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Internet Warfare

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Everything posted by Internet Warfare

  1. Internet Warfare

    Indy Shows

    No one ever takes me to indie shows, no matter how much I bitch or moan.
  2. Internet Warfare

    What do you look like...

    Theres a kid at my High school we call "world famous rapper" Lil C, we also call him " part time porno star" Lil Sex.
  3. Internet Warfare

    "The Name Game"

    Repo Man
  4. Internet Warfare

    "The Name Game"

    Mike Rotundo
  5. Internet Warfare

    Just fixed my men messenger

    Fixed BITCHES!!!
  6. Internet Warfare

    Just fixed my men messenger

    Well I finally fixed my msn messenger and was hoping for someone to add me just for a one time deal or not. I lost all my contacts and dont wanna serch all around for them right now so add me and i'll know for sure. [email protected] Please dont ban me for this.
  7. Internet Warfare

    I'm writing a research paper

    oh, his dad died, just wanted to contribute
  8. Internet Warfare

    Calling wrestlers by their real names

    I think theres lots of guys with the same name, so called them by their gimmck name helps a lot. Ie: Christian or Booker T.
  9. Internet Warfare

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    I was talking about the one with Lesnar Lunatic, your rules.
  10. Internet Warfare

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    Its ok but nothing special.
  11. Internet Warfare

    I'm writing a research paper

    Why not get the Angle book, Its the ultimate bio.
  12. Internet Warfare

    Pics from IWS Fans Bring The Weapons

    Why people would wrestle in those matches amazes me.
  13. Internet Warfare

    "The Name Game"

    Chairly Haas
  14. Internet Warfare

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    RVD was ready for the gold a couple of months ago when he was at his peak of "overness" but now how are they gonna portay a pot smoking guy as a serious threat for the world title. Just because he's over does not mean he should get the gold. Just a marks point of view.
  15. Internet Warfare


    Oh shit I forgot about crab, and shrimp!
  16. Internet Warfare


    Im into Salmen but thats the only sea food i've eaten. Kinda sad since I live in the bay area.
  17. Internet Warfare

    What are YOU eating...

    Bologna sammich, yuck.
  18. Internet Warfare

    Just fixed my men messenger

    damn MSN shit wont let me sign in, it says "Unable to connect to the SOCKS proxy server. Check your socks proxy server settings on the connection lab. press retry to connect directly." I press retry and it still wont connect, any help? And yes I was a pretty funny typo.
  19. Internet Warfare

    "The Name Game"

    Pogo the clown
  20. Internet Warfare

    worst angles ever

    Dino Bravo, he didnt look strong at all.
  21. Internet Warfare

    California recall debate

    What is up with Prop. 54? This is the first debate I have ever hear and I got to say that I was entertained. It was hilarious. The best part was the "everone knows that's how you treat women, Arnold" by Huffington. Did you hear the crowd response? Wow. Anyway: Cruz sounded (radio) weak, as did McClintock. Camajo didn't stand out much; he sounded pretty nice and restrained himself. Huffington was funny, but I hate her and she went off topic WAY too much. Arnold came off good, and sounded like he actually knew the issues and replied well. I'm impressed. Over all, 2 thumbs up!
  22. Internet Warfare

    Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

    Well, Rock already did the "MEGA j-o-b" to Goldberg, why should he come back and do it again. He did his job and put over Goldberg big. It was the WWE's fault for fucking up the push.
  23. Internet Warfare

    Its that time of the month time to list...

    Hogan stalling the bike, no doubt.
  24. Internet Warfare

    Just fixed my men messenger

    why must you make fun of a spelling error?
  25. Internet Warfare

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    I agree there Ramus.