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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly


    As far as cable barriers go, did anyone see "Most controversial videos" on MTV2 a few weeks ago. I was really surprised because they usually bleep out stuff like "gun" and "drugs" on MTV, but on that, they not only let the fuck word go repeatedly, they even showed titties. Like fading in and out, closeups and everything. I didn't even know they could do that on cable.
  2. HHH© vs. Goldberg- World Title/Career match Shane McMahon vs. Kane- No holds barred/Resurrection from the dead match Molly© vs. Trish vs. Gail Kim vs. Alexis Laree- Women's Title/Fatal Four way match Scott Steiner vs. Test- Stacy stops managing Test or sleeps with him/Will this feud ever end match Christian© vs. Rob Van Dam- Intercontinental Title/Throw RVD a bone match Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Nash- Cut off Jericho's hair so it looks bad like Nash's/Really shave Nash's head this time, we pinky swear match La Resistance© vs. Dudley Boyz- Tag Titles/Ladder match Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton- Can't think of a stipulation/sorry
  3. iggymcfly

    Casual fans of WWE

    Raw is so much better now than it used to be. The only way you'd hate last night's show is if you're upset about the political situation or you're a pure workrate mark that doesn't enjoy sports entertainment at all. Every one of the promos and vignettes was entertaining and furthered a storyline. If you want to see bad Raws, go back to January. The main event wasn't Jericho vs. Shane where anything could happen and Kane ended up getting burned alive. It was HHH vs. Steiner in a posedown... or a contract signing... or a weightlifting contest... or anything else that had absolutely no entertainment value whatsoever. I was on the verge of quitting Raw for good then, but I enjoyed every segment last night (except for maybe the women's match.)
  4. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    Wow, Lance Storm's more over than Shane McMahon? That's news to me. Oh wait, it means you're being ridiculous because you're a dipshit.
  5. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    No it's not. There's also other aspects to being a wrestler like submission-based wrestling etc. I clarified that I was just saying he could do those things better in my post where I said he wasn't a better wrestler than 3/4 of the roster. However, as an all-around performer with mic skills and the like, I would say he's definitely one of the top 5 or 10 wrestlers on Raw.
  6. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    What's your point? He beat three men cleanly and then lost via a cheating sledgehammer shot from the evil heel. That fits the character perfectly.
  7. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    OMG Raven. You can't read. Go back and look at my first post and then look at my second post and then you'll either feel like a dumbass for your last post or just sit there with a big blank stare on your face.
  8. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Nash was also rational enough to complain to Austin about getting another shot the night after winning by DQ. Goldberg was never exactly the cool guy. He just walks right into HHH's trap. However, he is still powerful and courageous which might be enough for some people.
  9. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Steiner didn't lose his first match, he won it by DQ. Booker got his shot awarded by Austin which Goldberg probably could have gotten too if he wasn't such a dumb shit. I don't remember Kane getting another one-on-one title shot for a long time. Probably since he was so introverted, he reacted by just attacking HHH physically instead of getting a microphone and asking him for another title shot. See, that's the character development I was talking about.
  10. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    I didn't say Shane was better than 3/4 of the Raw roster. I said he could brawl, do high spots, and sell, and 3/4 of the Raw roster couldn't. Here's a list of people I can think of that can do all three: Chris Jericho Kane HBK Uh, that's about all I can think of right now.
  11. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    None of those people you mentioned demanded a title shot after losing it the first time. Also, HHH probably realized Goldberg had "more guts than brains" and thus, he would be able to manipulate him into putting his career on the line when it wasn't necessary.
  12. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    He's not a horrible wrestler. He's a great brawler, he's got good highspots, and he can sell. That's already more than 3/4 of the Raw roster. As for Orton, he's the #4 heel right now. Kane was obviously being kept away from the title for the time being, and that was the purpose of the SS match. Kane is the #2 heel (if he's not dead).
  13. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    I'm not saying the rest of the card should be absolute crap. I'm just saying that the main event is the main thing people order PPVs for. I didn't order any PPVs back then, because they cost too much, but for the people that do, the main event is usually the main criterion.
  14. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Internet fans have different criteria for ordering PPVs. The average casual fan doesn't say "Boy, that Guerrero/Benoit match is gonna have great workrate. I'll order that PPV." They say, "I want to see Austin kick McMahon's ass. I'll order that PPV." or "I want to see Goldberg beat HHH for the title. I'll order that PPV.""
  15. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    They got about equal build, but the point is that people didn't care about any of the feuds and as a result, WM XIX got a low buyrate.
  16. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    How did Goldberg get pinned last night? He didn't even wrestle. I didn't order SVDM because the card looked like Shit on Paper. Ok dipshit. Two nights ago. You know what the fuck I mean. And if SVDM is supposed to mean Summerslam, I didn't order it either. That has nothing to do with anything storyline-wise.
  17. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    It could be said in 3 minutes, but it wouldn't have the same effect. The fans would feel cheated by it being so short, and it would be forgotten by the time the show was over. If you remember back in '98/'99 almost every show started off with an in-ring promo. I've often thought it was a major thing that's been missing from the current product.
  18. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    They were selling the tension between the men and the gravity of the match. The crowd was eating up every word. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean anything. And the career thing didn't "come out of nowhere". Goldberg had already blown his title shot when he got pinned last night, and he would only be awarded another one if HHH let him. HHH wanted to get rid of him, so he offered him a shot, but only on the condition that he'd lose if he lost. Feuds sell PPVs. Nothing else. For example, I bet a lot of people bought the St. Valentine's Day Massacre because of the Austin/McMahon feud. Then since, no one cared about the Angle/Brock feud this year, Wrestlemania had a low buyrate. The heat of the main event feud is the main tool to sell a PPV.
  19. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    This board isn't the sole audience that buys PPVs. This board has hardly anything to do with what the final buyrate will be. If it keeps up as hot as it was last Monday, Unforgiven should do a pretty decent number. And I know I'm in the minority here, but I think if HHH is healthy, he should be able to carry Goldberg to at least a *** match. HHH is a hell of a wrestler, and with Patterson structuring the match, i think it should be pretty good.
  20. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    HHH was showing that he disrespected Goldberg and Goldberg showed that he's a badass who's so hungry for the World Title that he's willing to put his career on the line. Maybe it doesn't develop the characters as much as the feud. Building Character is waht the Hurricane/Rosey thing is. Kinda. HHH telling Goldberg he sucks is NOT developing character. It's pointing out facts. HHH's character has been developed for years, ditto Goldberg. WHAT DEVELOPEMENT CAN THEY POSSIBLY DO?! I just said that the primary purpose was to develop the feud, but if HHH and Goldberg never talk, people will become apathetic about their characters and will cease to be interested in their matches. Goldberg doesn't even have a real character, and any humanizing of him will help. As for HHH, his character has completely changed over the last year or so under the influence of Flair. And the Hurricane/Rosey skits aren't character development, they're a bunch of corny, goofy bullshit.
  21. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Hey I'm not a Goldberg fan either. If I was gonna get to see Unforgiven next month, I'd probably root for HHH. But I recognize that a lot of people out there do like Goldberg, and that the HHH/Goldberg feud should help draw a good buyrate for Unforgiven.
  22. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    HHH was showing that he disrespected Goldberg and Goldberg showed that he's a badass who's so hungry for the World Title that he's willing to put his career on the line. Maybe it doesn't develop the characters as much as the feud.
  23. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Putting over next month's PPV main event that people are going to be shelling out their hard-earned money for should be the top priority for Vince and Co. Giving that ten minutes to a lower mid-card match that no one wants to see anyway would be completely counterproductive.
  24. iggymcfly

    Just give Shane the belt already

    OK fine. Then he can take Nash's spot as the #4 face. Big fucking difference. You get my point, don't you?
  25. iggymcfly

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Yeah, but if you sum everything up in four lines, that would completely eliminate the character development, which is what a lot of people watch for. The opening segment was fine.