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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Mark Henry Backs The Mack

    They finally realized that he has no talent and is unbelievably boring. They still use him on rare occasions, (putting Matt over in the US Title tournament,) but they figured out that a Stinkface every Smackdown just isn't entertainment.
  2. It would be awful if Jericho and Angle were actually both champions at the same time. What would all the smarks complain about?
  3. Wow, I was sure Goldberg was going to win, but if they're advertising that, maybe Jericho does have a chance. It's funny, the last time that I would have been really surprised by the outcome of a main event without the internet was when Jericho won it the first time and now it looks like they could be pulling the shocker again. I think the Elimination Chamber match just got a whole lot more interesting. They do need to do something about that house show advertising though. They can list off the stars, but they shouldn't announce a main event until the previous PPV has concluded.
  4. iggymcfly

    Vince, get your old lady off tv

    Well I know this thread isn't seriously about getting to see Summerslam, but I've got to start school Monday, and I really doubt I'm gonna be able to find a sports bar in Pullman that's showing SS on Sunday night. I'm kinda pissed about it.
  5. iggymcfly

    Something that bothers me

    I certainly was in favor of them announcing Angle's injury before Wrestlemania. The whole storyline was so damn weak anyway that it was just begging for a double turn. Angle retaining and then Benoit beating Brock in a tournament at Backlash would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining than what actually happened. Instead we have the double turn anyway, but instead of it kind of making sense, it comes out of nowhere with half the impact, and Angle/Lesnar at SS has 1/10 the heat it would have if Brock was illegitimately holding "Kurt's" title. As for HHH announcing his injury, it doesn't bother me in the least. He's still losing the title to Goldberg Sunday, and he's still gonna job clean to Goldberg at Unforgiven.
  6. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I think I've found another bug on here. I had Victoria get attacked by a mystery worker before she was supposed to tag with Jarrett against Trinity and AJ Styles, and then assuming that Trinity and Styles had attacked her, she interfered to help Jarrett win my triple threat PPV main event. I was going to reveal that it was actually Jazz that had attacked Victoria later, and use that as the angle for her debut, but I can't find an angle to do that anywhere. They have the mystery attacker angle, but I can't find an angle anywhere where the mystery attacker is revealed.
  7. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    BTW, RVD mark, Benoit/RVD at Summerslam wasn't good at all. RVD did the same thing he did against HHH on Raw where he completely forgot to sell anything as soon as he started a comeback. The best RVD matches I can remember were RVD/Guerrero at JD, RVD/Guerrero on Raw, RVD/Austin on Smackdown, and RVD/Jeff Hardy at Invasion and Summerslam. Actually, RVD had a weird chemistry with Hardy. He had a great match with him on the Raw where Bischoff came in too. I just watched it again and I forgot how good it was. The only problem with RVD is that his inability to sell ruins him in any submission-based match.
  8. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    I've missed maybe two Raws and three Smackdowns in the last three years. Of course I saw the Austin/Booker match. I don't remember it very well, but I remember that it was nothing worth remarking on, and couldn't have been higher than two and half a stars. And if Eddie Guerrero's work is as good now as it was five years ago, then I should be able to judge him simply on his work now without having to dig up old stuff to find out why he's so good. My point with the star ratings is that Angle's had more good matches than Eddie despite having less talented opponents and missing a few months due to injury. Oh, and missing ONE Eddie PPV match doesn't disqualify me either. Even if you count it, Eddie's still got less good matches than Angle. I'm not saying that Eddie's not a good worker. I really like his stuff. He's undeniably one of the top five workers in the United States right now. I just don't think that he quite measures up to the standard Angle has set.
  9. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    I'm not ignoring good matches to further my point. I just didn't happen to remember a **1/4 star television match that Austin might have managed to carry Booker to. The Angle match on Smackdown and the Benoit match on Raw are still the only Booker T matches I can remember that are worth remarking on. And I'm really sick of this "everything outside of the WWE is great" attitude. Saying Eddie Guerrero is the best wrestler in the world today because of his matches in WCW five years ago is like saying HHH is the best brawler in the world today because of his matches with Foley three years ago. You have to count what's going on now.
  10. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    Oh, and I forgot that Angle dragged a good match out of Booker back in the day. That was a freakin miracle. Angle/Booker for the WCW Title, and Benoit/Booker on Raw the first night that Bischoff was there were the only decent matches Booker's had since he came in to the WWE.
  11. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    I think the problem on here is that no one can read. I was counting matches in the last year. A match from Judgment Day last year would definitely be over a year ago. So would the ladder match on Raw. If I wanted to go back in time, I could count the Angle/Edge cage match the same week as the ladder match or the Edge/Angle match from JD. And the fatal four way I counted as a match between Angle and Edge because Guerrero and Benoit were only in it for about five minutes, and Angle and Edge wrestled the bulk of the match by themselves. Therefore, the only matches that I missed on the list were Edge vs. Eddie at Unforgiven (which I'll admit, I didn't see), and one of the Team Angle matches which was apparently worth **** to someone, even though I don't see how. Then even if you throw out Brock/Angle at WM (although SK gave it **** and Bret Hart called it one of the best matches he's seen in years), Angle's still got 6 **** matches to Eddie's 3. And there's no way in hell I'm throwing out the match from Vengeance. That was the best Triple Threat the WWE's put on in a long time, if not ever.
  12. iggymcfly

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    There's no way in hell that I'd want Heyman on commentary again. I remember that when November rolled around last year, I was begging to have Lawler back. All they really need to do is confront Lawler, and tell him to pay a little more attention to the matches, and maybe shill a little more for the heels. If they did that, I think the Raw commentary team would be A-OK.
  13. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    Oh, and a decade ago, even five years ago, Angle hadn't even started training to become a wrestler yet. That just makes his excellence even more amazing.
  14. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    The tag matches weren't bad, but they were probably ***1/2 stars tops. Team Angle did a lot better work in their two matches with Kidman and Rey Rey than in their 27 matches with either permutation of Los Guerreros.
  15. Well, I missed the Judgment Day match, but the ladder match certainly wasn't overrated. What you forget is that the match was before the days of regular 20 minute television main events. At the time, it was the best TV match in years. Basically, the success of that match is what convinced Vince and Co. to show all the long TV matches we enjoy today.
  16. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    If I download the patch, will I have to start my game all over for it to take effect or will it just start giving me house show money in the middle of my season?
  17. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    OK, I want all the Guerrero marks to explain this to me. Angle and Benoit + Edge and Mysterio = One of the best matches of the year at No Mercy. Angle and Benoit + Edge and Mysterio + Los Guerreros = A pretty good match, until Angle and Benoit are eliminated at which point the whole thing falls apart. However, that obviously isn't enough too judge a worker. The real way I judge a worker is by how good their matches are. Over the last year, Guerrero's had one **** match with Edge on Smackdown, and one with Benoit at Vengeance. Wow, pretty impressive, huh? Meanwhile, Angle has had ****+ matches with Mysterio at Summerslam, with Benoit at Unforgiven, in a tag match at No Mercy, with Edge on Smackdown, with Benoit at the Rumble, with Brock at WM, and with Brock and Big Show at Vengeance. So that's seven for Angle and two for Guerrero, even though Angle missed three whole months due to a neck injury. That right there is why I think Angle is better than Guerrero. Oh, and I know that Angle's match with Edge on Smackdown originally included Guerrero and Benoit, but they were in it for such a short period of time that they really don't deserve to be given credit for it.
  18. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Oh, also to Flik, Steiner/HHH at the RR wasn't an example of a screwjob blowing off a feud. The feud didn't get blown off No Way Out the following month. Anyway, it worked fine for me as Raven went from 88 overness to 92 overness and Jarrett went from 87 overness to 96 overness. However, as soon as Jarrett started his world title feud he went back down to 93. Oh well.
  19. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I found Russo and Callis to be pretty effective as authority figures. My Russo/Jarrett feud that I started off with went over great, although I did find it was a waste of time to put Russo in any subsequent feuds. Callis is good though, because if you want to announce a match between two guys without enough charisma for a challenge, he can still get about an 80 for the segment. Oh, and since I just got a TV deal with the Playboy Channel, I figured I'd sign back Alexis Laree, and she, Victoria, and Trinity, are running through my diva angles. The TV thing seems to be helping my PI too, as it's gone up 5 points since I've gotten it. I haven't even run my first monthly PPV yet. BTW, am I not going to get any house show income? I didn't do the patch or anything, but Sophie did say that I'm running 4 house shows a week. I was hoping I'd get some extra money at the end of the month.
  20. iggymcfly

    Unforgiven Matches Announced

    I'd bet somebody money that Goldberg wins in the chamber without pinning HHH, and then HHH jobs to him clean the next month. All this political power stuff is so overrated that it's ridiculous.
  21. iggymcfly

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    I like how people still think that the posters give some indication of what will happen at the PPV. They're MEANINGLESS. Goldberg vs. HHH is your Unforgiven main event, although I'm sure Kane will be on the card in some high-profile capacity.
  22. iggymcfly

    The Talent That's Going To Miss Out on SS...

    The way I see it, Brock is absolutely going to win the title at Summerslam, no doubt about it. That leaves them with two alternatives going into No Mercy. Either they can continue the Lesnar/Angle feud, building toward a major gimmick match, (Iron man would be perfect, but Last Man Standing would work too,) or they can start a Taker/Lesnar feud. If they go with Taker, Cena and Angle fit like a glove. If they go the other way, they'll probably put Taker in a weak feud with the Big Show, and bring Cena down to US Title level.
  23. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    Angle brawls better than Benoit? Watch Bash At The Beach 1996 vs. Kevin Sullivan. Angle has better pacing than BENOIT? Angle is the one who gets blown up and lost so he goes through his moveset. Highspots?! what highspots does Angle do? Benoit did top rope tombstone piledrivers and powerbombs in Japan! There's no way Angle is better than Benoit, I don't give a flying fuck what Benoit did in Japan or in WCW seven years ago. I'm talking about who the best wreslter is NOW. TODAY. You could go through the shit Flair did fifteen years ago, but that doesn't make him the best today. Anyway, Angle does all kinds of sweet highspots. In addition to the suplex off the top rope, he's done an Angle Slam off the top rope and an just at Vengeance, he did an awesome Angle Slam through the announce table. Shit, anytime you suplex or give an Angle Slam to the Big Show, it's a high spot as far as I'm concerned. He doesn't do a signature high spot over and over, but he'll pull out something creative when necessary like the beautiful moonsault he did off the top of the cage that time. And Angle certainly has better pacing than Benoit. Do you think Benoit could have held together a 3 on 1 handicap match to make the crowd suspend disbelief the whole way, and be fucking crazy for the finish? Of course not. Benoit can do a great job of developing a match when he has 20 minutes, and he can even do a pretty good job with a short match, but he can't touch Angle for pacing.
  24. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    I didn't say Angle was good looking. I said he looks like a credible champion. The "look" I'm talking about is the one that Brock Lesnar has, not the one that Randy Orton has.
  25. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    So what? Angle's had a lot better matches than Jericho. He's at least as charismatic as Jericho, and he can work the mic as a heel and a face. (Remember when Jericho was stumbling through promos on Steph that sounded like they were written off cue cards, and hitting her with a pie. I know I do.) And while I'm not exactly an expert on attractive males, I'd say that Angle has the classy look of a champion more than Jericho's greasy locks and small build. Oh, and if you're looking for a target, I think Angle's the new Flair, and I think he's a better wrestler than Benoit if you count brawling, pacing, and highspots. I'm not gonna say anything bad about Austin though.