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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XX

    Unless it was WWE's way ot trying to bait him to renew his contract.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    If this does happen, I called it first! You can check strange WM XX predictions thread in HD for proof.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XX

    Because Goldberg would want his title back.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Who are the Celebrities this year?

    If they're lucky, Howard Stern at this point *would rather not have celebrities / musical performers (even though it is WM 20) because it would cut into the time and there are already 12 matches to go through
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Okay assuming "Step Up" is the WM XX theme

    I agree. Ah well, at least he did do the intro for a WM (15 if I remember correctly) which was done pretty well.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Wrestlers NOT Making WrestleMania XX

    *crosses his fingers
  7. Lil' Bitch

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    Sub-Zero reminds me of Shredder in that picture.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    P. Diddy Says Next Album Will Be His Last

    He ran out of people to rip off.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Worst Lyrics

    That fucking Milkshake song!!!
  10. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    Hit me up on AIM. I would highly recommend you to go to your local video store (Hollywood Video rocks when it comes to wrestling VHSs, IMO) and rent WM 13 just for the this match. Such goodness. Here is the list they had for the top 10 WM matches as well as honorable Hentions (from the March 2003 RAW magazine): Hart / Piper, Hart / Hart, Undertaker / Kane (WTF?), TLC II, and Angle / Benoit. And now the Top 10 according to WWE last year: 10.) Hogan / Warrior 9.) Austin / Michaels 8.) Rock / Hogan 7.) Hart / Michaels 6.) Savage / Flair (WOO!) 5.) Hogan / Andre 4.) Austin / Rock (WM 17) 3.) Savage / Steamboat 2.) Michaels / Ramon 1.) Austin / Hart
  11. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XX

    Good point. I always liked Benoit way better when he was a ruthless sadistic heel. Anyway, the WM 20 card is pretty good although I would have made the following changes: WWE Championship Chris Benoit Vs. Brock Lesnar World Heavyweight Title Goldberg Vs. HHH The Rock Vs. Shawn Michaels Interpromotional Match The Undertaker Vs. Kane Interpromotional Match Kurt Angle Vs. Ric Flair Interpromotional Match Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Jericho Street Fight (or something) Mick Foley Vs. Randy Orton w/ Dave Batista United States Title John Cena vs. The Big Show © Womens Title Victoria Vs. Molly © World Tag Team Titles Fatal Four Way The Hurricane / Rosey vs. Storm / Venis vs. The Dudleys vs. RVD/Booker T © WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way The Bashams vs. The APA vs. Haas/Benjamin vs. Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty © Cruiserweight Open Christian Vs. Matt Hardy Heat Steven Richards Vs. Test Notes: Benoit would have still won the RR, but would have never been moved to RAW, I would have ignored Christian staying a heel since the love angle botched in December (they should have continued with the Hardy / Christian thing they had going), and I would have saved Victoria's title win for Mania because Victoria winning it on RAW was retarded and the hair stip for Molly was even worse. And yes, The Undertaker and Scotty / Rikishi would be so jobbing.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    If you're brought in to be a monster heel, you should actually be treated like a monster heel. Starting out, Brock was awesome, because they sold you on the idea that he LIKES to hurt people, and that no matter how hard you try to stop him, he WILL find a way to get his hands on you and beat the shit out of you. Making him look petrified of HARDCORE HOLLY of all people does not exude an aura of intimidation. Having him almost break down in tears because he lost the title does not exude an aura of intimidation. Feeding him to some guy on his last years wrestling for the company, just because Vince feels like it, does not exude an aura of intimidation. You're basically getting upset over Brock not liking being treated like a doormat, as if he somehow deserves the disrespect getting sent his way. Plus, as the article notes, Lesnar is not alone in being pissed over how things have gone as of late: The general consensus in the locker room was that the whole tour of South Africa was handled wrongly. Interestingly enough, The Undertaker's return with his old gimmick has not gone down very well at all in the Smackdown locker room, as many wrestlers feel that his old gimmick always portrayed the wrestler as invincible, and that he didn't "sell" other wrestlers moves. They feel that Smackdown should be moving forward with the new talent, and not reverting to old ideas. So, are the dissenters in the Smackdown! locker room also whiny little bitches? It would appear they share some of the same gripes that Brock has, afterall. As an aside, if we're going to get on Brock's case about wanting to quit, why don't we get on Spanky's case for actually quitting (although he did so in a civil way)?
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Okay assuming "Step Up" is the WM XX theme

    I can see it fitting for the traditional WM highlights video.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    The "Losing Streak" Gimmick

    HA! I'll believe that when I see it happen.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    The "Losing Streak" Gimmick

    So Matt Hardy has become today's Barry Horowitz?
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Worst WrestleMania ever?

    Steiners / Headshrinkers was the best match at WM 9. Luger / Hennig and Michaels / Tatanka weren't too bad either. Already, WM 9 > WM 13 (the only thing good about it was Austin / Hart).
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 03/11/04

    I thought it fucking sucked. Anybody agree with me?
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Dark Matches / Velocity spoilers

    Just FYI Dark Matches Kenzo Suzuki beat Nick Dinsmore with the Shining Wizard. Travis Tomko and Kevin Fertig beat Mike Mayo and Horshu. International Heat (Heat will air live in the US due to the WrestleMania PPV): Rico pinned John Pinzaro. Val Venis beat Kevin Phoenix. Spike Dudley beat Lance Storm with the Acid Drop in a very good back and forth match. Credit: PWInsider.com
  19. Lil' Bitch

    "Official" Wrestlemania Theme Song

    Well, its a song off the new Punisher movie soundtrack. "Adrenaline" was a song off the XXX soundtrack which became the Unforgiven 2002 theme. So I like said before, I'm putting 2 and 2 together. Its a rock song, PPV upcoming, makes sense. I guess SD will confim it this week or not.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    I agree. The Triangle Ladder match shouldn't have been on there, IMO. 10. Angle / Benoit 9. Hogan / Warrior 8. Austin / Michaels 7. Hogan-Mr. T / Piper-Orndoff 6. Austin / Hart 5. Rock / Hogan 4. Savage / Steamboat 3. Michaels / Ramon 2. Triangle Ladder Match 1. Michaels / Hart
  21. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    Wow, my favorite match of all time is the greatest WM match ever, I'm in disbelief.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    The number one pick will most likely piss us off.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    10. Angle / Benoit 9. Warrior / Hogan 8. Austin / Michaels 7. Hogan - Mr. T / Piper - Orndoff
  24. Lil' Bitch

    The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

    I'm surprised they didn't go with TLC II.