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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    It's not always a damn carry

    Ok, I've got a couple things. First off, just because a wrestler wins a match against someone that the smarks think is better does NOT make it a burial. A burial is when a wrestler intentionally tries to make an over wrestler look bad. For instance, Taker/Cena at Vengeance isn't a burial because Cena got a lot of offense in the match and he looked good. Now when Rock beat Jericho with a DDT on Smackdown two weeks before Jericho was supposed to become undisputed champion, that was a burial. Second, I don't see how Angle's overrated. He's the best wrestler in the company today, the best mic worker on Smackdown, and the best all-around performer the wrestling industry's seen in a long time. What could possibly be wrong with him?
  2. How is A-Train not over? I bet he gets more heel heat than anyone on the Smackdown roster outside of Vince and whoever's beating up Zach Gowen this week. A heel's job isn't to get tons of cheers and make the babyface look bad. A heel's job is to get booed. Given how little he's had to work with, I think A-Train's done a damn fine job. He does psychology better than most big men, and while high spots are all good and fun, sometimes you need a power match in the middle of the show to even things out. If all we had was Spanky and Shannon Moore hopping around all day, Smackdown would be a less enjoyable program.
  3. iggymcfly

    The best part of Raw tonight-MOLLY~!

    Don't even waste your time CanadianChick. I think Y2Kurt is one of those problems that does go away if you ignore it.
  4. iggymcfly

    Guy the the YJ Stinger Commercial

    This thread just reminded me of how far HHH has come with his promo work. I forgot that he used to say uh after every word back in 2000.
  5. iggymcfly

    Video of elimination chamber on Raw

    Well, it looks like the Jericho conspiracy theory has been pretty much debunked, but just remember, last time Jericho won the World Title, they spent the whole month before making him look weak, even letting The Rock pin him with a DDT.
  6. iggymcfly

    Exactly why is Shane wrestling @ Summerslam again?

    I'll tell you who it helped. It helped everyone on the WWE roster, because the people who ordered Backlash were saying "Wow, that was crazy what Shane did" instead of "Wow, WWE PPVs suck. I'm sure never gonna order another one of those."
  7. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I just had the greatest thing happen on this game. I was 4.8 million dollars in debt, on the verge of going bankrupt when I get an incident report saying that Jerry Jarrett was starting a comedy channel, and needed to take some money out of the wrestling funds to do it. Wondering how he would do this since we were so far in debt, I checked the financial figures and lo and behold the money is now at 4 million dollars positive! It's probably a bug because the money can't go under a certain amount, but it sure saved my ass.
  8. All I know is that the Scorpion King was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. It was nothing but fight scenes for an hour and a half, and then I fell asleep. If this is anything like that, I'll probably skip it.
  9. iggymcfly

    Tajiri at Summerslam

    Shit, I could have told you that Tajiri would be in the match as soon as Rhyno interfered in the match at Vengeance. It was pretty obvious if you ask me. And I can't even remember the last fatal four way match in the men's division. When there's actually a logical storyline behind it (like this one, ) I think it works fine.
  10. iggymcfly

    What's so bad about Randy Orton?

    What's wrong with Orton's interviews? I think they're very good. He gets his character across perfectly, and usually gets legitimate heat from the crowd. What's more, he gets that heat without using cliche stuff like "Why am I stuck in <town name here>." or "<Local sports team> sucks." Just the inate cockiness present in his promos is enough to get the crowd to dislike him without being bored with him. As for his ring work, it may not be exceptional, but for a 24 yr. old, or even for a Raw wrestler, it's not that bad. If he has a ten minute match with a jobber like Spike Dudley or Maven, people will get bored, but in the right circumstances he can be very good in the ring.
  11. iggymcfly

    Exactly why is Shane wrestling @ Summerslam again?

    Back to the original question of why is Shane wrestling at Summerslam, the answer is that more people want to see Shane wrestle Bischoff then want to see Christian defend the IC Title against whoever. I'm pretty sure that Shane wasn't scheduled to be on the PPV until Booker got injured, but they probably figured that without Booker, the IC Title match would be a bathroom break for 90% of the audience, so they replaced it with a match that more people want to see.
  12. iggymcfly

    Jericho & Goldber should align themselves

    The obvious finish to the chamber match is pinning Goldberg pinning Jericho, setting up Goldberg vs. HHH at Unforgiven next month. The question is, who do you have pin HHH so that he doesn't look bad, or get his pin against Goldberg blown off.
  13. iggymcfly

    New IC Contender

    Hurricane sucks. He's not funny at all anymore and his ring work's not very good now either. I say that with Booker T out, the IC Title probably won't even be on the card at Summerslam, but I could see Steiner/Christian at Unforgiven.
  14. iggymcfly

    Edgeucation of Adam Copeland -- Aug. 12, 2003

    Uh, hello. He was just listing off the main event/upper midcard heels on Smackdown. It doesn't mean he's actually going to feud with them. And if anyone was wondering, that Edge/Big Show match was the Smackdown after Survivor Series last year. Wasn't bad, and that was before Big Show started consistently pulling off *** or higher matches.
  15. iggymcfly

    The best part of Raw tonight-MOLLY~!

    Back before the implants, Stephanie was fucking amazing. She was way hotter than anyone on the roster. Part of it might have been her character, but even without it, she was a piece of ass. As it is right now, Stacy's probably the hottest in the WWE. The rest of the women are just average chicks with lots of makeup and fake boobs. Molly's not fat, but she's nowhere near as hot as Stacy. As far as the wrestling goes, Molly's not what the women's division needs right now, Jazz is. The WWE women's division is the definition of 50/50 booking in that none of the women really have credibility as being better than the others. Jazz needs to come back and talk about how the title has gotten passed around to everyone while she was gone, and that none of the WWE women are in her league. Then she needs to squash Gail Kim, doing an injury angle, and sending her back to OVW. She can roll through the women's division, bringing back credibility to the title, and making people care about women's matches again.
  16. iggymcfly

    Favorite Raw Segment

    My favorite segments were the opening segment with Austin and Bischoff and the Kane/Bischoff match. Both of those segments actually progressed a storyline and were actually tightly produced and entertaining. La Resistance was better than they have been too, but the rest of the show was just predictable crap.
  17. iggymcfly

    Kane=Ratings Good...Goldberg=???

    The reason Kane is over right now is because there's actually a story behind his actions. He has a dynamic character that evolves over the shows, and some progress is made with the storyline every week. Goldberg just has meaningless matches.
  18. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I'll tell you what was bullshit. Sonny Siaki went into rehab, and I figured I needed to strengthen Power Inc., (the Russo stable that he was a part of). So I set up a beautiful double turn with Jeff Hardy and Kid Kash. Russo attacks Hardy in one of their matches, and Kash and Russo beat down Hardy, but the next week Kash refuses to join the stable. Then Kash starts feuding with the stable, and when they attack him, Hardy joins. But then, when I pull the trigger on the turn, having Hardy officially join the stable, they say that there aren't enough members of the stable to complete the angle, and the screen has gone black, giving me a zero for the segment. That gave me my worst show and pissed me off so much that I haven't played since.
  19. iggymcfly

    Booker T's Injury Might Be Career Ending

    I think that since he's a cripple now, he should come back, put over Christian and Randy Orton and then leave the WWE forever. Or at least, that's what you guys would be saying if it was Triple H who is twice as resilient and talented as Booker is.
  20. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Nah, I think I'll just keep running weekly shows until I run myself into the ground. I don't think it's worth it to take a crappy network deal.
  21. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Well, I've been applying for a TV deal for the last three months with the idea that I'd switch to monthly events if it was good. I've got rejected by Fox, MTV, and UPN, but I have more fun booking weekly PPVs anyway, so it's probably just as well. And would I really make more money with a monthly deal? Most of my money still comes from PPV revenue, and I don't use a lot of open contract workers. I suppose I should just try it on a lower difficulty, but whenever I play a game, I always feel like I'm not really playing it unless it's on the hardest skill level. I played 2 weeks with WWE on Medium before quitting in the middle, and ever since then I've been on Rock Hard.
  22. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Hooray for me! I'm into April and still not fired. However, last month we only lost 1.2 million as opposed to 2.6 million the month before, so maybe we're turning it around. I also just jobbed out Sting and then released him and his $100,000 a month contract. My PI's even starting to steady out around 70% cult after falling from 65% national. If I wasn't 4 million dollars in debt, I'd be feeling job security right now. Oh, should I hire another referee and announcer? I decided I probably didn't need more than three of either and made some releases. That would explain why my overall quality is lower than my crowd reaction and match quality.
  23. iggymcfly

    Does anybody remember...?

    OMG. This sounds like a kid having an argument with his little brother.
  24. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I was wondering, what affects the overall rating of a match besides match quality and crowd heat? The other day, I had a show where I had four matches where the overall rating was lower than both the crowd heat and the match quality. In one of them, the overall rating was 69 even though the heat was 75 and the quality was 81. It totally killed me as what looked like a pretty decent show on paper ended up with a 69% overall rating. Can anyone help me with this? P.S. So you have to go bankrupt to get fired? Does that mean that the PI has nothing to do with it?
  25. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Here's a question. What exactly does it take to get fired? I'm into February and I've lost money and PI every month now. I've taken TNA from 65% national to 77% cult level already. When I was playing as MLW before, I lost the game by running the whole promotion into the ground financially, but how do you get fired?