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Internet Warfare

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Everything posted by Internet Warfare

  1. Internet Warfare

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    I forgot what the Western States belt looks like, anyone have a pic of it? Best: Intercontinental Championship ('86-'98) Worst: WWF lightheavyweight Belt (1998-2001(?))
  2. Internet Warfare

    What are you listening to right now?

    Orange Range- Chest
  3. Internet Warfare

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    Crusify my love- X
  4. Internet Warfare

    What are you listening to right now?

    X japan- Art of life (LIVE) 34:05
  5. Internet Warfare

    Albums Listened to Today

    X Japan-Dahlia X japan- Art of Life
  6. Internet Warfare

    IndyInsider.com Forums Back Up

    You probably have to re-register.
  7. Internet Warfare

    Bands you miss

    X Japan
  8. Internet Warfare

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who originally played the role of Demolition Axe, the tag team partner of Demolition SMASH
  9. Internet Warfare

    Good/Great matches between bad wrestlers

    Lets not forget Vader/Undertaker from Canadian Stampede.
  10. Internet Warfare

    Top 5 drug users in wrestling?

    Was Scott Hall also a drug user or just an alcoholic?
  11. Internet Warfare

    Coolest wrestler ever

    Other: Christopher Daniels
  12. Internet Warfare

    Coolest wrestler ever

    Other: Christopher Daniels
  13. Internet Warfare

    What are you listening to right now?

    Schizo- Blue Monday
  14. Internet Warfare


    I don't really see how he's fallen but... OMGWHATAFAGGOTTTT1!!!!
  15. Internet Warfare

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...Who is Straight Edge, unlike Scott Hall...
  16. Internet Warfare


    Well, I just started lifting weights this year for Weight-lifting. This is basically our scheduale for the week. Mondays: 3 sets of Bench, 3 sets of quats Tues: 3 sets of Cleans, 3 sets of (forgot the name) its like the cleans but we lift the bar over our head. Wed: Free Day Thursday: 3 sets of cleans, 3 sets of squats Friday: 3 sets of Cleans, 3 sets of (forgot the name) its like the cleans but we lift the bar over our head.
  17. Internet Warfare

    How many times have you watched Wayne's World?

    I've only seen it like 3 times in my life, last time was on USA I think. Damn, I gots to buy it sometime.
  18. Internet Warfare

    This folder is the new General Chat.

  19. Internet Warfare

    The Mystery Woman

    Just tuned in, Whats wrong with Al Snow's voice?
  20. Internet Warfare

    Wrestling Link Game....

    You son of a bitch. Spike Dudley- Who beat Rey Mysterio to win the Cruiserweight championship...
  21. Internet Warfare

    What are you listening to right now?

    Silent Jealousy- X JAPAN
  22. Internet Warfare

    Albums Listened to Today

    Seo Taiji and Boys-Goodbye Best album Seo Tai Ji- 7th Issue L'Arc~En~Ciel-SMILE
  23. Internet Warfare

    What are you listening to right now?

    Stay Away- Larc~En~Ciel
  24. Internet Warfare


    I cant imagine Liger not comming out to his NJPW theme. Anything else would be wierd.