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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Pictures I Like

    Finally, on Page 54, I found a picture that was worth contributing to this thread:
  2. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    I really don't see how this is anything but a success. They got the best up-and-coming coaching candidate from a major-conference team that a had a very good season last year. Kentucky complaining that they had to settle for Gillespie instead of Donovan would be like the Florida football team complaining last year that they had to settle for Urban Meyer instead of Pete Carroll. I mean, you can't just snatch away a coach that's won back-to-back titles.
  3. iggymcfly

    wildpegasus had his name changed

    Oh, he wants attention from us so bad. He's like a sad little puppy dog. Maybe we could let him in on a probationary basis. Like he gets to make one post a month, and if it's not stupid whiny gimmick stuff, then the next month we let him make two posts, and if it is, we just ban him again. If he was good, he could be back to his old posting levels in only five short years!
  4. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    Yeah, ESPN's officially saying Gillespie's the guy now. Personally, I think it's a great hire. He took over a Texas A&M team that was 0-16 in Big XII play the year before he took over and had them in the Sweet 16 in three years. It's not just "oh this guy got to the Final Four and this guy didn't", it's how quick he turned the program around. I think this reestablishes Kentucky as the definite #2 program in the SEC. (I know Wildcat fans want to be #1, but come on, Florida just won back-to-back titles.)
  5. iggymcfly

    Opinions That Changed

    I don't think the internet changed my opinions as much as it did for a lot of other people. For instance, I always liked and defended HHH, even when the whole internet hated him and I still don't believe that he really held anyone down. And even when I first started watching, I always liked cheering for the heels. About the only wrestler I can think of that I really did a 180 on due to the internet was Ric Flair. When I first started watching in 1998, I thought "what's this crazy old man doing as a main eventer" and thought the fact that WCW treated him as a main eventer was just one of the many reasons they were inferior to the WWF. After becoming more of an internet fan and hearing more about his legacy and how he carried the NWA for years though, I grew to respect him, and actually started to enjoy his matches a lot more. It got to the point that 5 or 10 years later, when he was wrestling for the WWE, he became someone who's matches I would forward to, rather than someone who would make me flip the channel.
  6. iggymcfly

    50 Most Powerful Gays in America

    Wow, appararently there are way fewer powerful gay people than I thought. I've heard of like 5 people on that list.
  7. iggymcfly

    This week in the NBA

    Speaking of the Lakers, I was looking at their roster today and they have so much young talent, it's ridiculous. Think of what the upgrade's going to be at PG from Smush Parker now to Jordan Farmar when he's in his 4th or 5th year in the league. Imagine Bynum, Turiaf, and Walton all entering their prime and splitting time with an improving Kwame Brown down low. And with all that, Kobe's still only 28. He's got another 5 or 6 years before he even starts to decline. Looking at it the potential, I can see why Phil came back. The franchise is really put together perfectly to become a legitimate force 4 or 5 years down the line. Coincidentally, that's right about when Nash and Duncan should be getting ready to retire or at least be declining greatly and be dipping out of any sort of championship contention. Really, Dallas is the only team that seems to be standing in the way of multiple Finals appearances for the Lakers.
  8. iggymcfly

    In Lew of the Bad Commentators

    1. "Lieu" is not spelled "Lew" 2. This topic is an inappropriate spot to use "in lieu of". 3. Don Shula's name does not have a 'C' in it. 4. In summary, you don't appear to be too bright. At least the quotes were mildly amusing though. You can stay for now.
  9. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    If anyone's desperate for holds, I'd be interesting in trading Jon Rauch for a position player. He was kind of an insurance policy in case Heilman didn't work out, but with Heilman looking healthy and recording two holds already, that's not looking like much of an issue.
  10. iggymcfly

    This Week in Baseball 4/1 - 4/8

    Woo hoo for the Orioles! Roughing up Santana in the 4th. And best of all, they did it playing real baseball. Not one bullshit home run the whole inning.
  11. iggymcfly

    "An insane amount of ranch please."

    Back on the ketchup debate, I disagree completely. As the lowest form of sausage, a hot dog is the only kind of sausage it is acceptable to put ketchup on. Putting ketchup on a bratwurst reflects really really badly on you however.
  12. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Maybe Yahoo felt sorry for you for starting the year with three pitchers on the DL?
  13. iggymcfly

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Good advice. That's exactly what I'm going to do. I quit watching for the most part last September or so simply because I couldn't stand Cena as the face champ. I decided to give them another try at WM because my second favorite wrestler (HBK) was in the main event, and because everything seemed to be set up for Cena to turn. Now that I know that he's not going to turn or drop the title any time in the near future, I have no interest in watching Raw at all any more.
  14. iggymcfly

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Well, I don't feel bad at all now that the sports bar I used to go to watch PPVs at has given up on the WWE. Cena making HBK tap cleanly was the worst possible ending for that match. Not Mania-worthy at all. Just letting us know it will be the same old shit for another year now. The only possible way to redeem this is if HBK turns heel to win the title at Backlash, but I just don't see it happening. The WWE just sucks now.
  15. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    Yeah, I'd love to see OSU beat Florida too, but I'm not sure I see it happening. All the matchups work in Florida's favor. They're one of the best teams in the country at drawing fouls down low, so we'll likely see Oden on the sideline half of the game and when he is in, they have the size down low to defend him. Also, they're one of the best teams in the country at shooting the 3-ball which is OSU's biggest weakness on defense. Even though I picked OSU in my bracket, I really don't see them winning the game the more I think about it.
  16. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    The fantasy baseball week is always Monday to Sunday. I'm pretty sure that no one's getting stats in any league for the first day. Why would it be an 8-day week instead of a 7-day week just because the first game of the season's on a Monday? Also, to Precious Roy, I think having 9 pitcher spots would be retarded. Since there are only 30 ML closers and there are 20 teams in the league, at least half the teams in the league will only have one closer anyway. All adding extra pitcher spots would do is give the teams that have extra closers a big advantage. I think having a standard setup of 4 SP with 3 RP or 5 SP with 2 RP is the only way to do it in a league this size.
  17. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    I usually try not to brag about gambling wins on here, but I couldn't help myself this time. Too fun making my parlay after it looked like a lost cause when it was 7-6 halfway through the first half of the Florida/UCLA game. Also, won regular bets on both games for a total win of $2400.
  18. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    Buckeye! OSU dominated as expected. Conley and Oden are far and away the best duo in the country.
  19. iggymcfly

    The Final Four Thread

    Thad Matta's 39??? Color me amazed. I could have sworn he was in his 50s.
  20. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    For the love of God, don't change it to daily transactions. Half the people in the league stop paying attention in May or June anyway; if we have daily transactions, there will only be three people actively competing by the end of the season.
  21. iggymcfly

    The Worst Band On The Planet

    Watch Requiem for a Dream and tell met that Jared Leto's a "third tier actor of little regard". His performance in that movie was tremendous and everything I've seen him in, he's been very good. Also, the band's nowhere near "worst on the planet". I haven't listened to their whole album or anything, but the singles are perfectly decent for radio fare. Basically, I think you're just thinking they "have to suck" because an actor's their lead singer.
  22. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Everything looks perfect as far as the set up. Glad we're ready to go. As a reminder to the league though: You need to login and set your starting lineup over the next two days. There's no default. If you don't, you'll lose your first game 10-0. MJ, it might not be a bad idea to send out a PM to everyone in the league pointing out this detail.
  23. iggymcfly

    South Park: Season 11

    Yeah, just saw this week's episode. Hilarious! The best part was the beginning where Cartman gets the stunned look on his face and says "funny, he told us his favorite band was Blink 182" and you get the clock and you first realize that it's going to be a 24 parody. And then Kyle answering his phone with the CTU ringtone. Basically, they got all the little ridiculous things about 24 right to make fun of, down to Kyle using the perfect Chloe voice when he was talking about "crossreferencing MySpace with YouTube". It did drag a little bit toward the end, but the good parts were so good that they outweighed anything bad.
  24. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Plus, I can always find a #6 starter with the active roster spot I free up by taking: Mark Prior, SP, Iowa Cubs