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Lil' Bitch

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Everything posted by Lil' Bitch

  1. Lil' Bitch

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Is SFAA or at least A3 going to be online capatible? (Probably not I'm guessing.)
  2. Lil' Bitch

    The Friday The 13th Movies in 7 minutes

    I liked the part where
  3. Lil' Bitch

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    You know I didn't think Bad Blood 04 was that bad. I mean it fucking sucked the HIAC went so ridiculously long along with HHH winning to put icing on the shit cake, but I thought Orton / Benjamin was a pretty solid match along with Benoit giving Kane the best match (if not best, its definitely up there IMO) of The Red Machine's career so it wasn't a total letdown for a show. Certainly miles better than the show from the previous year.
  4. Lil' Bitch

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    World Heavyweight Title Rey Mysterio vs. JBL The Finals of The 2006 King of the Ring Tournament Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley WWE Tag Team Championship MNM vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry Cruiserweight Title Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy Melina vs. Jillian Benoit vs. Finlay I never thought there'd come a day where I actually wanted to see JBL be champion again. And I do hope Booker T wins because like somebody said, Lashley's still a bit green. I'm tossed on the CW title, Helms has done an amazing job, I wouldn't mind him holding onto the title a little bit longer. Angle / Henry was fucking HORRIBLE at the Rumble so I'm not expecting anything different here. I'm mainly interested in the tag title match.
  5. Lil' Bitch

    ECW ONSII and Vengeance spoiler

    I think the idea of Cena being a failure stems from the notion that your top face shouldn't be getting booed out of the building. Exactly.
  6. What was the reason for them changing the Emperor / Vader dialogue in ESB?
  7. Lil' Bitch

    Champion Vs. Champion

    The Rock (Undisputed Champion) vs. Chris Benoit (IC Champion) on the August 13, 2002 edition of Smackdown.
  8. Lil' Bitch

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    Booker T whipped Batistia's ass. Give that man a push!
  9. Lil' Bitch

    Tego Calderon

    Not a problem. I've always dug Batista's current theme and "King of Kings" kicks so much ass. Wreckless Intent (full) rapidshare.de/files/20411009/1.rar.html Password:uploadbydeadprezuk
  10. Lil' Bitch

    ECW ONSII and Vengeance spoiler

    That's too bad reading this news. I was actually looking forward to Cena / HHH HIAC or Flair headlining a PPV in his hometown. I don't mind the change. I'm actually more interested in RVD / JBL than RVD / Cena. He was WAY more over 4 years ago. Because maybe Vince finally realized that Cena as a face world champion was a failure and wants to give the title to somebody fans truly want to see have. Plus Angle and Mysterio are hurt so RVD on Smackdown would help with starpower.
  11. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The Undertaker's 2002 Interview from Off The Record Part 1 Part 2
  12. I'm guessing Rey MIGHT retain at JD and then JBL wins the title back at GAB in the rematch. If not, Mysterio is just getting completely buried when he jobs out to JBL.
  13. Lil' Bitch

    Best Promo ever

    ^ Speaking of which, I'll post that too.
  14. Lil' Bitch

    Tego Calderon

    Randy Orton http://www.f-forge.com?d=B4snoeXSEdz75ONDMQ2u Lashley http://www.f-forge.com?d=YA5Dz6kbhLViIcM97UxZ Deadly Game (NWO 2006 Theme) http://www.f-forge.com?d=sf32ZItuqcG6WFdME85r King Of Kings http://www.f-forge.com?d=2DBxANKwzZ00WPeiuHIa Batista http://www.f-forge.com?d=eq1ypV0GTj9EuIRaQiJf
  15. Lil' Bitch

    The Old School questions thread

    1.) Is "Eye of The Tiger" intact on the CHV of Wrestlemania 1? 2.) When did Hogan switch from "Eye of The Tiger" to "Real American" ? 3.) When did Mr. Perfect, Ted Dibiase, and Jake Roberts get their trademark theme music? 4.) How did the Fabulous Rogeaus turn heel? 5.) When and how did they switch from the old school WWF Championship to the Gold Eagle?
  16. Lil' Bitch

    Best Promo ever

    Without a doubt, Ric Flair's long-awaited return to WCW the night following Fall Brawl in 1998 Bischoff comes out.
  17. Lil' Bitch

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    So up until they both lost their titles in the same week, over the 9 month course of them as world champions at the same time, who was the better draw? Cena or Batista?
  18. Lil' Bitch

    Grand Slam Champions

    So whose the guy whose won the most different amount of titles besides Ultimo Dragon? Kurt Angle WWF Championship WCW Championship / World Heavyweight Title (since its still controversial, I'll leave it up to you guys if you want to count this as the same accomplishment or two different titles. Same with the Undisputed Championship.) Intercontinental Champion United States Champion World Tag Team Champion WWE Tag Team Champion European Champion Hardcore Champion Chris Jericho Undisputed Championship (WWF Champion and WCW Champion) Intercontinental Champion Tag Team Champion European Champion Hardcore Champion WCW Television Champion WCW Cruiserweight Champion ECW Television Champion
  19. Lil' Bitch

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    so basically, it'll be Evolution version 2.0 with the D-X name stapled to it. *groan
  20. Lil' Bitch

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    It was truly one of the strangest match endings ever. And to make it worse, Russo wasn't even in WCW yet.
  21. Lil' Bitch

    Flipping Out On A Rude Customer At Work

    You know working in retail over the past year as I have, its not often I run into a rude customer, but it happens every so often. And believe me, staying professional is so hard to do, but venting out my frustration back to them is not worth costing me my job. Basically, the ones I keep having problems with are the ones that are pissed off because they have to wait or they've been waiting in line too long. And then of course there are the ones who like to be smart asses, the dumb ones (Do you work here?) and the ones that will complain minute after minutes who will simply not shut the fuck up. The only real close call I've had was a couple of months ago, this lady who came into the store, bought like $100 to $200 worth of stuff, I mean it was a lot of shit. So I'm there all by myself at the cash register, it didn't help I was having a shitty day as it was, trying to scan and pack all the stuff into bags as fast as I possibly could and she's there talking on her cell phone, giving me shit like "Oh I want these items and these items packed together into these bags". I mean I understand people want it their way, but Jesus she was being fucking unreasonable wanting like 10 different bags and shit. And there's this line forming behind her so now she's pissing off all these people behind her. And then once I FINALLY get it exactly the way she wants it, she has THE FUCKING NERVE to ask, "Do you really know what you're doing? Maybe I should have a talk with your manager." And right there, I almost snapped. I just wanted to grab all her stuff, throw all her shit outside out of the store, kick one of the bags, throw in the receipt in her face, and say "There's your stuff and here's your receipt. Fuck you and have a nice day." Thankfully, my manager was on her lunch break and I told her she wasn't available so the lady took her things and left. Yeah, this is a good thing to do since you can get away with it. Basically, if you ever run into the situation and the customer is giving you shit, just grab the manager, that's what they are there for. Once the customer is gone, I'll feel better when the next customer comes up and sympathizies with me. Then me and my co-workers and sometimes even my manager will talk shit about the asshole customer to amuse ourselves. Yeah, you can do this too, but the trick is, at least from what I've been taught, is that you can't directly insult them because that only gives them ammunition to get you fired. Here's a trick of mine though, if a lady is being a bitch, keep ending your sentences with Ma'am. They HATE being called that.
  22. Basically, the problem with Lucas is that he's a hypocrite. He says he'll do something and does the exact opposite. I mean a long time ago, I think somebody asked him if he would do commentary if Star Wars was ever released on DVD and he said no. And what does he do? He does it. And then when asked if the original SW would be released on DVD, he said no. And now what? HE FUCKING DOES IT! God damn, make up your fucking mind!
  23. Lil' Bitch

    Mission Impossible 3

    That's understandable. Didn't the same thing happen to Ben Affleck because of his overexposed relationship with Jennifer Lopez?
  24. Lil' Bitch

    Better Angle: NWO or Austin/McMahan

    Wow, this is a great topic. I liked both, but nWo for me as well. It was the main reason I got into WCW to begin with. I think if anything, it SHOULD have ended at WM 15.
  25. Lil' Bitch

    Best A-Train Matches

    The only good match I seem to remember was against Benoit at No Mercy 03. WWE seemed to like him and he got his push on SD when he was redubbed A-Train, but then he got drafted to RAW, jobbed out to Chris Jericho, and was never seen again. I'm sure he's a nice guyand all, but I just never gave a shit about him