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Internet Warfare

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Posts posted by Internet Warfare

  1. I actually like Linkin Park, but that might just be because I dont listen to the radio very much so I dont get the chance to get annoyed by them.


    Last time I checked 92.3 (Bay Area) played songs from all sorts of years but they always pick the same songs like Paradise City and that rap rock song from like 1990.

  2. Just saw him on the West Coast. Speaks English pretty good, has a great look, seems like a nice fellow, and says he will be going to America to wrestle. Impressive guy.


    The best part was when his fat coach ran up to hug and congratulate him and Karam just snaps off a Ken Shamrock belly to belly suplex on the guy. Hilarious.

  3. It's a crazy word made up by puro fans so they can pretend their matches are better than ours.


    I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Please don't hunt me down.

    Because you know.....you saying that NA ones are better is pretty justified, huh?


    Workrate is a very general term that people use to describe how wrestlers in a match interact with each other(wrestling wise, not personally). By this I am refering to storytelling, move originality, selling, bumping, fluid delivery of moves, popping the crowd with maneuvers, and grappling.


    That is the best I can come up with for such a general term.

    Hmm, I always thought workrate was the effort one put in into his/her matches even if he/she isnt that great in the ring.
