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Internet Warfare

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Posts posted by Internet Warfare

  1. The only reason anyone gives a shit about him is because he WRITES REVIEWS OF WWE PROGRAMMING.


    Scott Keith is just an internet reviewer. Should we post a thread whenever Dave O'Nitwit updates his blog? Or when DEAN~! posts his Workrate report on DVDR? He's just a writer and besides that, there are better writers then him out there.


    Is it really a problem that SK shit is locked off this forum? It's not like he does much that is threadworthy anyway. Really, where's the problem?

    The fact "there are better writers then him out there" doesn't change the fact that he is one of the most popular and most read internet wrestling writers out there. If there are enough people that want to discuss him or his decision to not write for one of the top 3 wrestling sites on the 'net, then what's the problem? A Scott Keith topic in the wrestling forum isn't any different than a Bill Simmons or Tony Kornheiser topic in the Sports Forum. I'm not saying SK is on the same level as them, but all three basically do the same thing.



    Oh well, I know this post isn't going to change a thing, but those are my feelings on the subject. Can we at least know the reason why we can't talk about him?



    EDITED: whoops
