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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Bad Smackdown Ratings

    Um, actually no. It proves that having hardly any star power on your show including no true main event heels makes people get bored. Midcard comedy matches don't work that well for the whole card.
  2. iggymcfly

    what happens after Summerslam?

    1. Benoit and Edge won't formally break up. After they lose the belts, they'll just tag together on Raw every month or two, maybe even with another three week title reign. 2. On Raw, Benoit's gonna lose the belt to Kane, a heel Edge, or a heel HBK. Then that heel will cycle through the faces before losing to Benjamin who transitions the belt to Orton. On Smackdown, JBL gets a four day run with the belt after the July PPV. Then Undertaker comes out and says that Eddie's an embarrassment to Smackdown for losing to JBL, wins the belt immediately, and goes on to a feud with Eddie culminating in Eddie's physical death. 3. Eddie's losing to JBL. 4. Benoit and HHH are already done feuding. 5. Jericho will get a PPV main event, but he's not winning the title. 6. Yep, Taker's gonna beat Eddie at Summerslam, and then in August, he's gonna kill him. 7. Smackdown main event: Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar 8. Raw main event: Randy Orton vs. Triple H 9. Injuries: Eddie Guerrero: Broken neck kayfabed as death 10. Healthy: Randy Orton. He'll have a big year. 11. Benjamin: Gets a one month title reign, and then goes to the upper midcard/lower main event. 12. Royal Rumble: Triple H 13. Will Angle come back: He'll keep the heel GM thing going through Unforgiven where he makes the Taker/Guerrero deathmatch. After Guerrero actually dies, he gets "fired" and has a blood feud with Chavo.
  3. iggymcfly

    Randy Orton/Shelton Benjamin

    Orton's been improving in the ring, Shelton was great in the ring on Smackdown, and both have a ton of momentum going into the match. Randy's had a huge successful reign, while Benjamin's in the process of being pushed to the moon. Why wouldn't people be excited for this feud? Oh, and I say Benjamin wins the title at Bad Blood for no particular reason.
  4. iggymcfly

    Post-Bad Blood Card

    They should have more full-time tag teams. They should get all the people like Val who have nothing to do, and keep them in some sort of consistent tag team so the division has some depth. There should be at least five full-time tag teams at any given time. Something sounds fishy in that La Res/Evolution tag match so I'm not going to put too much stock into Evolution regaining the titles. I will give you a duo that has to be tag champs at some time in the next three or four months, however. Your Tag Team Champions of the World, William Regal and Eugene!
  5. iggymcfly

    WWE Gimmick News

    This all kind of sounds like a big story to me. The way that the WWE has been running Raw lately, I can't really believe they were going to have the "grandson of the Japanese emperor" challenge Benoit for the World Title. On Smackdown, maybe, but the way they've been trying hard on Raw, I really doubt they were going to put something that stupid in the main event.
  6. iggymcfly

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    Hey, I've always been a Christian fan since back in the E&C days, but I can see that there's no way he should be in a main event right now. The thing about the Jericho feud is that it's a lot like the Edge feud was. It had a good storyline with good heat, and Christian got a win here and there, but everyone knew that in the end, he wouldn't win the feud because he's not a credible top-caliber heel. He needs to win a feud with someone like Shelton Benjamin before he can even think about challenging for a World Title.
  7. iggymcfly

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    If Edge were to win the title, he'd definitely need to turn heel. Just face Edge getting a clean win over a slightly more over face in Benoit would be anticlimactic and would accomplish nothing. However, if he betrays his partner to get a shot at the title, there could be some potential for a good storyline. In addition, Edge would have a large slate of face opponents to choose from, and he'd be fresh since he hasn't been a heel in the WWE since 2001. However, if anyone needs to turn heel, I think it should be HBK since he's already getting stale and doesn't command the same face reactions he used to. Also, he's more fit to play a serious main event heel, as all Edge has done is the comedic heel from the midcard.
  8. iggymcfly

    Sting says he'd like to work for wwe

    The last thing the WWE needs is another washed up "star" in his 40s who can't wrestle anymore. He's a good fit for a fed like TNA that's desperate for name value, but he wouldn't do anything for the WWE.
  9. iggymcfly

    the Last SK Smarkdown review

    BTW, to whoever said Smackdown just needs to get off UPN, and get a network like FOX, it is on FOX where I live, and in a decent amount of other networks across the country, and it doesn't matter. There's no real stars on the show except for Taker, and no fresh storylines. The fact is it's boring. Especially when Raw's going so well, there's just no reason for someone to subject themselves to Smackdown on a regular basis.
  10. iggymcfly

    Kanyon on Leaving WWE

    You can't just start out a guy like Kanyon feuding with Taker out of nowhere. You've got to get a character that works in the midcard, and build it up there before trying to push it to the sky. Otherwise, stuff like the Brock/Holly feud and the Eddie/Bradshaw feud happens. Bradshaw's actually got a pretty decent heel character, but they're starting it out too high on the card, and that's why it's not going to work.
  11. iggymcfly

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Well, this is the first full Raw I've watched in a while, and I have to say that the show's gotten a LOT better. Benoit and Edge are way over, as evidenced by the extremely hot tag match. The Eugene/Rock angle was the best one I've seen in years, and might be enough to help Eugene move towards Foley status as a major star. As for the main event, the finish was a little off. HBK probably should have superkicked HHH and then left the ring so that Kane could throw him out, but that's nitpicking. The point is that from start to finish, the show was consistently interesting and entertaining, and it makes me want to tune in again next week. Raw's vastly better than it was a few months ago.
  12. iggymcfly

    Who does Eddy fight after Bradshaw

    I don't know how Big Show is physically, but I think they could easily work him in while Angle's GM. First, he could come in and Angle could punish him with a match with Taker at GAB. Then, Big Show either wins or loses by DQ or just doesn't get beaten up enough, so Angle decides that he needs to fight through his injuries to take him on at Vengeance. After Angle gets a decisive win there, he goes for Eddie at Summerslam, but in order to establish that he's still a heel, he decides that he can't beat Eddie on his own, and does the break the ankle with the chair thing before making him tap to the Ankle Lock.
  13. iggymcfly

    Great American Bash

    Well, it looks like Eddie/Bradshaw is a lock for the main event of GAB. But the big question is what does Taker do? That Booker feud looks pretty much done, and there aren't really any over heels left for him to face. I think he'll probably do a face vs. face with Eddie at some point since the only two real stars on the show, but who's he gonna fight while Eddie's busy with Bradshaw? I can't see any real point behind him trying to fight Mordecai, considering how little momentum Mordecai has, and fighting someone like Dupree would just be a joke. Maybe training camp for the NFL will come soon and Brock will realize that his only real career is in wrestling. Otherwise, I think Smackdown is pretty damn lost for heels. Even if Angle comes back for Summerslam, he's nothing more than a quick fix, and it won't even come quick as there will be two more months of shitty PPVs before anything interesting happens. Granted, I haven't been watching much Smackdown lately, so there may be someone over who's been coming up that I don't know about, but for the most part, it just seems like there's nothing going on.
  14. iggymcfly

    RAW Battle Royal Bios

    As for Andrew WK, all of his songs sound the same and they're not that great to begin with. He's a very mediocre rocker, and I think they'd do better just letting Stevie focus on his own character. He was actually getting really over as Victoria's bitch until they kind of pulled the plug on that and let him wallow in nothingness.
  15. iggymcfly

    How much longer does Taker have?

    How much longer can Undertaker keep wrestlilng? Uh, see Flair, Ric.
  16. iggymcfly

    RAW Battle Royal Bios

    Reading the bios makes me think that Edge is probably the one that's going to win it. They're pushing the Kane/Matt Hardy program too hard for it not to got to Bad Blood, and HBK's obviously going to cost Triple H the match. Jericho is the other reasonable choice and it would probably lead to a great match, but he doesn't have a story with Benoit right now. I can't even think of a reason that they woould have made Edge and Benoit tag champs if it wasn't to set up a match between them at Bad Blood, and just the way they were saying how it could be interesting reminded me how much they always love the feuding partners angle. Jericho could feud with Orton or Batista in the meantime, and still keep upward momentum without actually getting the title shot.
  17. iggymcfly

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    I think when the WWE decided to put Bradshaw in the main event, they already knew that Judgment Day would have a shitty buyrate. If you take a career midcarder and just throw him into a World Title program with no intermediate programs to build him up, he'll never draw. Then, when you make it someone as inherently boring as Bradshaw, and fill out the card with pretty much NOTHING of interest, I don't even think Vince can blame Eddie for the disaster this is going to be.
  18. iggymcfly


    No, but I think if they leave the IC Title on Orton for a while, Eugene would get a great pop for pinning him for a fluke title win.
  19. iggymcfly

    One More Rumble Topic

    Just looking at the 30-man list, in addition to Goldberg, you also forgot Undertaker. He's all but guaranteed to be in the Rumble match. Oh, and I really hope they don't put all three members of the FBI in. That would be kind of a waste of space. In fact, I think one of them would be a waste of space.
  20. iggymcfly

    Crisis Meeting Scheduled for RAW

    If anyone actually said the comment about Taker, (which I'm not quite convinced of) it would have to be Big Show. He's got the seniority to do something like that, and he's actually got reason to be bitter, with the way that they push him and then treat him like a jobber. Brock's been put over by Taker on multiple occasions so I can't imagine that he'd make a comment like that.
  21. iggymcfly

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    There's no way in hell Benoit/HHH will go on last at Mania. It would be a hastily thrown together feud with no "epic" drawing power and would not go on last at the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. In fact, HHH/Benoit is such a weak storyline that I sincerely doubt it's gonna happen at all. The only way that Benoit gets a title shot at all is if it's against Brock, and it's on the undercard to an Austin/HHH or Austin/Goldberg main event.
  22. I don't know, but it's definitely time for it to end. Don't get me wrong. I loved the series and all, but they can only play 18 yr. olds for so many years. After about 2002, the show started getting ridiculous. Oh, and I agree on the Butterfly Effect. That movie looks absolutley awesome. I get goosebumps just watching the previews. It could still end up sucking, but I'm hoping it will be the realistic thriller with a supernatural edge i the same vein as Donnie Darko.
  23. iggymcfly

    Rumble and Mania plans

    The Rock just got done with a heel run and made a cameo as a gigantic face a few weeks ago, so he's definitely a face. And we don't know that Austin will come back, but I'd be shocked if he didn't wrestle at the biggest Mania of all time. I guess if it were up to me, I'd let Shawn face Rocky since a lot of people seem anxious to see that match, even if I don't see how you'd book it. If I was pressed for a finish, I'd probably let it go to a draw via double countout, since neither man can really take the loss in that situation. As for the (Raw) main event, I'd let Jericho beat Kane in a #1 contender's match to get the shot, only to have Austin declare that Jericho/HHH is a "boring" match and insert himself into the main event. Austin already has heat with both men, so it would work on that level, and Jericho would be righteously outraged that after he was on the winning side at SS to see Austin get eliminated, Austin not only stayed on Raw, but stole Jericho's thunder as #1 contender too. In the match, after HHH was down, Jericho would kick out of two stunners, only to have Austin go to the outside and get a chair. Depending on whether Austin can go in a part-time HBK like role, you can either: 1) let Austin get the pinfall, and feud over the title with Jericho all summer or 2) have Rock come out and stop Austin from getting a cheap WM X-7 style win and let Jericho lock in the Walls to make Austin tap after a Rock Bottom or 3) have Rock come out and stop Austin from getting a cheap WM X-7 style win only for HHH to cover Austin while Jericho's still down and get the win himself
  24. iggymcfly

    Latest On WWE Schedules Of Mick Foley & The Rock

    Actually, as I think about it more, even "playing the heel" could be overcome, but both of them also need a win at Mania. HBK is getting more comfortable as the number one face than anyone has in months, making him need a win, and seeing Rock come back just to job to somebody has gotten tiresome to the point that the fans will want to see him get a pinfall victory at the biggest Wrestlemania of all time.
  25. iggymcfly

    Latest On WWE Schedules Of Mick Foley & The Rock

    I agree about Rock not being in title matches. It always pisses me off to no end when they have him do that when we all know he's going to be leaving. As for HBK/Rock though, I just don't think it would work very well. HBK's gaining overness faster than anyone on Raw, and Rock's gonna be impossibly over when he gets back. It would just hurt for one of them to have to play the heel at this point.