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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    This Day in History Thread

    i still remember seeing them on... Superstars? Possibly... way back in 1996 or 1997 and I thought they were going to lose really badly, but then they busted out their trademark splash/ leg-drop combo, and the rest is history I suppose...
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    This Day in History Thread

    Matt Hardy? What the hell? Was Mr. Version 1 a jobber way back in the dark ages or is this someone different?
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    I gave in today...

    I've been pretty into Pantera for the past year or so. I was in the record store today buying some Cd's for my mom for christmas, and I went over to the Metal section and was looking through, just browsing. I almost bought the Pantera Live CD, but instead I gave the new Superjoint Ritual "A Lethal Dose of American Hatred" a spin, and I proceeded to buy it, a little unsure if it would click. I ran through the whole thing, and although a lot of the songs sound a bit similar, I'm really digging this new side of Phil. Pantera is definitely over and done with (a sentiment I'm sure many metal fans on this board and everywhere else shares), and SJR has definitely turned me onto punk rock in general. Anybody else got thoughts about SJR?
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    Imagine an update to SNSM on a new console...
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 for PS2

    Could someone please post/ link me to a list of what stuff is unlocked in NFS: HP 2 when you get a certain number of NFS points? I've checked a few FAQ's but couldn't find this specific info...
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    Smackdown Results

    That match wasn't for the U.S. Title was it?
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Holy crap, that's weird...
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    How do you get to the SMB minus world's anyway?
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    Favorite Metal Albums of 2003

    Through The Ashes of Empires - Machine Head
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE News: Steiner, Val, The Rock, Edge, More

    Well, let's hope they can carry the angle AND jeep it interesting until Wrestlemania XX. It better not become a crappy, boring, drawn-out feud, like any main event feud involving Triple H and Kane from this past year and a half...
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Armageddon Match Ratings and Results

    Whoa... Where the hell did that come from? Since when we're Flair and Batista in that much anyways? Did they replace a team or getadded in at the end due to their shameless kissing-up to Bischoff?
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    Hogan/Orndorff (SNME cage), Test's debut, Hawaii

    Test... :shudder:
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    I know this is old news but...

    It may be true that Pantera isn't exactly the iconic metal band they've been in previous years, and maybe the brothers Abbot are moving in a different direction from Phil and Rex, but they need to still be touring. We need somebody to teach today's guitars how to write a decent riff. Besides, Superjoint Ritual is the polar opposite of Pantera and Damage Plan won't sound like Pantera seeing as how we won't have Anselmo's vocals... Meh I'm done complaining... Anybody wanna discuss?
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    The Raw Review 9/28 - 10/4

    Who booked this crap?
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    Botched Styles Clash

    Thank ya very much
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    Botched Styles Clash

    the time that A.J. Styles did it (don't know to who though) and instead of them landing on their face they almost got their neck broken cause.. one of them fell the wrong way... the person who has it should probably know what I'm talking about... thanks in advance
  17. Only The Strong Survive


    I needed the post...
  18. Only The Strong Survive


    But I'm still stoked about it anyways... Yeah!
  19. Only The Strong Survive


    It's on 74 for Cox... 501 for digital Cox
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Out of Sheer Boredom

    I don't know... I was like two when all this stuff was going on, but I want to know what any fans of the bands think....
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    Custom Titles

    Yeah, I see all of you people with your flashy custom titles and was wondering what all of you do/ did/ have done to get one... Any help is appreciated.
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    Custom Titles

    You thought I was a girl? I never knew I came off that way... Nah I'm a guy. The avatar is the chick from Evanescence in case that's what threw you off. And yes, I post whored for that custom title haha. I'll make it something nicer eventually, and it will lose it's luster soon, like all things.
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    Custom Titles

    Okay, so I reached a hundred posts... Now what do i do?
  24. Only The Strong Survive


    Basic Training would kill me... :shudder:
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    The Atkins Diet

    I did it last summer for about a week or two. Yes, it works, but I'll tell ya, it's a bitch to stay on... I'd say just go with more "traditional" measures.