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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who was once tag partners with JEFF JARRETT...
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    Anybody Read the "Diva Search" Info?

    No, she's still on Smackdown... Maybe he meant Stacy?
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who was traded to Smackdown! during this year's draft lottery on Raw (before being traded back) and, later that night, had a WWE Championship match with EDDIE GUERRERO...
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who originally came to the WWE/F as the valet of ESSA RIOS...
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who is very close with LEX LUGER...
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who was guest commentator at Survivor Series 1995, which featured a WWF title match between Diesel and BRET HART...
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    Chris Jericho Injury

    Let the Tomko hate begin! Jericho's way too good to be shoved into crappy matches with workers who don't know how to correctly perform simple moves. Too bad no one in WWE realized this. I love how they still mention the fact that he was the first ever Undisputed Champion when it's obviously playing no role in any part of his career right now. Besides, is it that hard to not knee someone with enough force to injure them when you shouldn't actually be hitting them in the first place?
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    wwe asks Ultimo Dragon to sign release....

    Nah, that sounds too simple and obvious (and good) to be a legit loophole. I still wonder why Ultimo wrestling on American TV would be so bad for them considering they treated him so badly during his short tenure in WWE, and it's not like he's a Goldberg of a Steve Austin. Maybe nothing WWE does will ever make complete sense I suppose.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    Flair's back bumps

    I think Flair is just too old to risk landing right on his back. He's obviously nowhere near the shape he used to be, and maybe this is his way of keeping himself healthy. Oh hell, I don't know... he's so old that he could get injured doing anything, so it's a miracle he's still doing this almost full-time now.
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    wwe asks Ultimo Dragon to sign release....

    Well, that's okay I suppose. I mean, it's not like he's been doing anything note-worthy on WWE TV since his arrival. He's always just seemed kind of like he belonged at the lower-card anyway. Yes, he'd make a hell of a cruiserweight title contender, or even champion, but we don't even have to look at the division to know that there is no chance of him getting the strap, and his faults are too obvious to ignore.
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Predictions on Badd Blood card

    I don't think anything but the top three matches on this card are going to be enjoyable.
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who now owns the NWA, which features talent such as RAVEN...
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    About Ric Flair's Book

    Seeing as how this report is coming from wwe.com, I can't see many anti-WWE comments, especially stuff about guys like Austin and HBK being published with their blessing. Let's just hope that it won't be too censored.
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    Randy Orton/Triple H

    Triple H could never ever ever turn face at this point. It would make absolutely no sense and would effectively reverse a good three years of progress. Orton would need a face turn to advance his career, but I expect that by the time he gets ready to turn, he'll be more over (and less green) than he is now, and the turn will only make him more popular. A Triple H face turn would be a step backward and would likely not get the right kind of reaction from any kind of fan, be it smark or otherwise.
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    Randy Orton/Shelton Benjamin

    If anything, this feud will allow both men to gain more skills within the ring and improve their promo delivery to a level that can rival that of the top talent. I still think that both men are a bit green, but I'm glad that The IC title isn't on the shoulders of someone who won't elevate it. This belt is the catalyst that these two need to make themselves look more important, and in the long run, improve their games so they can, later on down the line, become tomorrow's main eventers. As for how the matches themselves will go, they can really be anything from great to okay to awkward to horrible, but I'm optimistic that these two can help each other put on some great matches, and things will only improve with time.
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    what happens after Summerslam?

    1)Will Benoit and Edge disolve as a tag team? If so, when? They will lose the tag straps way before SS, and then they will get involved in separate feuds, Benoit with Triple H and Edge with Orton (because I don't see Orton dropping the IC strap to Benjamin anytime in the near future), effectively ending their team. I expect Evolution to have broken up by the end of 2004, however. 2)What are going to be the PPV main events for the rest of the year after Summerslam and next year leading to Mania? I expect Benoit, Triple H, and HBK to stay in the main event picture on the Raw side, with the possible addition or Edge and Orton. I'd like to see Kane involved in the World title picture, but I think that this BB match will be a one-off event. Expect to see lots more of Eddie G and JBL in the main event, and don't be surprised if Undertaker gets involved in the main event picture as well. Maybe RVD or Booker will get pushed up the card? Nah... 3)Will Eddie hold on to the title until Mania? Highly doubtful. JBL may get a short reign, or even Taker with thigns going the way they have been. Either way, there's no way Guerrero will hold onto that belt until WM XXI 4)How long will Benoit and HHH feud for? Remember, they really haven't even had their first match yet since Benoit came over to Raw. Hopefully it'll be only two months in-between the Raw PPV's, but they could strecth it out if Benoit keeps retaining, or just make it a few weeks with Triple H winning the belt back and Benoit being shoved back down the card. Things could go either way with the way WWE books everything. 5)Will Jericho step up to main event status or will he stay where he's at now? Nope. I'll be looking forward to Tomko/ Jericho matches or more Jericho/ Christian matches. 6)Will Eddie fight the Undertaker? One of them will have to turn. Actually, if JBL wins the belt, Undertaker can challenge him and bypass Eddie altogether. 7)What'll be the main event for Smackdown at Wrestlemania XXI? Undertaker V.S. Kurt Angle 8)What'll be the main event for Raw at Wrestemania XXI? Triple H V.S. Randy Orton 9)Who'll get injured? Batista, Flair, Eddie G, Kenzo 10)Who'll stay healthy? Everyone who's not injured. 11)How will Benjamin do? Feud for, but never win, the IC title. 12)Who'll win the Rumble? Orton. Maybe Edge. I can't think of anyone from Smackdown! who'd win besides Kurt. 13)Will Angle come back as a wrestler? If he does when will it be and for how long? Yes. Sometime after SS until he either wins and then quickly lose the WWE title or doesn't win at WM and loses again after a few more title shots.
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    Bad Smackdown Ratings

    All this proves is that the so-called "extreme gimmicks" aren't working and that we need matches that are longer than five minutes. Period.
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    Randy Orton vs Mick Foley

    If anything, this match made a lot of people gain a lot of respect for Orton. The constant bashing seems to have died down a bit, and I think Orton took the first step in proving that he's more than just a generic, green rookie and may be worthy of some kind of recognition, but the path towards that is still long. The match did rely a lot on Foley's bumps, but at the same time, the story was there: Orton insulted Foley one too many times, and Orton was out there to prove he had what it took to defend his coveted title in a match that was the specialty of his legendary opponent. Orton took a bump that many thought he would never take, and the match was able to show the improvements that Orton is just starting to develop. This match and his continued work is solidifying his role on the Raw roster and his place as a main eventer in the coming years, but like everything else, change is inevitable, and anything can happen.
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    Tonight Show with Jay Leno

    Sure... "that'll put a lot of butts in the seats"
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Something funny about Paul London

    Why think so much about their shitty booking, especially when you know that they're going to continue treating their talent like this?
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    Just thank God that Bradshaw didn't leave with the belt.
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    favorite shoot interviews

    Where can I find some of these shoots you guys are talking about? Would any be available online or are they only available as rare tapes?
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    Holly/Gunn - Convenience or Potential?

    Billy Gunn needs to drop what remains of his ass gimmick. Now.
  24. Only The Strong Survive

    Cena to RAW?

    As much as Cena being on Raw could be good, Smackdown! needs Cena more than anything right now, no matter how stale his act and matches are becoming. I swear that United States title is nothing more than a showpiece for whoever has it. Yes, Cena and Orton could be a good feud, but everyone knows that Orton would go over just because of the fact that Cena was from "the B show," which will no doubt damage him in the eys of the booker, and Orton is... well... Orton.
  25. Only The Strong Survive


    Yeah, this is off-topic, but I'm so sick of seeing that freakin' commercial during Raw. The music sucks and the commercial is seizure-inducing.