...

    She beat Ivory in a number one contender's match on Heat a few months ago. Molly happened to be watching and she beat up Victoria after the match hence the face turn.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    WWE News and Notes

  19. Lil' Bitch

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    I can see now: The Ultimate Chris Benoit Collection or From The Vault: Chris Benoit or knowing WWE...Chris Benoit: Toothless Aggression! I clearly remember Benoit being the US Champ defending it against DDP on a PPV in 99 though. Edit: Thanks guys for answering.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    New DVD's

    Holy shit, that is awesome! WWE definitely needs to release that shit over here. *Creams of seeing WM 4 on DVD
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    Not really, but he did have a nice match against Al Snow. I figured they would since they recognize his WCW World title when WCW and Benoit himself do not. My Picks: Vs. Eddie Guerrero (any match) WCW vs. Bret Hart (Owen Hart Tribute and maybe even the Mayhem match) vs. Booker T (any of Best of 7, preferably all) vs Jushin Liger (Starrcade 95) w/ Saturn Vs. DDP and Kanyon (Nitro) vs. Kevin Sullivan (Great American Bash) < - - - this is where Kevin retired right? Vs. Raven (Souled Out 1998) Vs. DDP (Superbrawl 8 or Road Wild 1999) Vs. Sid Vicious (Souled Out 2000) WWE Vs. The Rock (Fully Loaded) vs. Chris Jericho (RR 2001) vs. Kurt Angle (Ultimate Submission Match from Backlash 2001) w/ Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin & Triple H (Raw following JD) vs. Brock Lesnar Wrestlemania XX No, but he did win the WCW TV Title twice from Booker T at house shows.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Brock Lesnar Speaks !!

    What an insult to compare him to the wacky Warrior.
  23. Did anybody notice that when Goldberg and Lesnar were locked up , you could see them talking to each other? Conspirists!
  24. For anybody wondering what happened last time with the draft order: Statistics - {Raw - Flair} 1. The Undertaker 2. The New World Order (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash & X-Pac) 3. Kane 4. Rob Van Dam 5. Booker T 6. Big Show 7. Bubba Ray Dudley 8. Brock Lesnar 9. William Regal 10. Lita 11. Bradshaw 12. Steven Richards 13. Matt Hardy 14. Raven 15. Jeff Hardy 16. Mr. Perfect (R.I.P.) 17. Spike Dudley 18. D'Lo Brown 19. Shawn Stasiak 20. Terri 21. Jacqueline 22. Goldust 23. Trish Stratus 24. Justin Credible 25. Big Boss Man 26. Tommy Dreamer 27. Crash Holly 28. Mighty Molly 29. No Pick 30. No Pick Due to RAW having the nWo (three members) and SmackDown! having Billy & Chuck selected as a tag-team (two members) the above lists are the complete finalized lists. {Smackdown - Vince} 1. The Rock 2. Kurt Angle 3. Chris Benoit 4. Hulk Hogan 5. Billy & Chuck 6. Edge 7. Rikishi 8. D-Von Dudley 9. Mark Henry 10. Maven 11. Billy Kidman 12. Yoshihiro Tajiri 13. Chris Jericho 14. Ivory 15. Albert 16. Hurricane Helms 17. Al Snow 18. Lance Storm 19. Diamond Dallas Page 20. Torrie Wilson 21. Scotty 2 Hotty 22. Stacy Keibler 23. Christian 24. Test 25. Faarooq 26. Tazz 27. Hardcore Holly 28. The Big Valbowski (Val Venis) 29. Perry Saturn 30. No Pick (Side already has 30 due to the double pick of Billy & Chuck)