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yankovic fan

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Everything posted by yankovic fan

  1. yankovic fan

    Super Bowl Collection (15 DVDs) & SNL @ TimeLife

    Thanks man! The Superbowl thing was a deal in itself to me @ 29.99. There really wasn't enough stuff on there for me that I REALLY wanted to bump it up to fifty, but thanks for informing us eitherway.
  2. yankovic fan

    Anyone ever been on a Gameshow?

    I was on the High School Quiz Bowl team and was on television locally
  3. yankovic fan

    Your current cell phone wallpaper

    I took a picture of one of the models boobs in the JC Penny lingerie section in the sunday sales ad.
  4. yankovic fan

    Funny Tommy Dreamer story.

    I bet if the coyotes had, I dunno, called ACME they might have had better luck
  5. yankovic fan

    American Idol Season 4

    Two talentless females in a row. I worry about this country's taste in music. There is no way there are more rednecks than rock fans.
  6. yankovic fan

    American Idol Season 4

    I figured last season was the decline with Fantasia winning. *shudder*
  7. yankovic fan

    U.S. upset at British newspaper

    "He has been briefed" Oh they meant the president.
  8. yankovic fan

    Your favorite player that isn't a superstar

    Chris Thompson, CB Jacksonville. Went to college with him, and he was the first person drafted from there in like 8 years or so.
  9. yankovic fan

    Download Backlash here

    a whole PPV is only 303 MB? I'll download it anyway.
  10. yankovic fan

    Bringing a baby to class...

    One day in college, we was sitting around in the student union playing cards. Apparently it was "bring your kid to work" day and this girl had broght her kid to school. I guess she was one of those paid to go to school types. Well my friend had a good hand, and let out a loud "WOO HOO" waking the sleeping kid. The chick got pissed and started bitching at us. HELLO!?!??!?!?!? You're in a college student union!
  11. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    Jake Delhomme... Just keep thinking about Jake Delhomme and how he did. There is hope for your boy.
  12. yankovic fan

    The Grambling State Band

    My university played Grambling at our home turf in 2001 (Nicholls State in Thibodaux, LA if anyone gives a rats ass). Grambling demanded something like $20,000 to drive six hours from Grambling to Thibodaux for a half time show. The A.D. basically told them to screw off and just hired a New Orleans marching band (Grambling Light if you ask me) and we laughed at them. For the record, I spent 4 years in the University bands myself, and we were more Military band oriented in that we do heel to toe roll stepping and all the Core type stuff as opposed to the dancing and acting silly. The "show band" stuff is pretty irritating to me. The point to all this though is I've seen them on TV and all, and they themselves believe in their own hype so much to the point that they wanted to charge an in state school twenty grand.
  13. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    And New England drafts Matt Leinhart's back up. NFL.com didn't even have him listed (or the QB from Tulsa taken before him) and now they just have their names listed w/o a hyper link to a profile.
  14. yankovic fan

    Community College

    A coworker of mine is at a community college and was having trouble with her math homework. My sister, a Jr. in High school, was able to solve all the problems for her. I'd say it's a walk in the park.
  15. yankovic fan

    Wrestlers You Thought Would Never Turn Face/Heel

    Ted Dibiase, then he became the Steiner brothers manager... Jimmy Hart, then became a Hulkamaniac... Yokozuna, then he turned face after a confrontation with Jim Cornette
  16. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    Out of those, it's a tough call... You have injury prone White Interception prone Chang (Who I respect the hell out of anyway) And Rix... That is a VERY tough question.
  17. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    David Greene out of Georgia just got drafted by the Seahawks. He always was a very impressive SEC player and looks like he's going to be stuck as a backup to ole Matt H.
  18. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    Mike Vrabel is reminding me of Scott Peterson
  19. yankovic fan

    The OaO NFL Draft 2005 Thread

    New Orleans needs defense and a new QB. I can't see drafting an OT when you're QB fumbles pointlessly while passing with no defenders touching him. Wasted first round pick. I think after reviewing all the prospects, I like Charlie Frye from Akron and Stefon Lefors out of Louisville. Lefors is also a home state boy ala Jake Delhomme that we let get away, and his story is just a feel good one anyway.
  20. yankovic fan

    Keep the drunk guy upright

    My dad's been playing this for a few weeks now. Last week he was like 3 meters under the top score or something to that affect. It's pretty fun.
  21. yankovic fan

    Need help with the Rocky DVD box sets

    I have the second one, which is the most recent and it essentially sucks. It has Trailers and not much else in the way of special features.
  22. yankovic fan

    Geek Squad

    One of my friends is on Geek Squad. He fixed my old desktop computer once and it was worse off when he finished it. He took another one of our computers home with him, and when we got it back it was covered in scuff marks and did not work at all. Last time he came by I asked if he could help me fix a problem with my home network (since he has an ITT degree in networking) and he did it, VERY simple problem that I just overlooked one step... (I let him do this because I made sure I supervised EVERY little thing he did just in case he put some weird virus or spyware on it) He had come over under the pretense of a favor and wound up telling me "I need money" AFTER the fact. Had he told me beforehand I wouldn't have been as disgusted with him. Furthermore, I said "well ok, how much?" and he says "20 bucks, more if you have it." So I write him a check for 20 and he gets mad, "You don't have cash!?" I pointed at the street, "There's a bank up that road right there." So yeah if he's a represenative of the Geek Squad, I don't want any of them touching my stuff. I'm also suspicious that they put their own spyware in there to see what the customers do on the computers.
  23. yankovic fan

    Man has been in college for 11 years

    A friend of mine graduated from high school in 94 as well, and he graduated from college with me in December 03. This story, while impressive, doesn't really blow me over that much. Although there are a few other guys like that around here anyway.
  24. While I don't DISLIKE it, I can't say it's the best belt modification I have ever seen. Although it stands head and shoulders over the U.S. Belt in that it at least is gold.
  25. yankovic fan

    Spears announces she's knocked up
