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Lando Griffin

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Everything posted by Lando Griffin

  1. Lando Griffin

    Mad TV

    Frank Caliendo is awesome. His Jim Rome impression is gold. Plus Alex Borstein was on Family Guy, so she gets a free pass.
  2. Lando Griffin

    Is the USA ready for a female president?

    A female president? God, let's hope not.
  3. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    3 out of 5, 6 out of 9 over the past two days, and only 17 points behind. And down the stretch they come!
  4. Lando Griffin

    For those who like Bush...

    I'd like to ask Mole: If you don't want guns in the household, where should we store them? In a shed out in the backyard? An underground bunker? A safe deposit box?
  5. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    What?! I picked West freakin' Virginia? :::pulls out hair::: So it looks like I missed the first two. I'm fairly confident about the other three, though.
  6. Lando Griffin

    This is funny...

    Well you can all go fuck a duck.
  7. Lando Griffin

    Dogs' Legs Surgically Broken For Research

    The idea is good, but the execution (pardon the pun) is not.
  8. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    Woooo! 3 for 4 today. Go Rams!
  9. Lando Griffin

    Apparently GTA is worse than Child Molestation

    I really hated when my dog would laugh at me when I missed those ducks. So I shot him. But I missed.
  10. Lando Griffin

    New Year's Resolutions

    I resolve not to make any resolutions.
  11. Lando Griffin

    MTV icon

    I didn't see Avril doing "Fuel". Was it as bad as Shakira doing "Dude Looks Like A Lady"?
  12. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    Hmm, only one person has the exact same picks as me. This will definitely be a shakeup day. Tomorrow will be even crazier, though. Go Tigers, Gophers, Eagles, Razorbacks, and Rams!
  13. Lando Griffin

    Apparently GTA is worse than Child Molestation

    I fondly remember my youth in the jungle. I would run in one direction for hours, swinging over tar pits and alligators, and jumping over snakes and rolling logs.
  14. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    I picked Michigan State? What the fuck? Damnit.
  15. Lando Griffin

    UBL must have jury trial

    A funny side note: I saw the latest National Review in the store today. The cover has a picture of Dean with the words "Please nominate this man".
  16. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    What a game, and a great brawl to boot. And I got it right.
  17. Lando Griffin

    Latest AIM scam involves Calif. earthquake

    Just tell them your password is ********
  18. Lando Griffin

    Ventura's MSNBC Show Placed on Indefinite Hiatus

    Ventura/Barkley in 2004!
  19. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    <------ It's Lando, not Landon. Foo'
  20. Lando Griffin

    Alec Baldwin... Idiot

    Christopher Reeve didn't deserve to be paralyzed, but he sure is a cock. But Bill Maher is an even bigger cock.
  21. Lando Griffin

    Joe Horn and the cell phone

    I didin't see the cell phone incident when it happened, but I heard the announcers mention it later in the game. Then I saw it on Sportscenter, and thought, "That's pretty damn funny." But I didn't think it was too big of a deal. Then Monday rolls around and everybody is getting all indignant about it. What the fuck? It shows a disrespect for the game? Shut up, already! This is nowhere near as bad as TJ Duckett's celebration for scoring a touchdown while down by 30. Or the Texas A&M player who celebrated the tackle against Oklahoma while down by 70. To quote Eric Cartman, "What's the big fucking deal, bitch?" Are we that worried about hurting the other team's feelings? Why don't we just stop keeping score? That way, we all have fun and nobody loses!! And another thing. Every time somebody scores a touchdown and gives the ball to the official, the announcers verbally blow him and wish everybody was like that. Why? That would be dull. The NFL, and the indignant media asses, need to realize that entertainment = good. God bless you, Joe Horn, for bringing some fun into the No Fun League.
  22. Lando Griffin

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    Kevin Jones will be advertising himself to the NFL, so I think he'll have a good game.
  23. Lando Griffin

    TNA deal with WGN very likely

    This is a stupid idea. It seems to me that they'd go out of business before any benefit would come. But, hey, they've made it this long losing money, so who knows?
  24. Lando Griffin

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    Jerri and Rupert in the same tribe might be interesting...
  25. Lando Griffin

    Joe Horn and the cell phone

    And Chad Johnson has been fined $10,000 for holding up that "Please don't fine me again" sign after his touchdown. How retarded.