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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    Bradshaw can't be fired right now. As much as he sucks and no one lieks him and his gimmick is boring and pointless, he's needed in the main event. No one else seems ready to be put there right now considering the other credible challengers are stuck in mid-card feuds becasue they've been booked like crap (i.e. RVD, Booker T)
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    Albums that are widely disliked that you enjoy

    As much as people hate on Nickelback, I really do enjoy their music, especially their new stuff. so I'm going to second DCMaximo. I'm going to add Limp bizkit's "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water" only because it may be stupid, but it sure as hell is catchy, and some of the music itself is really innovative. Too bad the band is overshadowed by Durst.
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    The one album you own that most others don't.

    Yeah, I like the analogy hahaha. Meh, Slipknot was my first metal album so... I don't know how to respond to that other than to put on my flame-retardant shirt and pants.
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I have the WWE Tag Team titles with my CAW and Undertaker, but we can't lose them because right now Taker and I are fueding for the WWE Championship. (I'm the champ right now, and our title match is scheduled for WMXIX) I'm going to lose the title, but I also want to lose the tag team belts so I can jump to Raw. How should I go about getting rid of these belts?
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    I'm still dissapointed from last night's PPV. Hopefully, RAW will start some of the angles that should have been put into place last night, such as Edge's turn and possibly the Kane/ Lita angle (unless that's just been dropped by now). If I see more than one roll-up finish tonight I'm going to be sick.
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    Hell In A Cell

    I think that without guys like Mick Foley willing to take huge bumps, the cell has lost all of it's prestige. It's admirable that wrestlers don't want to injure themselves, but if they aren't going to at least try and pull out all the stops in a match of that type, then why even bother using it when last night's match could have been a better (as I saw others say) street fight or even a cage match. Triple H needs to revert to some others ideas when he wants feuds to die, and anyone using a HIAC needs to reconsider using it unless they're going to actually use the damn thing like it was intended to. God bless you Foley.
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

    At least the Benjamin/ Orton feud continues... but what does this mean for Tomko considering he lost?
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

    Yeah, like was said above, the Bradshaw/ Eddie JD match wasn't even a match of this type and was better due to the brawling involved and Eddie's ginormous blade job. These guys seemed like they just went out there to win, not to kill each other like it's seemed like they wanted to for the past ten or so years now. The match was too long and didn't have any definite spot. They should have left the cell. Besides, all of tonight's finishes pretty much blew. Roll-up on Kane, roll-up on Benjamin with tights, roll-up on Lita, and 20 minute finisher segment featuring 3 Pedigrees. Whoop-de-freakin-do. I want my money back.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    Roanoke House Show July 25th

    Sounds like a mixture of Judgment Day, Velocity, and crap. Are you seriously considering going? I mean, really, save your money for Raw tickets or a cheeseburger or something...
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    Paul London video

    That's awesome dude. Nice work. Too bad he NEVER gets the chance to show off his skills in a WWE ring, cause I think he could definitely light the crowds on fire compared to the rest of the Suckdown! crew.
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Mordecai Injured!!

    No way, that's bogus... look at the way it's written. It looks like a third grader wrote it, or better yet, it looks like gearhead himself wrote it. I don't believe it.
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    Super Mario Bros. DX or Re Release of Original?

    go with The Lost Levels... definitely worth whatever price the GBC Mario is at now
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    So... uh... Shawn Michaels jumped from Raw to Smackdown! to jopin my stable during that angle, and now he's won the Cruiserweight title... It never even dawned on me that Shawn is a cruiserweight. Are there any other wrestlers in the game that aren't really billed as cruisers in the real WWE and yet fit in that division in the game? (RVD and Eddie G immediately come to mind, so besides them)
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE "SmackDown! VS Raw"

    I don't think that all of the bugs that the game engine has accumulated over the years will ever be fixed. As great as the engine is, and as intensely it's been modified over the course of the past five years, this is still really a PS1 game with a bunch of tweaks (and wicked graphics) that still has a lot of leftover glitches. then again, considering wrestling is the way it is, I don't think that you could ever really get rid of all of the problems with it. Then again, I don't think the PS3 will fix that problem either. Regardless, HCTP is still the only game I'm playing right now, and I'm definitely looking forward to this new edition.
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    The Slammys

    I'd say yes, but the problem is if they re-did it, you know it's going to end up with all of those dumb categories that they've had in the past, making the event seemingly worthless. Besides, that's not something we'd actually get to vote on. If we were able to vote in those types of categories, I'm sure WWE would pick their own results so that only the people who they want to win who would justifying whatever meaningless push they are/ will be given in the near future. If it had credibility though, as in the version you proposed, then I'd say hell yeah.
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    The one album you own that most others don't.

    Burn My Eyes - Machine Head Even though this major label debut album made a lot of people label MH as a Pantera knock-off, this band was and still is able to cover totally different song styles within the confines of the metal genre. Heavier songs like "Davidian" and "Blood for Blood" battle with "I'm Your God Now" and "A Nation On Fire." And all eleven tracks here show off the sheer intensity of this band. Released in 1994, this CD came out to little mainstream fanfare at the very beginning of the whole nu-metal movement, and was unfortunately passed up. This is something that fans of aggressive 90's metal should go take a second (or first) look at.
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    The best botches.

    Does anybody have a clip of the whole Eddy/ Test travesty?
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    The Most Painful to watch matches

    I second Diesel/ Mabel... I'll add Edge/ Kane from Backlash 2004
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    Bradshaw Causes Incident At House Show

    That may be true, but I don't think that he will be fired at all. I mean, beyond what everyone else thinks about the incident separately from their thoughts on the WWE, from a business standpoint, firing JBL would be suicide. As much as he doesn't belong in the main event, the point is that right now, he's there, and having him is as necessary as having Eddy. Smackdown! can't lose anything it has right now, and because of that, I don't think you could argue in favor of firing Bradshaw.
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Old Gail Kim training video up for download

    That's great, but it's not like they are any women wrestlers on Raw who would be able to take those kinds of moves because they require a lot from the person on the receiving end as well, doing all of those flips and making it look convincing. Plus, she seems really slow anyways so busted out that stuff would make her look like an inferior cruiserweight... and cruiserweights don't look good (thanks to Smackdown!) as it is.
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    RVD interview

    Maybe the fact that he's talking about having a better chance of moving up the card on Smackdown is really his way of showing some loyality to the company after being so blunt about his feelings towards his situation in the past. He's probably hoping someone will look at the interview and become convinced that he should be pushed, and then it would happen.
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    Creed Broke Up

    Well, they sell records and they're on the radio, so someone must be buying their stuff and listening to them, as well as going to their concerts... like it or not, they're here to stay during their extended 15 minutes.
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    New Lance Storm Commentary

    Hahahah, glad he mentions that...
  24. Only The Strong Survive

    Really long albums.

    Metallica's "St. Anger" is way too long. All of the songs could be shortened to three minutes, but they're seven minutes because every part is done twice and every bridge is about half of the song.
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    Do you play an instrument?

    Four years of guitar - metal/ hard rock One year of drums - whatever I can do