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Lando Griffin

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Everything posted by Lando Griffin

  1. Lando Griffin

    Grammar Tesr, Geuss what I got~!

    Your spelling needs some work, too. ZING~! EDIT:
  2. Lando Griffin

    Bad late-night talk shows

    Damnit, I liked Zach Galifianakis' show. He also has an episode of Comedy Central Presents.
  3. Lando Griffin

    Greatest. Website. Ever.

    There's also this.
  4. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    The first one was posted a couple months ago, and the sequel is right here. Not surprisingly, it's a bitch. I have a ton of items and don't know what to do with them.
  5. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    Gosh darn son of a gun. I can't get it to load now. Darn it to heck. Son of a biscuit. Farkin' icehole.
  6. Lando Griffin

    Is this legit or.......wha?

    Shock the monkey and win $10!!
  7. Lando Griffin

    Who has the best/worst All-Star Game?

    Pro Bowl is (you guessed it) the worst. I agree with Mike Wilbon, just name the Pro Bowl teams, but forget the game. Let the players go to Hawaii on their own money.
  8. Lando Griffin

    OK America, Defend this

    One thing bugging me: Who the hell is taking pictures of these incidents? I'm not condoning what they did, but you have to be an idiot to take pictures of this stuff.
  9. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    A check with a currency conversion site says that 300 yen is about $2.71. Maybe I'll buy it if I feel froggy.
  10. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    I'm burning incense now, but still no idea what to do next. And I'm not buying a game guide for 300 yen.
  11. I would probably recommend the Home Edition for you. It's cheaper, and I think it has all you would need. And the best thing to do is back up all necessary files and install XP clean (that is, wipe the drive clean before installing). Make sure you backup your music, movies, saved games, documents, favorites and any other file you couldn't easily recreate. By that, I mean don't back up your applications because you can easily reinstall them. Do you have a CD burner? That'll be your best bet with backing up.
  12. Lando Griffin

    13 Going on 30

    Another difference from Big: Jennifer Garner has nicer tits than Tom Hanks.
  13. Lando Griffin

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    I think Green Bay should've picked Jarrett Payton. Just to piss off Bears fans.
  14. Lando Griffin

    Britney Spears Gets Peed On

    This was funny when it happened. A couple years ago. Notice that the article refers to her as the "20-year old singer)".
  15. Lando Griffin

    South Park/CS for 4/21/04

    What the heck happened to Lemmiwinks? How dare they tease us like that.
  16. Lando Griffin

    Tickle IQ Test

    "Your IQ score is 140 This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others ? and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results." Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  17. Lando Griffin

    U.K. terror attack ow inevitable

    And it will be horribly misguided, just like it was in Spain.
  18. Lando Griffin

    Various things you will do before you die.

    Fade further into obscurity.
  19. Lando Griffin

    Products you put over to everyone

    I use a Mach 3 only because they sent me one on my 18th birthday. I don't know why they did it, or how they knew I was turning 18. It freaked me out.
  20. And Bush wasn't talking about his opponent. And "crooked liars" is more serious than "major league asshole". But I don't think it's a big deal.
  21. Lando Griffin

    Favorite Mad TV skits

    I have to mention this one skit: It was the Kappa Kappa Kappa girls, and Mo Collins was rubbing her knockers on Stephnie Weir's arm. It was hot.
  22. Lando Griffin

    House Backs Ban on Obesity Lawsuits

    Not to mention that the McDonalds coffee lawsuit wasn't that frivolous to begin with.
  23. Lando Griffin

    Things that suck

    This thread is for posting things that suck. I'll start off. Mayonaise Traffic Dialup Internet access the Post Office Snow Work Mars Continue...(I anxiously await someone to chime in with "This thread")
  24. Lando Griffin

    Sticky Ebay situation

    Post her address all over the Internet so some psycho can send a mail bomb. Actually, don't.