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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    Triple H as world champ

    Ahh..... John Goodman is the man. OMG TROLLING BAN PLZ! Wait... nWoScorpion was already banned... eh, nevermind
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    The age of the lucha is long gone...
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    Should Jericho turn face before winning

    The hair v.s. hair match came totally from left-field...
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    Sting in NWA TNA

    Sting would never come to WWE cause his career is finished, and wWE would stick him in stupid angles anyway, so why do you even want him there?
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    Byte This recap

    I thought all of FBI were getting moved so they could train more?
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    So what superstars are assholes to fans?

    I can't really understand Test being the only one in kayfabe... he's probably just a huge dick in real life and is pissed cause he isn't over... at all...
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    2 news items

  8. Only The Strong Survive

    Last time a turn really suprised you

    I agree with the others in here about the Gail Kim turn... and the Triple H turn on Shawn after "reforming" DX as well.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    I miss Todd Pentingail
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    I don't know if this has been posted yet

    Wow RVDMARK4:20 is annoying...
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Vince, "imagine what I could do with you"

    Raw and Smackdown are separate shows (and almost separate worlds if you watch both of them regularly). They probably just took a break this week so that the Bischoff/ Shane match could be done and the Vince still has plenty of time before SS to continue the Kane angle. Maybe Bischoff using Kane was Vince's idea?
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    Dumb question, but...

    I'm in my sixth year of Spanish and don't know... Pretty worthless huh?
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    The person above you thread!

    Is sad over losing 1,200 posts (and rightfully so)
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    Paging All Metalheads

    Anything by Machine Head or Pantera.
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    Essential Albums

    Machine Head - Burn My Eyes Machine Head - The More Things Change Machine Head - Hellalive Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power TRUSTCompany - The Lonely Position of Neutral Ra - From One Metallica - St. Anger (I'm just begging to be flamed for this one)
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    Custom Titles

    Woo! Let the post whoring begin! EDIT: Disclaimer - don't worry, I'm only being sarcastic...
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    TSM Forums Crash 2003

    The ironic part is that right before I tried logging this morning I was thinking about staring at the same old threads from yesterday... But they weren't there...
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    Evolution theme song...

    taken from BLABBERMOUTH.NET Not that the song is bad or anything but... They're actually going to release it has a single? Oh, that's funny...
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Drag the Waters" - Pantera
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Worst Injury You've Seen On TV?

    What did Sid do that everyone is talking about?
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    Does this bug anyone else?

    Interviewing that Slamball coach on Raw was the stupidest thing. I have no problem with it but that's just stupid, time-wasting, shameless advertising. Such crap.
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    RAW Rating

    overrun = Shane getting beat up by Kane and Bischoff stealing a victory... So Kane is grabbing some pretty solid ratings...
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    SPOILER For Y2J vs. Nash

    I really really REALLY hope for all things that are holy that they don't put the belt on Orton. God, putting it on Shawn would even be better than putting it on Orton right now. Hopefully, he's nothing more than one more body to fill the Elimination Chamber match, but vince thinks in mysterious ways...
  24. Only The Strong Survive


    Goldberg's contract only requires him to do certain things. Touring Australia to fill in for Triple H was not one of them. That's the bottom line, period. If Vince though he could ask for a "favor," seeing as how him and Vince are so (not) close, then he was definitely 100% wrong and should have been smart enough to know that. Wait... he's Vince... Meh...
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    SPOILER For Y2J vs. Nash

    Cause people don't pay attention maybe?