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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    The One and Only WrestleMania predictions thread

    The Bashams have a better finisher, IMO.
  2. I think just for fun since Angle and Lesnar are both heels, after WM 20, instead of chasing after Eddie each to be fed to him sooner (which shouldn't happen yet), they should be buddy buddies again and team up and win the WWE Tag Team Championship for something to do in the early midyear. You could say this could be 2004's version of "Power Trip". Not only would it help revive the division, but it should encourage WWE to make up some new tag pairs. *dreams of TWGTT turning face and wrestling Angle / Lesnar for the tag titles at JD
  3. Lil' Bitch

    New School Question Thread

    I'm guessing Vince. I didn't like it either, but it was the best match on the PPV, IMO. It was in Montreal so Benoit won it with Haas taking the loss much to crowd pleasement. I thought it went well, but the ending segment with Brock taking the belt and taunting Angle with it was stupid.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    The One and Only WrestleMania predictions thread

    I would like: Chris Benoit Eddie Guerrero Mick Foley/Rock Kane WGTT Booker T / RVD Victoria Ultimo Dragon Brock Lesnar Sable/Torrie John Cena Chris Jericho to win.
  5. Making it a non-title match at the Rumble was retarded. Having her win on RAW was even more retarded. Adding this stip to the WM match is just too retarded.
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Longest you've ever stayed awake.

    34 hours before I threw in the towel. My eyes just couldn't take it anymore.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    WMXX: Pop of the night?

    My money's on Brock for this one.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    Strange Predictions about WrestleMania XX

    Pete Rose will cost Kane his match against The Undertaker!
  9. If they really wanted to piss of the crowd, The Rock could turn on Foley and have Evolution win.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania Top 10 Matches Special Announced

    Those weren't even in WWE's own magazine list last year. Who books this crap?
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Paul Bearer To Return With The Undertaker?

    This is more reason for the return of the urn.
  12. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XX to break record

    Even if it meant a 5 minute match against Maven. I just want him on the card damn it.
  13. That would be the Spin Kick! Obviously.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    WWE media appearances before Wrestlemania

    Came across this on Bobby Hennan's site for those that might like to know. March 12th: New York: Waldenbooks, Huntington Station, Long Island, 7pm March 13th: Bookends, Ridgewood, N.J., 1pm.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Bush exploits 9-11

    I always ger a kick out of that one picture with Al Gore taking money from a Tibetan monk. Anyway, I think Bush should use 9/11 as someone said it defined his presidency.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Ashcroft hospitalized

    *reads the report Well, that sucks.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Debra Auctioning Off Austin Wedding Ring

    I checked back to look and *GASP* it does.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Debra Auctioning Off Austin Wedding Ring

    This is hilarious.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XX to break record

    Matt Hardy being left off WM is bullshit.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    WWE Byte This Report

    I just wish Foley stayed his ass retired. Hypocritical bastard. I wonder who the opponent was.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Paul Bearer To Return With The Undertaker?

    Its an old school question, but what was the reason for Bearer's reunion with The Undertaker? *remembers Undertaker breaking into Paul Bearer's house to beat him up And was there a reason for Bearer managing Kane for a bit or he just show up again and the announcers just went with it?
  22. Lil' Bitch

    Why Kane HAS to win at WM XX

    As you know, Kane's sole mission in the WWF/E was to destroy his brother the Undertaker for burning their house down and killing their parents. Undertaker admitted responsibility and (I do believe) saying he did it on purpose. As JR said at WM 14, "I've never seen someone physically dominate the Undertaker like this." But according to the timeline, Kane has defeated The Undertaker only once after all these years. I find that to be totally pathetic given how much of threat he was perceived to be leading up to their first battle. I mean ever since he took off the mask last year, Kane has been built to be the number one heel (he isn't for an obvious reason, but he should be). Now, everybody wants the Undertaker to win just so he can keep the precious 12-0 WM streak, but come on, this is more important for Kane, way more important for his character, more important for his future. I mean granted, I'll be happy along with everyone else to see The Phenom return, but Kane deserves this one. This will give him the rub he really needs. To fulfill his revigorated monsterness and not to be turned into a damn joke again. Seriously, this is the best Kane we've had since he first debuted. That's what I like about him. Him being a monster again that now can cut intense promos fitting his character and not being the corpse fucking idiot anymore. If anything, Kane SHOULD be the world champion and if not for this distractive feud with the Undertaker, I would almost be sure Kane would be in the main event picture again. Kane has to defeat his brother where it matters the MOST. Not Backlash, not Judgment Day, not Bad Blood, but Wrestlefuckingmania. By beating him, Kane not only gets a huge and I mean HUGE bragging right, but also another reason to go after the title. Kane has been booked like a pussy as of late because of these stupid mind games along with The Ring wannabe video. He needs to step up, put his game face on, and beat the fuck out of his brother because I don't want a total rehash of WM 14. Back then it was cool and understandable because well it was their first time and it was something new. But now in a Wrestlemania rematch, I don't want to see Kane being up built since June of last year being taken down by The Undertaker once again, who is close to retirement anyway, because that would make it seem like all that hard work put into Kane these past 9 months be all for nothing. The Undertaker has beaten Kane before at WM, why should he beat him again? I really like Kane, I always have. I just hope he wins. - Deon
  23. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    How did Barbara Bush debut and what was her last appearance? What was the reason for Eddie's heel turn in 97?