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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    If this happened........

    I must have misread that. It seems like you are saying that Holly deserved that push. No, I don't think Holly deserved that push in any form at all. He should be jobbed out in my opinion, but my point was that, if you stick around long enough, you'll get back to some point where you are needed again, if you're saying that he wasn't needed. Either way, it's still a lame thing to do.
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    123 Kid

    Too bad Waltman has deteriorated so much over the years. He could be so much better if he wasn't on drugs and cared enough to actual do moves right and wasn't so busy beating on Chyna.
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    If this happened........

    Yeah, that's true, but they'll go right back to hating Triple H again for... being on the active roster. Then they'll bitch a bit more about Rock's tattoos or something... EDIT: Back on-topic, wrestling is like a business: if you leave when you're needed, it's like stabbing your boss and all of your friend and co-workers in the back, and when you have a job to do, you do it, and you don't complain. Someday you'll get a world title shot after ten years of being abused by going against a man who got pushed to the top in one year and still wants more (see Lesnar/ Holly RR 2004)
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    William Hung gets record deal

    The sad part is that this CD will probably sell decently well due to the fact that so many people are obsessed with a guy who can't sing. William Hung is most definitely NOT the first person in the history of the world to be that bad at singing. Just watch American Idol every week and you can easily see this. I'm so glad to know that he'll outsell Machine Head's new CD... At least you'll have something to put on and laugh at/ piss people off with at parties.
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    Trump to trademark You're Fired!

    Doesn't that fit in there somewhere?
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    New WWE Classic Figures

    Interesting choice of belts on those figures...
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    TBS/ Lesnar Ring collapse

    I haven't seen it... Which PPV did it happen at anyway? If anyone would like to give it to me, feel free to PM me.
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    Which Match will the "GM's" show up for ?

    I just love things like spelling and punctuation and sentence structure. They make things so much easier to read.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    So it would be like the WCW/ NWO angle, except that... they won't be involved with the WWE... Sounds like fun... [/sarcasm]
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    Smoking Gunns Question

    I was watching Wrestlemania XII again today, and I realized that when the Body Donnas won the tag titles in the finals of the tournament that was going on at the time, the belts were obviously vacant. I went to obsessedwithwrestling.com, and noticed that The Smoking Gunns won them, then they were vacated. After The Body Donnas won them at Wrestlemanina XII, The Godwinns won them about a month and a half later, and the Gunns would go on to win them again from them. What was the reason for them being vacated in the first place? Were they put on those two teams just to keep them on someone until the Gunns were able to get them back?
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Smoking Gunns Question

    That is sad, but still undeniably funny.
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    Heyman involved in creative process

    Recent skits? Such as?
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    What are your predictions for 2004?

    RAW V.S. Smackdown! matches will be a regular occurance, feuds will develop between the two shows slowly after WM XX, people will jump ship more often (unlike the isolated instances of people like Matt Hardy). At least, that could breathe some new life into the product. Right now, I have very little hope for 2004 and beyond.
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    SDown: Here Comes The Pain

    I'm having the same problem. When I have matches where I'm teamed with a WWE Superstar, I can really notice the difference during our victory poses. I think the problem is that the wrestlers have gotten so life-like, the once comparable CAW is now very weak compared to the in-game models of actual wrestlers. Actually, the faces of CAW's looks incredibly good, but I think that whenever you start morphing sizes of things, you immediately lose all proportions, and all of your wresatlers are doomed to look cartoony next to the actual Superstars.
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    WM 20 is three months away

  16. Only The Strong Survive

    One More Rumble Topic

    I'm guessing Goldberg's 30-day "de-activation" period also includes the Rumble...
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    Holy Crap

    I let my beard grow over Christmas Vacation (2 weeks). Little did I know how much it would hurt when I had to shave it off for school. Oh my God... My face is just numb now...
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    The OAO Raw 1/5/04 Thread

    Yep, it's Orton... :sigh: I can't breathe, he's being shoved down my throat
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    Backstage RAW Notes: HBK, Foley, Morale

    Off-topic but, what happend to Shamrock? Am I the only one who thought he was pretty good and could have been a decent champion?
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    The OAO Christmas From Baghdad SD! Thread 12-25-03

    Yeah, what he said...^^^
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    Instead of starting two different topics...

    1. In the Raw Tribute, there's a picture of Stu Hart, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels all together (it looks rather old). I've heard that near the end of Hart's WWF run there was bad blood between the two men. Why was this and where did it stem from? 2. Before the whole Undertaker/ Undertaker crap match at SummerSlam 94 and the whole angle that started at RR 94, Who was the Undertaker? Anyone who stayed in WWE? It wasn't the same UT we know today right?
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    Instead of starting two different topics...

    It's funny how this business goes in circles like that, much like everything else.
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    Instead of starting two different topics...

    So basically I'm just imagining that Undertaker was a lot shorter all those years?
  24. Only The Strong Survive

    When you have it, post the Tribute Here

    Wow... Just downloaded the tribute... That's some powerful stuff, and really sad too...
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Considering Turning Matt Hardy Face

    Ugh, reactions... They don't even use him anymore. I could care less if he's heel or face. They should at least have him wrestling actual matches on PPV's. He shouldn't be stuck in matches that never happen and then cockily declare himself the winner. When he does loses matches, that'll just make him look weak.