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Max Danger

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Everything posted by Max Danger

  1. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Guess the possibility of Buffy actually appearing compelled more viewers to check out the episode.
  2. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    He wasn't indicating that Darla could take Angelus in a fight, it's just that she was his sire. She pretty much wore the pants in their "relationship". Much like Spike was such a lapdog for Dru. It's that whole sire thing, basically, but never love. At least not for Angelus, as it was said many times throughout the Angel series.
  3. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You guys are acting like this one episode just killed the entire season. I liked the episode a lot, and I agree that it seemed oddly placed considering the big apocolypse to come. I guess you could call it the "Go Fish" of this season. But it doesn't ruin it for me, and I hope you all don't hinge your opinions of the final season on this one episode.
  4. Max Danger

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I have a question: Why didn't Acaveda mention the GUN TO HIS HEAD to his wife? He just said his hands were tied. And she said "But you're a trained officer" or whatever. I think it would have helped the situation had he actually mentioned the freakin' gun that was pointed right at his head. Otherwise, his "I wanted to live" line has little weight.
  5. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy 5 Buffy 3 Angel 3 Buffy 2 Buffy 6 Angel 2 Buffy 4 Buffy 7 Angel 4 Angel 1 Buffy 1 I'm sure Angel 5 will fit in nicely into third place. Angel 4, though, after having rewatched a lot of it on TNT just is too much and much of it not that good. And I absolutely hated Cordelia since season 3 of Angel(although it didn't deter from the overall awesomeness of it, plus she had that few episode absence which was just wonderful), and evil Cordy was just much, much, much more annoying. I mean, the Beast, Angelus, Faith, evil Cordy, and Jasmine... just too much. I don't know if that's the same reasons Youth disliked it, but those are mine. All that said, any Buffy and Angel season is better than most shows on television.
  6. Max Danger

    SNL Review- featuring a report of my trip to SNL

    This was the first SNL I've watched in a very long time, obviously because I was watching for Lindsay. Gooooooood GOD! Man, she's loads better looking than Hilary though. I wish I would have taped it just for the Potter skit. (Debbie Downer, I liked too becasue everyone was out of character, but I doubt it would hold up on repeat viewing.) Weekend Update seemed very short, or was that just me? Also, um, GO FLYERS!
  7. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, that's what I said a couple of posts back.
  8. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Why would he have? Because he kissed Cordy? Hell, she kissed Angel, Wesley, and that empath demon the episode after Doyle died trying to pass them on, but it didn't work. So, I don't know why they would have in that episode.
  9. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, no one said they were going to start making Angel movies right away, did they? I mean, Joss has Firefly to start making soon, so Angel movies are probably the last thing on his mind at this juncture. And the actors will most likely take time away from the entire Angel thing(and justifiably so), take a vacation, then take some other jobs, and the movies(if they will even do them) will get done when all parties are free to do so. And it's because of that I don't think they'll ever get done, which I have no problems with. Anyway, James cut it for charity or something. I know him doing it raised $25,000 for something or another. But I'm sure he wanted to just because had hadn't been able to do anything drastic with his hair since the fourth season of Buffy. Now, since Angel's done he can cut his hair and get a freakin' tan.
  10. Max Danger

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Well, at least we know he's not narcissitic, because he was in that picture, too, and he still couldn't get it going.
  11. Max Danger

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Crap, yeah, you're right. I was thinking it was said during the show, but it was the previews for next week. With that said, I think most people are just making the assumption that the way Chloe is acting, that she could be one. But, yeah, I think what Tony says next week is a complete cover-up.
  12. Max Danger

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Does anyone else find it crazy, weird, and a little unsettling that Julian would attempt to jerk off to a picture of his wife?
  13. Max Danger

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    I think Tony's situation is that there was this big cloud hanging over him about whether Michelle was going to survive the virus or not. So, it was a major relief(obviously) when Michelle was immune to it, but then to have her kidnapped, Tony just couldn't bear to think about possibly losing her again when they were just in the clear. But when you have just seconds to decide, and you have to process so many different things WITH human emotion on top of that, well, you're not going to think clear. Sure, they all know what the risks of the job are, and that the entire country is a stake, but, most people are selfish. Just another reason that you shouldn't date your co-workers. Truth be told, don't you think there would be some sort of policy against that? Anyway, personally, I want to slap the holy shit out of Chloe. Much like Sherri Palmer and the fanatical daughter(I'm forgetting her name now) from last season, Chloe is just a woman you want to get slapped across the mouth. Repeatedly. I think she's the mole, as it were, because there's no way she can't be. But I can't really buy anyone trusting her to lead a covert inside-job. I mean, it's Chloe. And Saunders... gah! I want to put a bullet through his head.
  14. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Damn Neutralites! *shakes fist*
  15. Max Danger

    Help with a movie.

    Yeah, that's it! Thanks.
  16. Max Danger

    Help with a movie.

    Alright, I was watching the Conan O'Brien reruns on Comedy Central and Paul Rudd was the guest. (This was a show the week before Conan went to Canada, so it's fairly old.) Anyway, they were talking about the Friends finale(he's on it as something, dunno what), and had a scene from it. Okay, it was a joke, obviously, but there was still little tan creature but also this kid in a wheelchair went careening down a hill them fell over a cliff and into the water below. Anyone know what the hell I'm talking about? I know the movie. I've seen the movie. It's right there trying to push its way to the part of the brain that'll tell me what it is. So, can anyone help me here?
  17. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Mr. Trick wasn't bald and Forrest - the Initiative guy - didn't have facial hair, but yeah, aside from Trick, Forrest, Wood, and Gunn all look similar especially Forrest and Gunn.
  18. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    How weak are you people?
  19. Max Danger

    Recent purchases

    Kill Bill, Volume One.
  20. That's the exact same story they used for Tajir's debut. Regal didn't think too much of him, finally let him wrestle, and was then wowed by what he saw.
  21. Max Danger

    The Girl Next Door

    As an added note, the crowd I saw it with was probably the most responsive audience I've sat with in a long, long time. It was mostly college aged people. They were shouting at the screen(in a good way), laughing, and just having a good time. Yeah. That's all.
  22. Same thing they've been doing for a very long time: absolutely nothing.
  23. Max Danger

    The Girl Next Door

    Shrug. I liked it. Sure, I'm a complete Elisha mark and will watch anything involving her no matter how bad it is, but this wasn't offensive or anything. I, by the way, went in expected absolutely NOTHING because I had read a few reviews(Roger Ebert gave it 1/2*, hey, half a star better than North ), and most that I read didn't really care for it, so I set my expectations really, really low, and was pleasantly surprised. But, again, Elisha's my future wife, so take that for what you will.
  24. Max Danger


    I hate Fox so fucking much.
  25. Max Danger

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, none of the other cast members did commentaries. Not until the ones that aren't out yet. And I don't think I've heard of Alyson going to conventions and the like. (Maybe she has, but I don't recall.) So, do you feel the same about her as Sarah? I don't know. I think it would be nice if Sarah and other cast members did commentaries, especially for the seventh season, but if they don't, I'm not going to begrudge them for that. Some people just hate doing them.