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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly


    If you read the whole article, it said that prisoners often complain about rapes and are ignored by guards, and also said that the standard punishment when prisoners do get caught for raping other prisoners is 30 days in solitary. If nothing else, leaving the rapists in solitary confinement for long periods of time will prevent them from continually terrorizing others. I'm not saying you can stop anyone from ever getting raped in prison, but you could dramatically reduce the incidences if there was some effort put into it. I'm pretty sure that there are some maximum security prisons right now where guards are vigilant and rape is fairly infrequent. It's just a matter of making a national standard that's enforced across the country.
  2. iggymcfly

    College Basketball 06/07

    According to ESPN's bracketology, if the season ended today, these would be the seeds for ACC teams: 1 North Carolina 4 Boston College 5 Virginia Tech 6 Virginia 7 Clemson 8 Duke 10 Maryland 11 Georgia Tech And with all that, Florida State would be the last team left out of the tournament. The ACC's so balanced this year that you can't just cut them off at six or seven teams and say "that's all the spots they get". Florida State's the 9th place team in the conference and they're only 4 games out of first with an overall record only a game and a half worse than ACC-leading Boston College.
  3. iggymcfly

    College Basketball 06/07

    Georgia Tech's improved a lot. They're actually better than Duke right now (not to say they'll beat them in Cameron Indoor) to the point that they're probably the third or fourth best team in the ACC. Also, they're resume's pretty good as they went 12-2 in non-conference play including a neutral-site win over #9 Memphis and a competitive loss to #7 UCLA. If they go 2-3 the rest of the way and win their first game in the ACC tournament, that's 20 wins overall. Can you really justify holding out an ACC team that played a tough non-conference schedule and picked up 20 wins? Also, the Sagarin rankings (the premier computer rankings IMO) currently have Georgia Tech ranked #19. If you're worried about Louisville's spot getting taken (which it won't, they're a lock now unless they totally blow the rest of the season), your enemy isn't the proven 20-win power conference teams. It's the bullshit teams from semi-major conferences like Xavier and UNLV who have the same overall record as a team like Georgia Tech but play a vastly inferior schedule. Oh, and just to clarify, I'm not trying to hold Georgia Tech down to 20 wins either. That's just a conservative threshhold. I think they've got a great shot to knock off either Duke or UNC, and I could see them doing well in the ACC tournament too. One more interesting stat for you: Record vs. Top 50 Georgia Tech: 7-5 Louisville: 1-6
  4. iggymcfly


    I don't get this idea that it's impossible to stop rape in prison. It's not, not even close. It's not like inmates are wandering around a five square mile campus or something. They're in small contained areas the entire time. Is it really that hard to have a few security cameras up that cover those areas? All it would take to solve this problem is three steps: 1) Put up a few extra cameras. The impact of this cost would be significantly smaller than the money saved by releasing that 5-10% of the prison population in for marijuana. 2) Make sure the guards actually investigate when a prisoner complains of rape. If they're found to be ignoring said complaints, fire them. 3) Seriously punish the inmates who commit the rapes. Give them a year added on to their sentence every time (unless they're lifers) and if they are lifers, then give them three months in solitary, with the length of solitary getting greater each time they're caught. Someone tell me how this wouldn't solve the problem.
  5. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    I determined so yes. Based on the fact that I had the best record last year, I'm keeping the top two players in fantasy baseball, and my other two keepers are both Top 100 players drafted after Round 10.
  6. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    See if my team makes you jealous. I think it's a little bit ahead of yours thus far. Also, no more draft spots missed due to keepers until Round 11. Pitching Staff SP Dontrelle Willis SP Aaron Harang SP Bronson Arroyo Position players 1B Albert Pujols OF Alfonso Soriano OF Nick Swisher
  7. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    And with the first pick of the 4th round, the pitcher I wanted all along (Chris Young was 2nd choice): He's got a career ERA of 3.44 and he's just barely 25 years old. I'm very happy to see him slip to me in the 4th round.
  8. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Whoo hoo! My turn! With the final pick in the 3rd round, (and my first pick of the draft), the Cranky Old Men select: Nick Swisher!
  9. iggymcfly

    College Basketball 06/07

    Georgia Tech's also looking a lot better over the course of the season. They're super young, so that's a big part of it, but they'd basically turn it over 30x a game early in the season, and they're just now learning how to be smart with the ball. Now that they've demolished UConn and finally got a road win against FSU, they're looking like a solid tourney team. If they keep maturing, I wouldn't be surprised to see them get hot and make an Elite 8 run.
  10. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    So close to being my turn! I've got one pitcher and one position player that I've had my eye on all round so hopefully Stephen Joseph leaves both of them alone. (Since I get two picks and all.)
  11. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    OK, guess everything's fine. Keep my spot and I'll be glad to make my first selection in a couple weeks. As far as Jack Bauer goes, I'd say that the end of the weekend's fine. If he doesn't have a pick in by 12AM EST tonight, you should just let the next person down the line go.
  12. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    If the draft is this week, you might as well give my team away. I'm going to be in Vegas from the 6th through the 13th, and there's no way I'm going to be checking my laptop every day.
  13. iggymcfly

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Just wanted to say as someone who doesn't really watch WWE anymore that Taker/Batista and HBK/Cena would probably be enough to get me to watch WrestleMania. If Lashley was in either of the main events, there's no way in hell I'd watch that show. Actually, you can say the same for Orton and Edge right now.
  14. iggymcfly

    Have you ever got so frustrated with a game that you...

    I think I've thrown a controller a couple times, probably in sports games when I got screwed in the last minute. The most frustrated I've ever been with a video game though was playing Shadows of the Empire for N64. When you're in the Sewers of Imperial City, there are two spots where it's absolutely impossible to see. One of them you're supposed to jetpack around and find a hole completely in the dark, and then there's a similar one underwater later on where you have to find some tunnel. The first time I played the level, I made it through both spots fine but eventually lost to the boss. The spot where you jetpack and find the hole, I made it through a few times later after about 15 minutes on average and gave up a few times too. The underwater spot, I never passed again after the first time. Couldn't find the damn hole. It wasn't even a spot where you'd die. I'd just go around and around until I'd finally give up after 20 minutes or so. Tried reading walkthroughs and everything, and they're like "you look around and find a hole". It was the most ridiculous frustrating thing ever.
  15. iggymcfly

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Didn't say I was in yet, so I am. Also would like to go on the record as saying that I don't think you should be able to change keepers at this point. There was a keeper deadline for a reason, offseason surgeries are just a part of the game.
  16. iggymcfly

    24 - Season 6

    Yeah, another pretty mediocre episode. The Tom/Karen subplot was awful, the drama with racial profiling at CTU was really forced, and I still don't quite like the subplot with Jack's brother. Fayed's a great villian. Graem Bauer's just stupid and obnoxious and I'd like him off my screen. It was a little better toward the end when he finally pulled a gun on Jack and his dad though. Also, I'm going to quit watching the previews for the next episode. Not that we didn't have a pretty good idea anyway, but did they really have to show ? You'd think they could give you a little taste without showing the cool parts ahead of time.
  17. iggymcfly

    TOAO Smokin' Aces Thread

    This might be enough to keep me away. The story of a dozen hitmen all planning to kill someone sounded really boring. The only thing that made me want to see the movie was the idea of Piven as the degenerate, strung-out, mob snitch.
  18. iggymcfly

    Australian Open Thread.

    Wow, it's amazing to watch Federer when he's going all out. Honestly, watching Roddick go to the net on Federer is like watching a small child try to tackle an adult. It's almost pitiful. And it seems like every shot Federer hits is perfect. I'm not a big tennis fan, but I'm really, really enjoying watching Federer tonight. Even as a casual fan, you know you're seeing something amazing.
  19. iggymcfly

    24 - Season 6

    Never even thought of that. Would be crazy if Assad's just having a power struggle with Fayed, but still takes over terrorist operations as soon as Fayed is killed or something.
  20. iggymcfly

    American Idol

    Not interested until they put up the betting lines. Then only to leech off of other people's analysis. I can't stand watching the show.
  21. iggymcfly

    24 - Season 6

    A heavy price indeed? How about you tell us what the fuck the price was.
  22. iggymcfly

    Pictures I Like

    This one's pretty awesome. In about the simplest way possible, it shows why I can't take Christianity seriously. (And before you say "oh well my Christian religion doesn't believe that", the point is that the reason Christianity survived for thousands of years is because of people trying to make people believe stuff just this silly. If Jesus was really divine, no way would he let his legacy be carried on that way for over a millenium.)
  23. iggymcfly

    24 - Season 6

    Curious what dates exactly were mentioned in Season 2. Did they actually say it was 2005? I really didn't think they meant to have it very far in the future at that point. I would have thought that the 2000-2009 timeline fit much better.
  24. iggymcfly

    24 - Season 6

    I'm retarded and went to IMDB after the first two episodes the other night so I knew that Curtis was going to die, but I was totally unprepared for the nuke to go off. That's f*cking crazy. It's one of those things where they always stop it to the point that you think it's automatic that they're going to, and then BOOM! They flip the switch and the giant mushroom cloud envelopes Los Angeles. Fucking crazy.
  25. iggymcfly

    Rome season 2

    Thanks for posting this, I had no idea that Rome was starting up again. I watched every episode except for the finale last year. (Had something going on and never came across a rerun.) I was in total 24 mode last night, but I'll make sure to catch a replay of the 1st episode some time this week.