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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    The Wrestlemania card

    World Heavyweight Title Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit WWE Championship Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle US Title Big Show vs. John Cena Kane vs. Undertaker Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg The Rock and Sock Connection vs. Randy Orton and either Ric Flair and Batista Sable & Torrie Vs. Stacy and Miss Jackie The CW Battle Royale Chris Jericho Vs. Christian And hopefully a match for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Bashams > Scotty and Fatty
  2. Lil' Bitch

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

  3. Lil' Bitch

    Post Mania Plans for Angle

    I wouldn't be surprised if Angle and Lesnar become buddies again since they will both be heels and they don't want to be empty handed so they'll go for the WWE Tag Team Championship.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    Will The Game finally bury Brock Lesnar or will the Next Big Thing finally be put over by HHH? The question still burns...
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown Spoilers???

    I agree. More to follow on the next exciting edition of WWE Velocity!!!
  6. Lil' Bitch

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    I knew Baraka was ugly. but GEEZ, check out the grill on him.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Will Orton drop the IC belt before WM?

    About the topic, it'd be nice, but I don't see it happening.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    El Brocko Dance~!

    My God, that almost got a tear out of me.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    El Brocko Dance~!

  10. Lil' Bitch

    Parent body-slams ref at high school basketball

    That's awesome. I wish I could have seen it.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Kevin Kelly's two cents

    Exactly! So why bother redoing a flopped idea?
  12. Lil' Bitch

    It's Over.

    I have no interest in seeing the 21th Bond film at all now... I guess it was a good way to "stop" it at 20. The end is here!!!
  13. Lil' Bitch

    HHH plans after WM XX

    Okay, that's good. I said before and I'll say it again. Edge NEEDS to stay on SD. The show is in the pits as it is and is lacking star power.
  14. Any takes that Kanyon and Ernest were 2 of the 4 talents who asked for their release following Spanky's exit?
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Ernest Miller Released

    The Cat > Bill Demott, they should have sent Miller back to Velocity to commentate.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Pictures of Taker

    Bah, I was hoping he'd be clean shaven.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Smackdown Spoilers???

    Nidia Vs. Jamie is now a blindfold match? .... I gotta see that. Sweet! I'm definitely watching this main event. Its in San Francisco. Dunno
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Kanyon released

    I was hoping WWE would have him stick to becoming Mortis again. Oh well. Thanks for the memories, Kanyon. I'm glad I got my picture with him. He was a great US Champion in my book.
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Austins Role At WMXX

    I think it will happen more like: Eddy gives the Frog Splash Hopefully, Brock destroys Bill at WM.
  20. Lil' Bitch


    Don't get me wrong. I don't mind Rico's face run, its just kinda awkward since it happened completely out of nowhere. I mean he has a very short feud with Jon Heidenreich and then the next time you see him on RAW, he's against Mark Henry and it took off from there. Not that I'm complaning or anything, but I think he does better off as a heel (for any of you you've seen his work in OVW as "The Role Model"). By the way, I hate his new theme music, its almost as bad as the theme they gave him when he first became Rico Street. His previous theme was almost perfect. /rant
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Does anyone have this mp3?

    Hit me up on AIM.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    "NYPD Blue" Yields Shield

    I'm not surprised about this since the show kept getting fucked over because Caruso decided to leave and they killed off Bobby. Along with all kinds of personal shit happening to Franz's character. It was just depressing to see happen.
  23. 15 years and NOW they want to make a movie? What was the fucking hold up?
  24. Lil' Bitch

    Star Wars DVD's

    I'll follow your lead. Edit: OMG, I can't believe they took that out. That was the best way to go out before the credits rolled! FUCK YOU LUCAS!
  25. Lil' Bitch

    Louie Spicolli

    I still miss that little bastard.