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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    I Hope Somebody You Know Dies

    Not quite, but almost. My dad was taken to the hospital about two hours ago. Happy Thanksgiving.
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    Raw rating holds steady

    A 3.9 for Spike TV's highest-rated show is depressing for both Vince and Spike. Vinny Mac is stuck in a hole and he needs to step up and mkae his product interesting for the casual fans again.
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    HHH or Jericho

    The answer now would have to be Triple H. Jericho doesn't care anymore and it shows. Up until about a year ago, Jericho had an incomparable workrate, but now he's just going through the motions. Triple H was good until recently, but lately he's been more willing to sell and has been working a lot harder lately.
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    Batista instead of Orton

    I don't know if I'd like to see Batista as a face, only because it could lead to him having the same problem as Randy Orton has: being bland and being a face for no real reason other than the fact that he gets abused by heels. Batista needs to make it clear that he isn't Triple H's lackey and is thankful for his assistance (in terms of being given a shot at satrdom), leading to Triple H being angry and saying that he got backstabbed, which would lead perfectly into a feud between the suffering stable leader and the man who's trying to break out from the shadow of Evolution.
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    TNA's ring

    There is a TNA folder you know... but I'll answer your questions: 1. For all their shows. 2. Both because it makes for some different spots, but it makes everything seems so weird and... unrealistic (if that's possible for a wrestling show) 3. Looks to be the same to me
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Well... the cages matches are still the same. You can mash buttons to get up faster, and you can press R1 to jump off so you don't get knocked off... but they still suck big time.
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    Skindred- Babylon

    Reggae + Metal = Garbage That is all.
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE needs more.....

    all of this kind of booking requires months and months of preparationm through matches, promos, backstage skits, and the like... apparently the booking team has a horrible case of A.D.D. (witness the supposedly "slow-burning" Triple H/ Orton feud) Yes, it can make things unpredictable, but with the way these shows are written, it's just not a possibility. A wrestler is either a face because he's going against heels, a heel because he hates American or makes fun of people, or a heel because he's got a massive ego.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    Most boring matches ever?

    Yeah I totally second that sentiment...
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    does anyone remember when

    Because it was what people wanted to see. God forbid the fans actually choose what they like. I won't even bother making sense of WWE logic, especially in cases like this one.
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    So can a mod make this the OAO thread and change the title to "WWE Smackdown! V.S. Raw"? Thanks. EDIT: I probably should just PM someone about this.
  12. Only The Strong Survive


  13. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    Speaking of post-Wrestlemania draftees, Chuck Palumbo should be on Raw. He took Benoit to the limit on Heat last night. Amazing.
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    If Rock returned full-time

    He would. He won't. He can't. Don't get ya hopes up. Rock's "rub" is practically useless now anyways.
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Yeah, I'm really not feeling this game this year, and I marked out HUGE for HCTP from it's release up until even a few months ago. The new storylines could be passable, but the new additions just feel tacked on. The game is still the same arcade game it's been since 2000, and this game is and will continue to be nowhere close in terms of replicating actual wrestling matches. Why the fuck can't someone just localize Fire Pro for PS2!? - OTSS
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    Crossface... damn it hurts if you've got a bad neck
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    Wtf is up with WWE.com

    Strangely, it's not Every "D" and "S". It only seems to happen when the letters are in the same word or very close to each other. Weird...
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    Old School Shows of the Week #3!

    Why was the WWF title match at WM 4 matches before the main event!?
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    Hello, I´m, new here!

  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Hello, I´m, new here!

    Oh Allan... :canned audience laughter:
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    The RAW mid-card scene

    The voting was the way it should have been. The guys who got less votes than Coach just need to be given legitimate pushes. Being scheduled in matches on Raw that get interrupted by Kane who gets destroyed by Snitsky builds up no one.
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    Au revoir, Wrestling Polls and Lists

    I'd really prefer general wrestling and old-school stay as separate folders... Just one member's opinion.
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    I'm just gonna watch Sox/ Yanks instead of this... Stupid Tuesday PPV's
  24. Only The Strong Survive

    Undertaker/ Hogan

    What were the results of the two matches and why was the belt eventually held up? Thanks.
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    Undertaker/ Hogan

    Taker used a chair in their first match? I'll assume the referee had been knocked out at the time. Was Taker heel and Hogan face at the time?