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Lando Griffin

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Everything posted by Lando Griffin

  1. Lando Griffin


    I may be a little slow on the uptake, but I don't get the joke on the "Rape is no laughing matter" shirt. EDIT: Nevermind, I went to the site and checked it out.
  2. Lando Griffin

    The Sheriff is a NI-

    "Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" Our mom says our dad is a real sex machine.
  3. Lando Griffin

    Ironic songs....

    Jennifer Lopez "Jenny From the Block". Maybe that's not so much ironic as it is a load of bullshit.
  4. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    With no success. Boy, I feel stupid.
  5. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    OK, I got the box open, now looking for a battery.
  6. Lando Griffin

    Can you escape the room?

    I have the note, the CD case, the cassette, the box (with a ring), three keys (two used on the drawers), and the power cable. Now I have no idea what to look for next.
  7. Lando Griffin

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    "Now I get Sports Night! It's a comedy that's too good to be funny!" --Family Guy episode: "Let's Go to the Hop"
  8. Lando Griffin

    Possible major changes to NFL in 2006

    They can't have Thursday games all year. We already have college games Thursday nights.
  9. Lando Griffin

    My vehement hatred of pop country.

    Tell us how you really feel.
  10. Lando Griffin

    To DrTom:

    For fuck's sake, quit saying "would of" and "should of". IT'S 'WOULD'VE" AND "SHOULD'VE" FOR CRYING OUT FUCKING LOUD!!!!!! Little things bother me.
  11. Lando Griffin

    Sex and the City

    But was that something that was in question? It just seemed thrown in. Jimmy Kimmel agrees with me.
  12. Lando Griffin

    Sex and the City

    I didn't really get why they threw in the "Steve's mother has Alzheimer's or something" storyline.
  13. Lando Griffin

    My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance

    I revel in the misery of others, so I'll be totally disappointed if they are in on it.
  14. Lando Griffin

    DVD X Copy finally put to an end

    Even if you don't like DVD X Copy, you should still support 321 Studios in this matter. If you don't, please go to hell.
  15. Lando Griffin

    My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance

    I also thought about the possibility of the family being in on it. Then they get the money anyway. Blech.
  16. Lando Griffin

    We love the subs!

  17. Lando Griffin

    Ashton Kutcher is 30 years old

    This is almost as big a scandal as when Shirley Temple found out she was 13, not 12. Oh, who cares?
  18. Lando Griffin

    NBA: James traded

    If you saw the title and really, truly, honestly thought it was Lebron, then you are stupid.
  19. Lando Griffin

    Max Kellerman leaves ESPN

    Why are people complaining about the unfairness in scoring? It's not a game show. Nobody wins anything. It's just for fun.
  20. Lando Griffin

    Celebrity Mole Yucatan

    Good move to make Angie the mole. Keep her hot ass on the show the whole time.
  21. Lando Griffin

    Bill Plaschke: Professional Dimbulb

    *does the Plaschke Salute* *gives Plaschke the One Finger Salute* Gagne making half of what Tanyon Sturtze makes? Crazy.
  22. Lando Griffin

    A Quick Question For Any American

  23. Lando Griffin

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I'm anti-whining, so I'm offended by the abundance of it here.
  24. Lando Griffin

    Student Group Offers Whites-Only Award

    Didn't you guys get the memo? Blacks are superior now. They can never do wrong. Whites are always wrong, and we're all racists. If you say anything bad about any black person then you are a racist. If you try to point out the inherent hypocrisy in Affirmative Action you must be a white supremacist. If a black person does something illegal and gets caught, it must be racial profiling. The CIA brought drugs into the inner city to keep blacks down. If you disagree with this, you are a filthy racist scum.
  25. Lando Griffin

    Sex and the City

    I used to sort of like it, but the last couple seasons have been shit. Just piss poor writing and acting all around. Charlotte's my favorite, too. Or she was until she married that guy. Ah hell, she's still my favorite. One observation from last night's show: Just hearing someone speak French gets on my nerves.