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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    HHH vs. Chris Jericho

    Uh, hello. Are we thinking about the same person here? The Rock didn't lose one match clean between Backlash '99 and Summerslam 2002, least of all to Jericho who he fucking castrated between No Mercy and the Royal Rumble in 2001.
  2. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    OK, I've got yet another question. Is it possible to let a TV show go by without advancing a major feud and still have the feud not lose heat? I've got two TV shows a week, and with Daniels under open contract, I can't afford to pay him for 10 dates a month. I've already done 8 interviews with Raven, and while they're certainly acceptable segments, it would be nice to leave the feud off a couple of shows. As long as the feud has 99 heat though, I really don't want to jeopardize it.
  3. iggymcfly

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    I really don't think they'd try to just turn Trips face right out of the blue like that. It wouldn't make any sense, and it certainly wouldn't get HHH over considering all the heel heat he has right now. I think what they'll probably do is just job him in his automatic rematch for the title tonight, and then let him take off for his honeymoon.
  4. iggymcfly

    Results from MSG

    If you want to know why MSG wasn't sold out, it probably has something to do with the shitty Smackdown they put on last time they went there for a TV taping. That week they had a huge blockbuster Raw there, and then they tried to make the Smackdown sound special, but put on a well below average show with nothing happening instead.
  5. iggymcfly

    Ok for the last time Shane-O-Mac defenders...

    All the fans who enjoyed it. As for the match, I can't really comment because I only saw the last 20 seconds. But I do think people are going a little overboard saing that Shane killed Kane by losing to him.
  6. iggymcfly

    Place your bets, people

    Nah, Kane's winning the title at Survivor Series for sure. If Triple H really did want to use political power to get over as a face, the best thing he could do would be to let Kane run wild for a while as the monster heel champion that HHH finally stops at Wrestlemania.
  7. Well, I guess it takes a little more to be impressed with a show when you have to pay 40 bucks for it then when you don't find out until halfway through that you'll actually get to see it, but what I saw, I liked. I couldn't tell for sure if every little spot was done perfect, but I really enjoyed the IC title match. I was thinking going in that they better not let Christian win and it would be bullshit if they did, but by the end of the match, I was into it enough that it seemed perfectly logical. The only complaint I had about what I saw was that the main event finish seemed really sudden and out of nowhere, but that's just a Goldberg match for you.
  8. Well, I didn't find the webcast until right before Shane's big bump, but what I saw of the show was pretty good. The IC title match was excellent, the announcer match was interesting from a storyline standpoint, and the main event was solid even if the finish was a little abrupt. Plus I'm actually kind of excited to see where they go with all this tomorrow on Raw. The show's actually going in a new direction now.
  9. iggymcfly

    Post A Login To The Webcast Here Please

    Well, I didn't find this until the Kane/Shane match, but I saw everything after that and it worked pretty damn good. The main event was a little sketchy, but all around the webcast quality was very good, and I really appreciate it.
  10. iggymcfly

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Well, I didn't actually see the match since I don't get Smackdown now, but from what I've read, they completely missed the obvious storyline for the match. Brock's embarassed about tapping to the ankle lock, so he refuses to do it again. Realizing this, Angle doesn't go for pinfalls and merely works on the ankle allowing Brock to build up a good lead (maybe 3-0 at 45 minutes) before he finally has to start tapping out and Angle gets a comeback. I mean really, how hard is that?
  11. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I've got a couple questions for people: How many matches do you usually put on a monthly PPV? I usually only put 6 on (including the pre-show), because both times I put 7 on, I got the thing where the overall percentage value is lower than both the crowd heat and the match quality. I was thinking maybe I need more referees to put on that many matches or something. Also, what's the best score you've gotten for a large show or PPV? So far the best I've gotten is an 88.
  12. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    You got rid of Jericho? How quick and why?
  13. iggymcfly

    Satellite feed of the Iron man match

    Hey, I'd like to get a feed of that match if anyone could get it. I don't get Smackdown here, and I can't use Kazaa because the campus has a firewall to try to keep people from downloading music on there.
  14. That's kind of an intriguing (if ridiculous) idea. If HHH went to TNA, what do you think would happen. Would he be incredibly over as a heel because of the smart fan backlash or incredibly over as a face because he has so much more star power than anyone else.
  15. Dude, it makes sense. It's Flair country. Flair challenging for the World Title and overcoming the odds of Orton's a good main event. Some people on here read too much into everything.
  16. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Architeck to answer your question, when you try to fire them, the other people will tell you if they're going to quit too. If they don't say so, you're fine. Their morale might go down a little, but that's all. As for me, I've had three out of four shows where the overall ratings were lower than the match quality and heat ratings since hiring some new staff members so I just fired my lowest rated referee. If that doesn't work, I'll have to fire my lowest rated writer too, but since they're an 82, I wouldn't think I'd have to do that.
  17. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I never get low morale for the guys I actually use. Unless I job someone consistently, they're usually all right. Oh, and just to brag, I brought in Colt Cabana two months ago so he and CM Punk could feud w/ Kash and London for the tag titles and over the course of the feud, I raised his overness from 57 to 86. I think he gained about 15 or 20 points of overness just from the blowoff match.
  18. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Well, I got over my anger about the tag title match, but now I have a new problem. My last two shows, I've had all of my matches be below the average of the crowd heat and match quality. For example, in my tag match between the Second City Saints and Kash and London where I blew off the feud right, I got an 82 for crowd heat and a 100 for match quality, but I still got an 81 overall. I was wondering, could it be because I hired a few new staff members? I got a new ref, a new production assistant, and a new writer, but I didn't actually fire anyone. If that's what did it to me, then that's pretty screwed up.
  19. iggymcfly

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    Well, I only saw the last hour or so. I came in during the 8-man tag match, but from what I saw, Raw was pretty boring. Just because HHH and Goldberg are in the ring together doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be an interesting segment. I thought that main event was pretty weak. They need to do something creative with this HHH/Goldberg feud before people get bored with it. This whole boring booking-by-the-numbers thing doesn't do much for me. I will say that the highlight of (the hour I saw of) the show was Test making a stipulation that he's gonna make Steiner his bitch. That was just too funny. If they could just keep Kane/Shane believable and HHH/Goldberg interesting, Raw might have something going but I did think this Raw was decidedly weaker than the last two. And from what I've read, I don't think I missed much in the first hour either, outside of maybe the Christian/Jericho/Austin segment. I thought Unforgiven looked like it would be a big hit a couple weeks ago, but they're gonna need to step it up a little bit if they want to get a big buyrate.
  20. iggymcfly

    Chris Jericho turning face?

    What about the promo when he talked about Steph's breasts being the size of the Grand Canyon? Ugh, that sounded like a forced joke and the only thing it did was just put more focus on Steph and HHH than Jericho and HHH (and we all know what happened a week before Wrestlemania, now don't we?) . I agree with you on HHH being a horrible face in 2002. I guess you didn't think it was funny because you didn't get it. He wasn't talking about her breasts. He was saying her vagina was like the grand canyon because she was such a slut. Oh, and neither Jericho or HHH should turn face. The Kane turn finally made some balance by giving Raw three main event heels and all another face turn would do would help bury all the faces on Raw by moving them in and out of main event feuds. The only way they can do a face turn right now is if it's a double turn between a face and a heel. If HBK and Nash were a heel team feuding with a face Jericho, that would work pretty well.
  21. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Well, great. Now I can't play EWR for probably another week. I had been working for months to find a decent way to get the tag belts off of Kash and London, so they could move into main event singles feuds since they were my #2 and #3 faces. Since I already had CM Punk I hired Colt Cabana and spent a month building up the Second City Saints. I set up a good feud between the two teams that was at 89 heat, and then, when they were finally going to take the titles at Climax (a PPV), I accidentally put Carly Colon in the match instead of Colt Cabana, and now I've completely ruined my tag belts. I know it probably won't even make that much difference in the game, but it just makes me so ANGRY. I like to make logical storylines for myself, even when the details are minute enough that the game won't notice. I look at my title lineages about every time I put on a show just for funsies, and I know that seeing CM Punk and Carly Colon there is just gonna piss me off to no end. A six month title reign for Kash and London ended on PPV by a non-team, half of which they were feuding with. It's not even like when Tajiri took over for Chavo, because there's no reason for it, and Colon's just a crappy jobber for me. I think I'll just have Punk and Cabana put Colon in the hospital, and have Cabana take over his belt, but it still totally fucked up my feud, and it's gonna take a while before I get over the anger.
  22. iggymcfly

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    All it takes is people with good acting talent and some good writing. Austin was over in '97, but it took the Austin/McMahon storyline to make him into a pop culture icon.
  23. iggymcfly

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    If only you booked the WWE....... Then those 4.3 ratings would be down the toilet, and the WWE would lose all the progress they've made in the last 2-3 months.
  24. iggymcfly

    A Little More About TEW

    The time thing is the thing in EWR 4.0 that I thought needed to be changed the most. The idea that an authority figure making an announcement and an Iron Man match taking the same amount of time just doesn't work. If you could allot a certain number of minutes to every match, that would make things way better.
  25. You just slap them hard enough that they come to their senses and say "Oh wearing strings of crosses across my bare chest looks really fucking gay. What was I thinking."