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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Vince has really done it now

    Actually, I'm kind of an anti-smark, and I even thought that segment was stupid. When he was telling a story about "getting mad at his football coach and giving him a DDT," I was like what the fuck is this.
  2. Well, I'd obviously take HBK, because he's the best all-around performer in recent memory, but he'd be a lot better if you could slap the Christ out of him. Seriously, every time he cuts a promo, I think he's gonna ask if we've all accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior. Someone needs to tell him he's playing a wrestling character, not giving a sermon.
  3. iggymcfly


    The reason the Raw rating was high this week is that last week's show was so good. I know I was the only one on the internet that liked it, but most of the casual fans are into it, and that's why the WWE got their highest rating since Austin made his return as a wrestler on Labor Day. Interesting angles and in-ring promos=ratings.
  4. iggymcfly

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    I feel that most shows should start with an in-ring promo. A match just ends, and leaves you with no hook to stay tuned, but a good in-ring promo sets up the story for the night which builds until climaxing in the last segment. The television shows should be more than random matches and build for the PPV. They need to have some sort of storyline which resolves itself that night.
  5. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Can someone please explain what the actual defining factor for PI is. This week, I ran the first episode of my new TV show on TSN which got an 80% and 1.22 rating which was higher than every show except Raw. My TV show from before got an 81% which was the best I'd ever gotten for a TV. Then, the end of the week comes and my PI drops another three points. But that's not even the worst of it. I checked the other promotions, and every other promotion in the game gained PI that week. What the hell?! What can I possibly do to keep my PI from falling? I just went and hired another moderately over wrestler to an open contract, but I don't think it did anything, and none of the other wrestlers in the game are as over as my guys anyway. P.S. Is it possible to turn someone to make them a tweener? I brought in Sean Waltman to be in a tweener version of DX w/B.G. James, but I accidentally debuted him while he was still a heel.
  6. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    If you're still worried about Paul London, I just teamed him with Kid Kash when he came in, and his overness shot up right away. In fact, now that I turned Jarrett, Kash and London are actually my top two faces. The real thing I came on here to do though is bitch about my public image. I just put on my best show yet (again.) My last PPV was rated 88% overall, and the next day my public image went down. My advertising and production levels are both high, so I can't figure out why my PI goes down every time I put on a show.
  7. iggymcfly

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    Wow. It looks really cool.
  8. iggymcfly

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    I like poster #2. That's quality. I really don't have much to say here, but I wanted to see what it would look like if I had the last post in all of the top six threads.
  9. iggymcfly

    worst angles ever

    The Al Wilson angle was pretty bad. It wasn't just boring, it made you embarrassed to watch wrestling. I'd say the worst is still the Invasion though. By the end, that was just sucking all the enjoyment out of Raw and Smackdown. I remember just being utterly fucking jubilant when it was finally over.
  10. iggymcfly

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    I think Goldberg would be OK up to 15, maybe even 20 minutes if the match is laid out properly. Sure, he's not the best worker in the world, but he's nowhere near as bad as Steiner or Nash. His match at Bad Blood with Jericho was very good, and with help from Patterson, he and Trips could have a surprisingly good match.
  11. iggymcfly

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    What they really need is an established IC division for the midcarders. Instead of just saying Jericho or Lawler will get a title shot this week because of the GM's whim, all the midcarders should be fighting to get a shot. If they rotated through Dreamer, Storm, Goldust, Henry, Mack, Snow, and the like with the winners fighting to eventually get a shot, it would make the Raw midcard more interesting. You know what would be cool is if they had a tournament of the people who get on Raw occasionally, where the winner got an IC Title shot on PPV, and the winner got permanently banished to Heat. I really think they should have completely different rosters for Raw and Heat, where once a month, the best wrestler on Heat goes to Raw, and the worst wrestler on Raw goes to Heat. It would help both programs.
  12. iggymcfly

    The Kane Fire Dumpster Angle

    I guess I'd be Jericho. The heel that draws tons of heat from the crowd just by speaking the truth.
  13. iggymcfly

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    I think the feud's gone over great too. If you remember, when they first started doing the build for it, there was no heat at all. But by backing off for a few weeks, and giving Goldberg a reason to want to kill HHH before getting the title, it's really elevated the feud. It's been over a year since we've heard pops like that. I think Unforgiven might surprise everyone and pull down a killer buyrate, based solely on the Goldberg/HHH match.
  14. iggymcfly

    PWI 500 2003

    That doesn't explain why Jericho is number five. He went the whole period between Mania and Bad Blood with something like two wins. Because he's been the #2 heel on Raw for the whole year except for when Rock was around and now after Kane turned. He's been in main event or sub-main event matches every PPV, and he always looks like a top tier wrestler. Up until I stopped getting Smackdown two weeks ago, I used to do kayfabe rankings for the WWE, 1-25, twice a month, and when you add up the points for the year, Jericho was ranked fourth, just like on here, because he was always around and in a top angle. Here's a better question for you. What's Shawn Michaels, one of five wrestlers to hold a global title, doing four spots behind Christian at #32? And where the hell is Hulk Hogan. I mean, they do have King Kong Bundy on the list.
  15. iggymcfly

    Future Potential Raw Booking Plans

    The little quotes on the huh thing is cute, I'll give you that. But back to the original post, there is no way HHH is winning the title back at Survivor Series as a face against the most over face on Raw. That doesn't even make sense. Even if HHH is the manipulative genius that you all make him out to be, he'd let evil Kane win the title from Goldberg, and then turn face because he knows he's the only one who can stop the monster. He could win the Rumble and then beat Kane clean for the title at Wrestlemania. Come to think of it, that sounds pretty damn plausible.
  16. iggymcfly

    triple h pinned tonight

    Here's some really desmarkified results off the Torch: (1) Christian beat Val Venis to retain the Intercontinental Title. This was a pretty good match with a few near falls. They started off with a "who can get the bigger pop" contest, which the Big Valbowski definitely won. Christian won the match with the unprettier, and afterward, Valbowski threw his towel out to the crowd before he left the ring. (2) Hurricane & Rosey & Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade beat Mark Henry & Rodney Mack & Steven Richards (w/Victoria) & Rico. They all did a great job, making this a fun comedy sort of match. At one point, Rico was in the ring with Garrison Cade (maybe it was Mark Jindrak?), and Rico did his gay bit, slapping his ass, enjoying certain holds a little too much, so Cade went to tag in someone else, but all three other guys jumped off the ring apron because they didn't want any of Rico's funny business either. Good stuff. Hurricane's team won, and Hurricane gave his mask to a little kid in the front row, which got a nice pop. (3) Scott Steiner beat Test (w/Stacy). How many times have I seen this match? Oh well. All the guys in the crowd were into this match or at least into Stacey. Scott Steiner won, and then asked the crowd if they wanted to see Stacey dance, which of course was a resounding "yes." Stacey went to dance, but then Test pulled her out of the ring and left. (4) Trish Stratus beat Molly Holly and Jazz with Lance Storm as the special guest referee. I guess Jazz is all healed up. She looked great out there. The best part of this match was the kid behind me pondering the gender of Jazz, saying "She's gotta be a man! She's a man!" I know it's mean, but…There were a few good spots in this match. Trish did her Matrix move, and then there was a pinning combination where Molly and Jazz laid head to head in the ring and Trish got a few two counts on both of them, flipping from one to the other. Trish won, and then Lance gave her an innocent little kiss on the hand. Trish looked at him and swooped him up into a little less innocent kiss. Remember the one Vince gave to Sable a few weeks ago? Yeah, that's the kinda kiss Trish gave to Lance. Got a great pop. (5) Randy Orton beat Maven. Randy Orton came out to the this one solo. The crowd was pretty quiet throughout, though I'd say it was one of the more technical matches of the night by far. Randy Orton eventually won with the RKO. (6) The Dudley Boys beat La Résistance & Rob Conway. The French boys had some pretty good heat here with lots of USA chants, and the Dudleys got some of the biggest pops of the night. There was one scary spot where something went wrong. The middle rope was loose, so when Bubba went to run them, he fell through the middle rope and hit the floor pretty hard. La Résistance took the opportunity to get a little heat by gloating while D-von, Spike, and a couple trainers went to check on Bubba. He seemed ok afterward though. The Dudleys won with a 3-D, and they slapped hands with pretty much every fan at ringside after the match. Chris Jericho Highlight Reel with Eric Bischoff and Stone Cold Steve Austin: Jericho first said Austin wouldn't be there because someone cancelled his flight. He brought out Bischoff as his first guest, talked a little smack. Enter Stone Cold. Same routine you've read about being done at other house shows, but it was still really fun to watch, and they all looked like they were having fun out there. Oh yeah, almost forgot. One fan had a sign that said, "Jericho is a transvestite", which he and Stone Cold had some fun playing around with. (7) Shawn Michaels & Jerry "The King" Lawler beat Triple H & Ric Flair when Lawler pinned Triple H. So many Jerry chants going on during this match, and he held his own pretty well too. Before the match, Triple H got on the mic and said, "If you think I came all the way to Memphis to put your old ass over, you're crazy." We actually ended up seeing Flair's ass when Shawn pulled his tights and held on for a damn long while, though I gotta admit it was pretty funny. Randy Orton and Maven both did run-ins, but here's the best part: Triple H was pinned by Jerry Lawler. Yes! He really did lose. Intermission (8) Kane beat Rob Van Dam in a cage. The cage didn't look too sturdy, so use of it was pretty minimal, but they did climb to the top of it a couple times. Kane won after chokeslamming RVD off the top of the cage. After Kane left, RVD spent at least five minutes posing for fans, etc. Final Notes: The arena wasn't even close to full. The floor and about half of the lower bowl were filled, but I'm definitely glad I went. They all put on a great show. It started around 7:30 and didn't end until close to 11:00. Biggest Pops: 1. Jerry Lawler (hometown boy) 2. Shawn Michaels 3. The Dudleys Most Heat: 1. Triple H 2. Chris Jericho 3. Test (when he stopped Stacey from dancing)
  17. iggymcfly

    PWI 500 2003

    How hard is it to understand that this is a kayfabed list. Brock at #1, HHH, at #2, and Angle at #3 all makes perfect sense, because they had the best years. Shit, HHH held the World Title for eleven of the last twelve months; of course he's gonna be high up. And as for saying AJ Styles should be over RVD; I can almost guarantee that if by some miracle, TNA managed to sign RVD, he'd be their World Champ within three months.
  18. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Check your production and advertising rates. IF they both aren't at least at the level Sophie and finance say (respectively) you get screwed out of PI. Yes, that bites ass. At 71%, my production values are higher than most of the national feds, and at 70%, my advertising is 15% above the suggested level of 55%. The thing is that my PI hasn't been dropping a lot lately. It was up the last two months, and it was even this month, but then I put on an 85% quality PPV with my best buyrate yet, and it goes down two points. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  19. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Does how good of a show you put on have anything to do with your PI? I just put on my best show ever. I was on rock hard at cult level and the show was 85% quality. It also gave me my best buyrate for a PPV at .36. So what happens the next day? My PI goes down 2%. I just don't get it. None of my talent left that day; the only thing that happened is that one national fed went down to cult and one regional fed went up to cult, but since I'm not even supposed to be competing with other feds yet, I don't see why that would effect me.
  20. iggymcfly

    The Announcing Situation

    I think JR's been a lot better on play-by-play lately. He always calls the whole match and whenever there is a really good match on Raw, he gets into it and conveys the importance. Coach is good as a novelty act or a heel character, but he takes away from the actual matches way more than Lawler does. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Vince would just go up to Jerry Lawler, and tell him to shill for the heels more, and pay a little more attention to the matches, there would be nothing wrong with the Raw commentary team. Oh, and Heyman sucks on commentary. If you had to listen to him for another three weeks, you'd remember why you were all cheering your asses off for Lawler at Survivor Series 2001.
  21. iggymcfly

    Should Raw and Smackdown move ...

    It would be really stupid to move Raw at this point, as they've had the same night for over ten years, and there is quite a bit of history with it. Also, MNF doesn't really do that much to their ratings as they never seem to drop more than 0.1 or 0.2 when it comes back on the air. Smackdown, on the other hand, is set up so that it's about half a week from Raw or any upcoming PPV, and that is probably more important than the audience they lose to other shows. The people who can't stand to miss a single episode of Friends probably aren't going to be watching wrestling anyway.
  22. iggymcfly

    MTV VMAs...tonight

    Well, I was flipping back and forth between the VMAs and the Georgia Tech game, and then I missed the last hour to go lift anyway, but did you say Missy Elliot won for best OVERALL video?! I was pissed she even won for best hip-hop video. Missy Elliot sucks. My favorite part of "Work it" is when she runs out of real lyrics and starts saying batata for 30 seconds. She doesn't deserve any recognition if you ask me.
  23. iggymcfly

    Coach, Trips, and Goldberg

    If this were 25 years ago, I could totally see DH sending death threats to Howard Cosell. "You're supposed to focus on the football, damn it! Nobody cares what you think. Quit putting yourself over the actual players on the field, you bastard! Get off my fucking TV and get a real commentator!"
  24. iggymcfly

    Goldberg Gets Storyline Changed

    Damn that Triple H and his long PPV matches! He's depriving us of all those two and three minute classics that we really want to shell out $35 for.
  25. iggymcfly

    McMahons' reaction to RAW

    Do we really need another thread for you guys to bitch about Raw in? There must be 10 or 20 up already. Oh, and if there's any truth to the 1wrestling story, it's purely coincidental.