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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    I could ask you the same question about Triple H. HHH had a very good story match with Flair, a *** match with RVD that could have been really good if RVD had any idea how to sell a leg injury, he miraculously dragged a pretty decent effort out of Nash, and he is still the last person in the WWE to have a ***** match. (Summerslam last year) Besides that, he has acting ability, and can cut a real promo that's not completely reliant on catchphrases. Booker T has boring, slow, pointless matches every night. Do you think Booker T even knows what ring psychology is?
  2. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    HBK was good, but he got a one month reign which drew less than HHH's and HHH got the title back. RVD was okay, but he was HHH's first opponent, and was less over than HHH at the time. The other ones all sucked.
  3. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    Before you say Booker T should have been champion, answer me this, when was the last time he had a good match? *** even. HHH tried really hard to get Booker T over, but Booker's wooden acting ability and just overall suckiness kept him from moving up to World Champion level.
  4. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    Stop bullshitting. That did not happen. That was the same promo that RVD made fun of HHH, which got a huge pop. RVD made fun of HHH's water spitting on the actual PPV. The Raw before, HHH was getting more cheers. It certainly wasn't of Steiner or Nash proportions, but I remember remarking on it at the time.
  5. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    Bullshit. The marks have been shown that one title has a dominant, stable champion who defends against all comers. The other changes hands every PPV. Every other PPV??? It's changed hands at TWO PPVs. The fans don't care about the World Title because they know by now that Triple H is going to win. He's not elevating himself, the title or his challengers The reasons the fans know that HHH will win is because his challengers suck, and even basic marks know that faces who get booed don't win the title. The last face who was even mildly over was Booker T and a lot of people (over half I'd say), thought he would win at Wrestlemania.
  6. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    That's because it was so long ago. The Raw before Unforgiven, HHH came out to a good pop, and when RVD gave an interview challenging him, he was met with absolute dead silence. HHH was way more over than RVD at that time.
  7. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    The reason HHH hasn't had his reign ended is that no one has been over enough to take it away from him. He's had six challengers since initially taking the belt. He got cheered over three of them, (RVD, Steiner, Nash); he dropped the belt to one of them, (HBK); one got buried by his awful storyline, (Kane); and one just generally sucks, (Booker T). Not one of those people could have kept the ratings steady, let alone make a dramatic change.
  8. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    It doesn't matter how much HHH puts them over if they don't have another match on Raw for the next three months. My point is that Triple H has sold for everyone he's faced, giving them the chance to get over if they can get more matches.
  9. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    It's made all the fans (casual and smart), hunger intensely to see a face win the title. It's improved the credibility of the belt enough so that a belt that was retired a year ago is now considered more prestigious and important than the WWE Title with a legacy going back to Bruno Sammartino.
  10. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    My point with the ratings was that people who say that HHH is killing Raw are obviously wrong. I'm not really saying that HHH is the direct cause of the numbers. I'm just saying that he's not bringing down ratings or hurting the company with his title reign.
  11. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    HHH has had a hand in creating new stars all right. He's given huge rub to Randy Orton, and sold like crazy for everyone from Goldust to Maven.
  12. iggymcfly

    Triple H as world champ

    Triple H can't draw! His title reign is KILLING the company! He's the reason that Smackdown is so much better than Raw every week! The WWE will NEVER acheive a decent rating with HHH as champion! If he was on Smackdown the WWE would be in the GRAVE! Raw ratings the three weeks before HHH became champion: 4.0, 3.9, 3.7 Smackdown ratings the last three weeks: 3.4, 3.4, 3.4 Raw ratings the last three weeks: 4.0, 4.2, 4.2 But.....but.....that doesn't make sense. Does the antichrist draw?
  13. iggymcfly

    Rob Black in trouble again

    That's bullshit. How can that be illegal? If you send a copy of a movie that depicts a murder through the mail, should you be able to get hauled off to jail? They're just going after him because they feel like it. You know when I've mailed packages, I've seen warnings against explosives and poisons and the like, but never one that says "send something we judge to be indecent and we'll haul your ass off to jail for fifty years." It's like a fucking totalitarian state. That kind of shit right there is exactly why I'm a libertarian.
  14. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I use angles all the time. On a TNA show, I'll usually use two or three. I hate giving away more than two matches in a feud or three at the most, so unless they're an excellent interview, that's the only way to keep the feud going. Oh, and they always seem to help the workers get over in my fed, and I never get a rating under 70. I wonder what your problem is with them. I will say though, that I almost always use 1 vs. 1 angles. The only exceptions are debuts, a hot tag feud, an occasional romance or diva angle, and authority angles for my Jarrett/Russo feud. (He was my top heel for three months, what can you do.)
  15. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    You know what I hate. The fucking mouse on my laptop. It always clicks twice when I tell it to click once. I didn't get to read the report on my big AJ Styles/Sting world title match, and I always click twice on the first of the month whenever I really need to change the advertising/merchandise values. Anyway, I was wondering, other than changing the advertising value, is there any way to keep my buyrate from dropping? It started out at a pretty much steady 0.20 buyrate, and the quality of the show's been going up, but my buyrate's gone down three weeks in a row. It's down to 0.16 now. I think it started when I lowered my advertising a little bit last month, but I have to wait a whole extra month to bring that up again.
  16. iggymcfly

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    If Triple H was putting on good matches for seven months (and was staying healthy doing it), the backlash wouldn't be nearly as bad. Nobody would have bitched had HHH's title reign in 2000 gone until, say, September or so when his good matches were beginning to come further apart. This is why people want to see Angle or Eddy get a long reign. Constant good matches provided they don't get any defenses against Mabel-esque opponents. Mabel-esque opponents like say Steiner with two years of ring rust or Nash with... two years of ring rust. You just can't have a good match with those opponents. He did have a five star match with HBK at Summerslam last year, and a pretty good match with him at Armageddon. Even his Raw match with RVD would have been good if Rob had any idea how to sell. Sure, HHH isn't at his very top form, but if he's got good opponents, he can still pull off very good matches.
  17. iggymcfly

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    Well, as you so aptly pointed out, almost all the accusations of people being held down are on Raw, and with the exception of the overpushed Hurricane, none of the cruiserweights appear on that show. And the problem isn't just that they suck either. It's that the WWE can't be patient enough to wait until people are ready before pushing them into the main event slot looking for a quick fix. Look at Brock and Cena. Sure, they're good and they're over now. But wouldn't their moving up be more meaningful if the WWE had waited until they got over first? Cena beat Jericho when his gimmick was wearing the same colored trunks as the local sports team, and he wasn't over at all yet when he faced Brock at Backlash. I was just looking at an old video from the night he faced Benoit to win the #1 contendership, and he just wasn't there yet. He didn't have his look down, (goofy white clothes instead of throwback jerseys,) and he was just starting to give out Thuganomics on a weekly basis. The match with Taker should have been a full level or two before he challenges for the title in a PPV main event. And how about Brock? He went from having to cheat to beat Bubba Dudley to beating The Rock clean in about two months. And now that he's had two long reigns at the top, where is there for him to go now, other than down. I guess he hasn't been Raw champion, but there's really not much room to grow when you've spent half of your career as the WWE champion.
  18. iggymcfly

    Does this bug anyone else?

    How is Raw moving in a downward direction? It's been getting better for about six months now, and the ratings are steadily increasing. (4.2 two weeks in a row) Do you honestly think that having a HHH/Steiner posedown being the big draw on Raw is better than what's going on now?
  19. iggymcfly

    HHH is a Genius

    If Goldberg pins Jericho in the chamber, then all that means is that there's a lot more heat on the main event at Unforgiven when HHH jobs clean like he would have anyway. I get sick of Unforgiven just being a throwaway PPV every year. This might make it actually mean something.
  20. iggymcfly

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    Well two from Raw and two from Smackdown doesn't really prove anything, but the only reason people bitch about Raw is because HHH has had a long title reign. Back about a year ago, everyone was saying that there needed to be more long, solid, title reigns, and now they're all pissed because HHH has had the belt for seven months. I can't think of any young, over, talent on Raw that's getting held down.
  21. That tag match was the first match for me ever where I just got really into the actual ring work. I'd never gotten a PPV to that point (except for one bootleg Backlash), and I'd always just been all about the entertainment side. That was back before they started putting a lot of good matches on TV, and I think in that respect, that match was really historic. That was the first really good, long, television match the WWE had run in a long time.
  22. iggymcfly

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    How exactly are the young talent overpushed? I can see that with Orton, but other than that who is overpushed out of the Young Talent? Brock Lesnar debuts in April 2002. Brock Lesnar wins KOR in June 2002. Brock Lesnar wins the title in August 2002. John Cena debuts in July 2002. John Cena beats Chris Jericho in July 2002. John Cena is main eventing a PPV in April 2003. Randy Orton debuts in mid-2002. Randy Orton gets injured, misses a ton of time. Randy Orton main events a PPV in August 2003. Renee Dupree debuts at the age of 22 in April or May 2003. Renee Dupree beats Kane in June 2003. Renee Dupree becomes a tag team champion in June 2003. There's a few just off the top of my head.
  23. As for HIAC being a dead gimmick, did you SEE it last time? It has all kinds of little ratty holes in it and shit. The actual cell's barely even usable anymore. The Elimination Chamber looks way cooler and I don't mind it being the gimmick of the future at all. And while maybe Nash/HHH shouldn't have had the Hell in a Cell, Brock/Taker was perfect for it. HIAC is basically Taker's gimmick. HHH just leached on to it when he beat Foley. Besides that, they had the hottest feud in the last 9 or 10 months, and they put on an excellent match. I would have gotten rid of HHH/Jericho as a HIAC before Brock/Taker.
  24. iggymcfly

    ok on a show of hands or whatever.

    I thought it was a good fun match, if not a great one. Probably about three stars or three and a quarter. Also, it's about time that someone got pinned off the split-legged moonsault. He's done it plenty of times in the WWE, he just never wins a match with it. I would like to know why they always have to go to Jericho when they need a new creative way for somebody to job, however. They always have to keep him toward the top of the card because they don't have anyone else that can entertain as well both in the ring and on the mic, but yet they never let him get any wins. I mean, I'm about as far from being a smark as you can get. I like HHH, and I think the younger talent gets overpushed not underpushed, but it's still pretty obvious that Jericho gets held down like a motherfucker. Give Y2J a break.
  25. iggymcfly

    HHH is a Genius

    They could have gotten themselves another year of good crowds in Canada if they would have just let Jericho get his win on HBK in Montreal instead of holding off until two weeks ago. They never let the Canadian heel get the win in Canada. Ever. Even when they turned Hogan, he still had to job to Rocky first.