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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    If he is healed up by then, I'd certainly love to see JBL Vs. HBK. The match would be okay at best, but just imagine how awesome the promos would be.
  2. Lil' Bitch

    WrestleMania XXIII Main Event (RAW)

    I'm pretty sure its going to be HHH / Edge for Wrestlemania 23. After all, it will be two years by then that HHH hasn't had the title and he wants to make # 11 title win special. I figured WWE would book Cena / Orton for one of these upcoming Wrestlemanias regardless of it being for the title or not, but then again Cena / Batista has mark appeal all over it. As for the SD side, I like Lashley, but I'm not too fond of the idea of him being in the co-WM main event. (It was talked about shortly after 22 ended) WWE doesn't need nostaglia for Wrestlemania to be a success. They proved that this year by having a shallow card and no appearances whatsoever from Stone Cold, Rock, or Hogan and WM 22 was still a hit. However, I think to make XXIII special, they should try their best to those guys involved in some way whether it be a match or a segment at least. Hell, I'd even love to see Lesnar come back. And you know Vince would love to once again put himself on the card, but instead of against Foley, I think its only fair that Austin / McMahon be a match on the card if they absolutely cannot do Austin / Hogan at all.
  3. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Footage of X-Pac's house show appearance I don't like X-Pac, but I could see how that'd be a big mark-out moment for D-X fans.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Its basically what Downhome had said all along. How everytime the Rock gets interviewed or whatever, he's always kissing ass to the fans. "Oh, how I miss wrestling and I wish I could be there right now." or "I love you guys and I WILL be back one of these days!" And then I read stuff like this and it just shows he's an asshole because I find his previous remarks to be now insincere since he wants to be Mr. Hollywood and that he's too good for wrestling by ditching his name even though that's the name that got him to be a somebody to begn with and now WWE actually makes the effort to help promote his movies when they don't have to. I figured he always said shit like that anyway just so he could get his fans to go watch his movies. Basically, what I'm saying is that if he didn't say that stuff to begin with, I wouldn't have a problem with him ditching his name, wanting to be a star, etc. Don't expect me to be a Rock fan again if he does show up again, which I doubt now. He's not being professional then. I'm sure there's plenty of guys who don't like each other, but yet put that bullshit aside for the good of business. Okay, so HBK held the Rock down, but since it backfired and the Rock became a big star after all, he shouldn't let it get to him. After all, Steve Austin did get to beat the crap out of Bischoff on live TV and personal distain didn't stop Mick Foley from working with Ric Flair. Hell, Foley was the one that got held down by Flair to begin with, yet Foley was gracious enough to lose the feud when he didn't even have to.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    Live Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/15 Show

    I like Lashley, but he shouldn't be headlining PPVs already. If No Mercy 2006's buyrates flop, you know why. Edit: On the other hand, this only means Booker holds onto the title longer so that's great!
  6. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Okay, I used to defend the guy left and right, but now he's just being a real asshole about it. I can't wait until he comes back one day just so I could boo the shit out of him. Credit: The Washington Post Well, looks like we'll never get Rock / Michaels, and that sucks fucking ass.
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Campaign 2008

    I'm a Republican and I agree Bush has ran this country into the fucking ground. Because of him screwing up left and right and the fact he's pissed off the American people more than any other President in history, its a given the Democrats are going to re-take all the power in the country come next election and that goes for Congress, the Senate, and the White House. John McCain is my last best hope for peace for a rightful Republican candidate to win the Presidency. Sadly, I don't see him doing it and or even being nominated.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    I had no problem with Iraq being invaded (face it, Saddam being taken care of was a problem that had waited too long to be fixed), but seriously its time to go. Unfortunately, its going to be Vietnam all over again, we're going to be there for X amount of years with an astronomical numbers of unnecessary U.S. fatalities.
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Reporters gets fucked up!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9b5EQQU6nA You know, I'm not too fond of reporters myself, but that was uncalled for. I'm glad that couple got arrested. I really have to give it to the reporter, holding his guard like that. I would have fought back if I was viciously attacked like that!
  10. Lil' Bitch

    The Oregon Trail

    I never made it to Oregon.
  11. Lil' Bitch


  12. Lil' Bitch


    Now that somebody mentioned it, what was the deal with Goldberg being escorted to the ring anyway?
  13. Lil' Bitch

    WWE News and Notes - 9/11

    God damn it.
  14. Lil' Bitch


    There was already a better version of Goldberg. His name was Brock Lesnar.
  15. Lil' Bitch

    Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

    So of course to mark the occasion, at 8:30 AM EST Headline News is going to reair their original broadcast of their 9/11 coverage uncut and unedited. Why they would want to make anybody relive through that I have no idea. Its one of the worst tragedies to ever happen and even though politics has caused the world to hate us, I'm glad to know through such a sad event, it brought the American people closer together and to be prouder of being in this country. Too bad IMO our President is a fucking douchebag.
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Box Office Report...

    The Covenant is the Craft, but with guys! Looking at those numbers, talk about a dead weekend. Wasn't Cena's movie supposed to come out Friday?
  17. Lil' Bitch

    OAO Raw Thread - September/11th/2006.

    As a fan, its always weird for me to see former rivals teaming up with each other. In this case, Cena and Carlito. Speaking of the main event, I always enjoyed the HHH / McMahon match from the first Armageddon.
  18. Lil' Bitch

    WWE Smackdown House Show results 9/10/06

    I'd probably be shitting bricks if a guy like Lashley grabbed me all of a sudden, lol. Sounds like a great show, but what's up with Rey? Wasn't he supposed to get knee surgery like 4 months ago?
  19. There was the proposed idea of Heidenreich being an unfrozen Nazi from 1939, but that got scrapped and became a gay rapist poem writer, who ruined the legacy of the Road Warriors instead.
  20. Lil' Bitch

    Favorite Bret Hart & Ric Flair match

    Hart win: Vs. Flair - Saskatoon loss: Vs. HBK - WM XII Flair win: Vs. Vader - Starrcade 1993 loss: Vs. Savage - WM VIII
  21. Lil' Bitch


    IIRC it was a wanna soft core porn site. I think they were naked and just posed, they didn't do anything else.
  22. Lil' Bitch

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    Basically like Vengeance, hot crowd supporting both Angle and Michaels, but booing the fuck out of Cena. They both carried Cena to another great match. Its fun to watch, match has great flow to it, probably the best match of the PPV besides the HHH / Flair cage match.
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Randy Orton Fails Drug Test

    I think Randy Orton is soon going to be another name added to the list of guys who caused their own careers to faulter.