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Only The Strong Survive

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Everything posted by Only The Strong Survive

  1. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling dreams

    Big Show put me in a Boston Crab in one dream I had... I was surprised Big Show could do a Boston Crab... I also had a dream where I was at some wrestling show and I think Austin was taking on Undertaker, but I had a controller and could make the match happen as I saw fit. That was pretty cool.
  2. Only The Strong Survive

    January RAW PPV: New Years Revolution

    Another January PPV? Did we forget about the ROYAL RUMBLE!? And Puerto Rico is a silly place to have it unless it's a Smackdown! show, or maybe they'll do a Raw show with Eddie and Rey or something just to keep people entertained. Whatever... I'm just glad I don't buy all of their PPV's, or even very many of them, for that matter.
  3. Only The Strong Survive

    How will HHH be remembered?

    All of the comments you guys are making about Benoit and Jericho and Benjamin are all dead-on: Triple H always gets protected and everyone else gets treated like garbage. Benoit went from being World Champion to curtain-jerking with Tomko, Jericho's been stuck in mid-card hell for years, and Shelton's push was dead in the water because... well ultimately, the way everythign is booked is the reason why it's so bad. I know Triple H probably has a hand in most of this stuff, but it's being done so wrong, and at least half the blame falls in the lap of the bookers themselves who seem to be throwing crap at the walla and hoping it sticks, and getting rid of good ideas while letting bad ones flourish for months on end. You guys are righton this too: We'd definitely have more top stars if Triple H wasn't the focus of everything. On the topic of the thread, everyone on this board will remember Triple H as the political bastard who sabotaged WWE, but everyone else will believe the hype of Triple H being in the league of stars with Flair, Hogan, Hart, etc.
  4. Only The Strong Survive

    Guitar World Top 100 Worst Riffs/Solos/Licks

    You'd have to read exactly WHY the song's are picked. I have the issue, and issues with the playing come from sloppiness, Pro Tools-esque cutting and pasting, out-of-tune notes, or total lack of taste in terms of style or flow. It doesn't refer to the songs themselves, just the leads.
  5. Only The Strong Survive

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    I had no idea this was even today... How sad... Unless my friend orders it so we can all watch (and laugh at) it at his house in a big group, I won't even waste my time.
  6. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ...who got bashed in the head by a chair 25 times at Royal Rumble 2000 in a WWF Championship match with The Rock...
  7. Only The Strong Survive

    sinsky for president

    Grammar? Punctuation? Coherency? Aww hell no!
  8. Only The Strong Survive

    19 Years of Isolation Have Left Me Socially Inept

    Rhode Island uses vertical licenses for people under 18, but you're not a legal adult here until 21.
  9. Only The Strong Survive

    How important is your city?

    Guess that makes Providence, Rhode Island 15 (401) Not so bad I guess, but I figured we'd be better suited with a five.
  10. Only The Strong Survive

    Happy Birthday To Me

    Yup... Bored so I had to... sorry...
  11. Only The Strong Survive

    Mean Gene needs help

    Is that all you've got or is there a full article to go along with it? Either way, that is quite saddening. I hope he can get on a list in time.
  12. Only The Strong Survive

    What match have you watched...

    Survivor Series 1995 No Count-out and No Disqualification Match for the WWF Championship Match: Diesel © Vs. Bret Hart
  13. Only The Strong Survive

    Burnout 3

    I've been playing it with a friend after trying it at GameStop. Worth the cash if you've got it and you're looking for a no-nonsense racing game with good graphics that'll get your adreanline flowing. It really puts you "in the zone." Thumbs up all the way for an immediate buy.
  14. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    It always has been Smackdown vs Raw, hasn't it? http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/wwesmac...sraw/index.html I guess I just assumed it was Raw vs. Smackdown since thats the name of the thread and everybody has been calling it that. When I made the thread I'd seen the name both ways, so I put the one that I preferred more. But yes, the official name is now "WWE Smackdown! Vs. Raw".
  15. Only The Strong Survive

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    vince was so constipated in that picture... great picture... wow
  16. Only The Strong Survive

    Evolution Double Turn?

    The way things are going now, it seems like Orton is going to keep outwitting H all the way up to Unforgiven. The thing I hate about Orton now is that he's not the Orton of a few weeks ago. The egomaniacal promos were great, but now he's taking the role of the face against authority/ odds. He can't play that role anywhere nearly as well as Stone Cold could, and he doesn't have the credibility to have the title... yet. They need to build up Orton NOW. He needs to go over H clean at the PPV, and he needs to go over Kane clean on Raw next week as well. He can't be getting lucky or winning matches by DQ when he easily beat Benoit two nights in a row with an RKO, hitting that as his only offensive move in their rematch on Raw.
  17. Only The Strong Survive

    Wrestlers that need new theme music

    I don't mind Regal's music either, but my god Victoria's music sucks... actually all of the women's themes suck, and not in the good way either. Undertaker's music is getting really annoying considering this is the 50th version of the same song he's had when he wasn't Bikertaker, and Chavo's music seems a bit too generically Mexican as well.
  18. Only The Strong Survive

    1997 ECW Invasion of WWF

    I vaguely remember this whole angle, where Jerry Lawler touted Rob Van Dam as "Mr. Monday Night" and I remember Sabu doing some sort of somersualt over the top rope through a table and missing the ring bell by about two inches. After that the rest is hazy, since I was only about eleven at the time. What was the whole angle about and what became of it, if it even went anywhere?
  19. Only The Strong Survive

    1997 ECW Invasion of WWF

    Yeah, I saw a screenshot of Candido on Raw during the invasion on Obsessed With Wrestling, so that's true. Sad how he had the lamest gimmick in the world only two years prior.
  20. Only The Strong Survive

    Is it me or is every rock station

    I've heard "Simple Man" by Shinedown about 20 times in the past week. Great song but getting very played out.
  21. Only The Strong Survive

    Was Luther Reigns "Mule" in "The Girl Next Door"?

    Can someone post a screen cap of this?
  22. Only The Strong Survive

    If Taboo Tuesday was THIS Tuesday

    World Heavyweight Championship Match Randy Orton © Vs. Triple H World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Match Chris Benoit Vs. Batista Hell In A Cell Match Kane Vs. Shawn Michaels No DQ Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship Edge © Vs. Chris Jericho WWE Intercontinental Championship Number One Contender's Match Shelton Benjamin Vs. Christian Tornado Tag Match for the World Tag Team Championship La Resistance © Vs. Rhyno & Tajiri Stevie Richards w/ Victoria Vs. Tyson Tomko w/ Trish Stratus
  23. Only The Strong Survive

    Taboo Tuesday Interactive

    Yes, but only if it affects match results. That is all...
  24. Only The Strong Survive

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    Totally. I mean both of them get pretty big pops for wrestlers who aren't even main attractions on the show, which should ne somewhat of a clue for Vince and co., but they're a bit too focused on the BS WWE title feuds to worry about anything else.
  25. Only The Strong Survive

    The amazing comeback

    Insanity. Pure insanity. I wish I had even a quarter of the skill at Street Fighter that these kids do.