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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. Jericho and Trish both have tons of charisma and acting ability which is why their scene worked great. Even though the stuff with Hardy was still good, it didn't come close to the level of the Trish/Jericho stuff because Lita can't act her way out of a paper bag.
  2. iggymcfly

    Am I the only person

    Well, I don't get Smackdown here, but I did catch the end of Afterburn or something, and I thought that the shit shooting was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen. It made me glad that I don't get Smackdown anymore. In fact, I can't even get into Raw right now with fucking boring Goldberg as the centerpiece of the show. I don't think I've made it through an entire Raw since Unforgiven. My enthusiasm for the WWE is pretty much at an all-time low right now.
  3. Hey, Angle beat Brock for the title in under one minute on Smackdown back in the day. Why shouldn't Brock get his quick job back.
  4. iggymcfly

    Derek Lowe

    Actually, it was a one-armed version of the "suck it" gesture. I'd think on a wrestling board, people would recognize that. Oh, and it's not a big deal at all. When he strikes someone out to win the fucking series, he's allowed to do whatever the hell he wants.
  5. iggymcfly

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    I think the NFL fucked up hardcore tonight. That really broke kayfabe. If they keep doing shit like that, more people are gonna realize that it's fixed. I mean the 21 point comeback in 4 minutes wasn't enough for them. They had to make up a new rule. Give me a fucking break.
  6. iggymcfly

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    OK. There is not one thing on Raw that makes it worth watching right now. Pretty much every match was a star facing a jobber, there wasn't one interesting storyline, and the only real feud consists of Shane and Kane killing each other one week and then no-selling it the next week. I could totally see myself quitting the WWE right now, at least for a few months.
  7. iggymcfly

    Am I the only one?

    Right now, there's just no heel presence on Raw. Flair and Orton aren't exactly a real threat to anyone by themselves, and Kane hasn't been that interesting in months. HHH might have gotten a little stale as champ, but he's better than Goldberg any day. The ratings went down last week, and they'll probably stay low until Trips comes back. The only positive is that when we finally do get HHH back, he'll hopefully be healthy enough to actually put on good matches again.
  8. iggymcfly

    Ratings going down the toilet

    Actually, I have to say that I couldn't stay interested enough to watch Raw last week without Triple H on. I can't think of a champion I'm much less interested in than Goldberg. If they built Kane up right and gave him the belt, it might work, but Goldberg's really passe right now.
  9. iggymcfly

    Jimmy Yang Signs With WWE!

    So I'm assuming he's not actually better than Rey Mysterio like in EWR?
  10. iggymcfly

    Brock's Unprofessional behavior

    It was bad enough when Lex Luger was a face and kissing babies. Now you want heel Brock to do it too?
  11. iggymcfly

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    Actually Benoit and HHH's matches with RVD both followed pretty much the same formula. They both worked over a body part on RVD which RVD completely no sold. The only difference was that in HHH's match, he had enough heel heat to make an interesting finish that allowed a lot of people to forget about how RVD had totally screwed the early part of the match.
  12. iggymcfly

    Survivor Series Format

    I think that Wrestlemania, Summerslam, and Survivor Series should all be supercards every year. They could make Survivor Series the inter-brand PPV and let the big stories climax at Wrestlemania. What I'd actually do with the SS main event even though it would be a little bit of a non-finish would be to have Vince try to help Brock, only to have Austin come out and give Brock a stunner. The ref would see the stunner and disqualify Goldberg, starting the tension between Goldberg and Austin that would eventually lead to the main event at WM XX.
  13. iggymcfly

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    God, it doesn't matter what HHH does; people still bitch about him. He jobs his World Title clean, puts over Jindrak, Cade, and Maven, and leaves all in the same week, and we still hear people bitching about how he's holding down anyone and everyone. Give me a fucking break.
  14. iggymcfly

    Survivor Series Format

    Shit, you don't need to bother with screwing up the Rumble. Just put on some good inter-brand matches that people would like to see. They can even be non-title. You can't tell me this card wouldn't draw: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg Kurt Angle vs. Triple H Undertaker vs. Kane Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance vs. TSPWGTT vs. Los Guerreros Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho John Cena vs. Booker T Big Show and A-Train vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner RVD and HBK vs. Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman
  15. iggymcfly

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    Well, basically all of Evolution looked like jobbers. Can you imagine if Nash, HBK, and Goldberg had got their asses kicked by La Resistance before pulling off a fluke victory? It's bullshit the way they have to castrate all the heels.
  16. iggymcfly

    Raw rating

    I can't get into the women's division because of the booking. All the heels basically just rotate between being jobbers and unstoppable champions every 3-6 months, while Trish stays as the top face. Lita might remedy half of that problem, but it's still not enough for me to tune in. The only women's feud that could interest me right now would be Jazz vs. Lita, because Jazz has yet to be jobbed out, and it's not a feud we've already seen 100 times over.
  17. iggymcfly

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    Shit, what a waste of HHH's last appearance to make him look like a freakin jobber against Cade, Jindrak, and Maven. They should have centered his leaving on either his injuries, or his being distraught about losing the World Title.
  18. iggymcfly

    Raw rating

    I was thinking of that, but no. Trish and Trips were on the same team, so HHH didn't actualy lose to her. They'd already lost a mixed tag to Rocky and somebody else before they ended up that way.
  19. iggymcfly

    HHH vs. Chris Jericho

    Well it's WWF. You really can't expect a top face to be jobbing cleanly right and left when they haven't had a history of doing so in the past. And even with that, there was never a period where he was made to look invincible. Clean or not, he lost often, and was always vulnerable to an extent, as a face and as a heel. The same really can't be said for HHH, because since his push began, he's almost always been made to look unstoppable, and in 90% of the time, he's made to come out on top. Back when Rock was losing a match every two months when HHH screwed him over, HHH was losing all sorts of matches. This was back when he'd have "fluke" losses to Chyna, Vince, Brooklyn Brawler, etc. So if the criterion is any loss than HHH was putting over tons of people, and if the criterion is only a clean loss than The Rock put over no one for three years. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Oh, and how did Rock bury Jericho? Every time he had an interview with Jericho he'd just talk about how Jericho couldn't beat him clean to the point that it got annoying. He pinned Jericho with everything from a rollup to a DDT. He kicked out of Jericho's finisher multiple times, even kicking out of it when done twice in succession. Everything he did basically screamed "Jericho isn't a real champion. His reign is just a gigantic fluke.
  20. iggymcfly

    ~Guilty Pleasures~

    First of all, A-Train's push didn't bomb. He was getting over really well as an upper midcard heel and then the WWE just inexplicably started putting him on Velocity every week until people didn't give a shit anymore. Second, I challenge you to find me one heel in the WWE that gets boos throughout their matches. It doesn't happen. When A-Train wrestles, he gets boos on his entrance, an occasional "shave your back" chant during the match, and usually a good pop for his opponents moves. People get into his matches and enjoy them. Finally, his work is damn good. All his moves are crisp, and as often as not, he actually works on a body part. He's got good selling, and as far as I'm concerned he's definitely an above average all around worker.
  21. iggymcfly

    Feuds that never Die!

    As far as the RVD/Jericho mini-feud goes, here's what happened. Jericho screwed RVD out of the title on Smackdown even though he got his ass handed to him, and the next week on Raw, RVD gets really pissed, does the best acting of his LIFE and then does a run-in on Jericho to huge heat. Then, the show after that, The Rock and Booker T have a #1 contender's match, and RVD is completely forgotten. RVD might not be ready for the title right now or even when he faced HHH at Unforgiven, but he sure as hell was back then.
  22. iggymcfly

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Shit, I just started reading this thread after the show tonight, and I was convinced I was the only one who'd thought that Joe might be in on it. With his "giving his prize to Pat" and his over the top facial expressions, it really makes me wonder. Oh well, either way I'm hooked on the show. I've found that I'm more anxious to tune in to Spike TV at 9:00 on Tuesdays then I am to tune in at 9:00 on Mondays. This is an awesome show. BTW, if he is in on it, then that's fucking hilarious because 90% of the people watching the show are thinking Joe's stupid for not getting the joke when really, the joke's on them. That would be pretty Kaufmanesque.
  23. iggymcfly

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    I really like what Snow and Coachman did, because they weren't just "heel" commentators. They were commentators who happened to be supporters of Bischoff and Jericho and hate Austin. It was perfectly logical. And seeing how big of a deal they made out of Austin attacking Bischoff without being provoked, I'd say they're definitely following up on it. Maybe Austin will get suspended, and Bischoff will get to rule the roost for a while, postponing JR and Coach's match until Survivor Series.
  24. iggymcfly

    ~Guilty Pleasures~

    Vince and Stephanie. Sometimes they annoy the shit out of me, but sometimes Vince is fucking hilarious, and Stephanie's pretty damn hot.
  25. iggymcfly

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Well overall, Raw seemed like a well-booked show tonight, and I was actually really impressed with how Coach and Snow did as announcers. Hearing a heel perspective on things was really refreshing. However, little things like Bischoff forgetting to do a fast count just drive me fucking crazy.