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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    Decent Ultimo / Shannon match, I loved how he pulled off a variathon of the Buff Blockbuster (and whatever the hell Shane calls it).
  2. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    Wow, given the short time, Eddie / Brock has been booked pretty good. Can't wait to see the build-up video.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    The OAO Velocidential Thread

    London / Kidman could be an interesting tag team, I hope WWE sticks with this idea and gives them more TV time to give them a run in the division.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Who is supposed to win Guerrero/Angle at WM

    Would it be fair to say next month's Goldberg / Lesnar match will be the Undertaker / Sid match of our time?
  5. Lil' Bitch

    2/16 WWE Observer Notes

  6. Lil' Bitch

    Cockstrider 2.0

    CockStrider 2.0 would fuck somebody up that has epilepsy.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Fuck Valentine's Day

  8. Lil' Bitch

    Some news

    If so, please delete this thread. When the Kane vs Goldberg match took place a couple of weeks ago on RAW, this was due to the fact that while Kane seemed to be “next” in line for a title shot against Goldberg, this never materialized. The match was a one time deal in hopes of getting a few rating points before Goldberg focused his attention on Brock Lesnar to hype their upcoming WrestleMania XX match. As reported earlier, WWE released Chris Kanyon. There are rumors circulating around that the WWE will be releasing more wrestlers (approx 4-6) in the upcoming weeks that are not being used. In a somwhat related story, the WWE creative team have told Charlie Haas and Sheldon Benjamin that they don’t currently have any storyline ideas for them and to wait on the sidelines for the time being. This may be a bad sign but I personally don't think they would be released. Todd Grisham has been signed as an announcer for the WWE. Grisham was a sports reporter and anchor for KOLD in Tucson, AZ. Expect for Grisham to show up on RAW over the next few weeks. In March, Spike TV will have several WrestleMania related TV events. On March 9th at 10 p.m., Spike TV will air “WrestleMania’s Ten Greatest Matches Ever”. Steve Austin will host the show, which will feature WWE stars judging the Top Ten. On Monday, March 15th after RAW, Spike TV will air “10 Things Every Guys Should Experience” which will feature two teams competing for the chance to attend WrestleMania XX. (^I can't wait to see this!!!) WWE Management was very happy with the Brock Lesnar-Eddie Guerrero matches over the weekend and they expect the two to have a great match at Backlash (*coughthey mean No Way Out*cough). Management is also seeing a lot of potential in Lamont. They feel that he can be a great character and solid wrestler. Also, management thinks that Matt Morgan still has a lot to learn before they decide to give him a push. Many wrestlers backstage feel that Shaniqua is not working as hard as she should be given that she is new to the business. She was fined $200 at the February 8th house show in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan when she arrived late and missed a pre-show practice session. Credit: LOP.net (I think)
  9. Lil' Bitch

    bret vs austin

    Depends on your taste, if you like a damn good technical wrestling match, then SSeries 96 it is. A nice bloody brawl, WM 13. I liked SSeries better though because not only of the workrate, but also because of the story. The new guy Austin who thought he was all that trying to make a name for himself trying to defeat the veteran Hart. Austin was on a roll (His KOTR win jumpstarted this), it was Bret's return match (last time he wrestled before this match was WM 12), and it all happened at MSG. He didn't win, but Bret and Steve had great chemistry. Of course, WM 13 is what immortalized Stone Cold, but SSeries, in my mind, is what really paved the way to his future success.
  10. Lil' Bitch

    Which is the better tag match?

    I both really liked them, but yeah Vengeance wins by an inch.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Top 10 Wrestlemania Matches

    My top ten: 1.) Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels (WM XII) 2.) Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar (WM XIX) 3.) Stone Cold Vs. The Rock (WM XVII) 4.) Hulk Hogan Vs. Ultimate Warrior (WM VI) 5.) Ric Flair Vs. Randy Savage (WM VIII) 6.) Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart (WM X) 7.) Bret Hart Vs. Steve Austin (WM XIII) 8.) Shawn Michaels v. Razor Ramon (WMX) 9.) The Rock v. Hulk Hogan (WM XVIII) 10.) The Steiner Bros. Vs. The Headshrinkers (WM IX)
  12. Lil' Bitch

    This month in WWF/WWE & NWA/WCW PPV history

    You forgot the 96 WWE PPV it seems: In Your House #6 - February 18, 1996 Razor Ramon def. the 1-2-3 Kid (w/ Ted Dibiase) Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Duke Drose Yokozuna def. Davey Boy Smith (w/ Jim Cornette) Shawn Michaels def. Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette) WWF Champion Bret Hart def. Diesel in a steel cage match When did SuperBrawl I happen? SuperBrawl 8 was so fucking awesome by the way, one of my top favorite WCW PPVs ever.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Stuff that was so bad

    Steiner / HHH - RR 03 JR: I don't think I've ever seen so many suplxes in my life. I don't know how Ross and Lawler made it through the match...
  14. Lil' Bitch

    No Way Out

    All I gotta say is "Get Ready!"
  15. Lil' Bitch

    The No Way Out Prediction Thread

    JMA pretty much covered it for me.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Some news

    That or Hart / Austin. Savage / Flair would be nice though.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    WM XX Fan Frenzy?

    Sounds like it.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Who is supposed to win Guerrero/Angle at WM

    I also see the WWE Championship being retained, but the World Heavyweight Title changing hands, opposite from WM last year.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    John Cena DVD cover art

    Its a new guy thing. You're new in the WWF/E, you hit it big, you get a video / DVD with your name on hit. They did with Jericho shortly after he came in.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    The WWE PPV DVD Thread

    Unfortunately, they didn't have the MNW, but I'll get that when RR 2004 comes out on DVD in a couple of weeks. Anyway, I bought the Stone Cold Truth and Greatest Hits and Misses: Okay, so everything Braves stated about SCT is right, but some more notes about a few of them: Stone Cold Truth Hollywood Blondes vs. Arn Anderson & Ric Flair (06/17/93, Clash of the Champions XXIII) - It begins at the opening bell, but Ventura is dubbed out so it hurts the match a bit with Tony just talking by himself. Intercontinental Title Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart (08/03/97, Summerslam, Austin wins title) - The full match in its entirety including the isle entrances and Austin beratting on Michael Cole beforehand. Stone Cold toasts a beer on Vince McMahon's birthday (08/24/03, Summerslam) - I've been waiting for so long for this to be released, unfortunately, they cut it off after everyone sings "Happy Birthday" so The Big Show's hilarious Show-a-roonie, the roster congratulating Vince and giving hugs and handshakes, Austin and HHH's joke session, Pat Patterson's "My Way" performance, and the McMahon reunion won't be seen by you guys. Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses Everything extrawise has been covered in the other thread, unfortunately all his Attitude matches are blurred, but they are in their entirety including the HIAC match against the Undertaker along with his match against the Rock on RAW where he won the WWE title for the first time.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Austins Role At WMXX

  22. Lil' Bitch

    El Brocko Dance~!

    Thanks Jobber.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Mind Games 96

    Apparantly, his manager submitted for Bob when he threw in the towel.
  24. Lil' Bitch

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    The Rock won by finishing HHH off with the Rock Bottom, but Brock got Pedigreed and HHH got the F-5 in the match.