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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    I'm not the one who was doing all the gimmicked voting if that's what you're implying. Iggymcfly and NOTiggymcfly are the only accounts I have. Actually, the real reason I want to be on Leena's team is that all this "you're a self-absorbed cunt who posts too many pictures" stuff is really, really, played out, and that's about all you can do if you're in an internet messageboard insult war against Leena.
  2. iggymcfly

    NCAA Football 07

    It's usually pretty easy to stop the run on these games no matter what defense you use. I think it's been that way, at least since the Madden 64 days. The vast majority of the time, it's all about stopping the passing game, and for that, you need a lot of nickel and dime. Blitzing's actually more important than it seems on this game, because while it's tough to actually get sacks on any kind of regular basis, if you hurry the QB, he's much, much less accurate, and more likely to throw INTs or at least incompletions.
  3. iggymcfly

    Madden NFL 07

    You know...I've been posting here for years and I can honestly say that ^ is one of the worst posts I've ever read. Sorry, I'm a terrible poster when I'm trashed. I actually did win $10,000 this night in a poker tourney, although that's really unusual for me (second biggest cash I've ever had), and the fact that I won it was the reason I got so drunk in the first place. I wouldn't have even bothered responding again, but I saw about 5 people commented on my shitty post, so I thought I'd explain myself a little.
  4. iggymcfly

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    People are retarded. They've got a poll on ESPN right now about the NL MVP and Beltran is actually getting more votes than Pujols. They also had these three retarded beat writers making arguments with absolutely no logic behind them on Cold Pizza making a consensus that Ryan Howard was the MVP. It was like the special ed version of Around the Horn.
  5. iggymcfly

    College Football in 1993

    The point is that Auburn won every game they played in a major conference agains tough competition, and they had no chance to win a national title. That's controversial almost by definition. Who cares if they didn't "look good" against Virginia Tech. It's pretty hard to get motivated to play at your absolute peak when you know you just got ratfucked out of a shot at the national title. I think Utah deserved a shot too. They were extremely impressive all season long, and I think they could have given USC a hell of a game. 2004 was a perfect argument for a playoff. When you've got four legitimate teams that haven't lost at the end of the season (five altogether), no bowl system is going to crown a true national champion.
  6. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    Well, considering you were winning 20-18 when I voted an hour and a half ago and it's 34-18 now, I'd guess that cheating is a strong possibility.
  7. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    I voted for Leena because Kotz and Czech are soooo 2 or 3 years ago. And because she's so beautiful and makes such clever posts. (Just think, if I could be the #1 pick in the Gang Wars draft. That's an honor I could carry to the grave.) I even have a gimmick account, although I hardly ever use it.
  8. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    I officially enter myself in the draft. I've got plenty of time to waste which I think has to be the #1 criterion to be a participant in this contest.
  9. iggymcfly

    Favorite gimmick poster

    I nominate HEEL TURN. That guy amuses the heck out of me.
  10. I completely agree that nothing ever changes. Main event of NYR: Edge defeats Cena for the WWE title Main event of RR: Cena defeats Edge for the WWE title Main event of hyped Raw: Cena defeats Edge for the WWE title Main event of Backlash: Cena defeats Edge and HHH for the WWE title Main event of hyped Raw: Edge defeats Cena and RVD for the WWE title Main event at SNME: Edge defeats Cena for the WWE title Main event of Summerslam: Edge defeats Cena for the WWE title So where do we go from here? Do we actually move on to a new program after 6 months or so? Of course not. Edge and Cena are going to continue feuding for another month with pretty much no development whatsoever before they have a match that may be the blowoff or may lead to matches for a few more weeks before they decide to go in a different direction.
  11. Actually, I'd disagree on Edge. I think he does have a character that's his own now that's believable that works really well for him. He's super over as a heel, and if he even had a reasonably over face to play off of, he'd be golden. The fact that they haven't started a Edge/DX feud yet is just ridiculous.
  12. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0

    You guys are egging me on. I almost think there needs to be some kind of Mole team vs Marvin team for HD King of TSM. At least, an undercard one-on-one. Loser is reduced to a coax-run VCR the rest of his life. I won't take sides, you both helped me out. Mole actually came into the HD thread and asked what kind of tv to buy. Ironically he bought the same model tv as I have, but anyway.. Now he thinks hes MR HD of TSM cause he thinks HD-DVD is all great and wonderful and yet without me and my knowledge given out in that thread, I dont know if he'd know an HDMI Cable from a DVI cable.. Marvin so needs to be in the gang wars. He's bringing it hardcore already!
  13. Fuck that. I'm hopeful now. Edge is gonna fuck that nigger up, and leave him with Lita's smell pussy imprinted all over his face. I mean if Cena can't even get a pop in his hometown, he can't really be a face champ right now, can he? Edit: Note, I would have said "n*gga", but that's automatically changed to "teddy bear" on this forum, so I said "nigger" instead. I don't really have anything against African-Americans, but I do hate John Cena.
  14. iggymcfly

    Covers you liked better than the original?

    I hate to post the same thing in two threads, but Paris Hilton's cover of "If You Think I'm Sexy" is the shiznit. It's way better than the original.
  15. Yeah, thanks. It's my second biggest cash ever. I actually had a chance to get $17,000 if I got first instead of second, so I was pissed off for a half hour or so when I lost, but I'm pretty happy overall. After I won, I started getting drunk by myself (too late to go out), so I'm in an extra good mood right now.
  16. iggymcfly

    Guilty pleasure

    I'm not afraid to admit I like any kind of radio pop these days, but this song is really bad. True that. I couldn't remember what song it was, so I listened again after seeing this post, and it really is terrible. Paris (the name of the album, not Paris's name) is fucking awesome though. You all need to listen to it if you haven't already. Jealousy, Heartbeat, and her cover of Do you Think I'm Sexy are all awesome. Turn it Up's not bad either, but it's nowhere near as good as the three I just named. If all you've heard is Stars are Blind, you're really missing out. It's on AOL music for free if you don't have a good enough file-sharing program to find those songs, so you really have no excuse not to listen to them.
  17. iggymcfly

    Gang Wars v2.0

    I vote for Leena as a captain. I'm not as bad as WP or Marvin, but I'm still a horny prick, so I'd want to be on her team. (Note: I'm pretty trashed right now, so don't take my statements too seriously.)
  18. iggymcfly

    Madden NFL 07

    Fuck Madden. I guess I can kind of see wanting to watch your dynasty players get drafted to an NFL team, but I can't imagine playing it regularly when I already have NCAA. I mean, college football's hella fun, and the NFL sucks dick. If I buy it, it will only be because I play poker for a living, win and lose thousands of dollars in a day, and don't give a flying fuck about money. Why a person working a 9 to 5 job would buy both is beyond me.
  19. iggymcfly

    HBO Sunday Night Lineup

    Fuck that was an awesome episode of Entourage. Why does it have to be the season finale already? It was like they were really going nowhere all season, and now that there's finally a good storyline, we won't even have time to enjoy it.
  20. iggymcfly

    WWE Observer Notes

    Two things: 1. If Vince doesn't want ugly chicks around, then why the fuck did he hire Melina? She's at least 50x uglier in the face than Francine. She's one of the few celebrity females that lots of people find attractive that I honest to god would not have sex with. And by few, I mean maybe just her and Pamela Anderson. 2. James Beard's a dumb fuck. As soon as I read that post he made, I knew he screwed the pooch as far as getting a WWE job goes. I like how he made this new post, talking about how he didn't really want it anyway to cover for what a dumb mistake he made, because deep down, he knows that making that post might be the dumbest thing he's ever done in his life. Even if he'd left out the part about Shannon Moore, he might have been OK, but posting that on the internet is basically like going and taking a shit in Vince's bag or something. Just completely killed any chance he had of getting a job.
  21. Edited to ask a more relevant question. Seriously, this was a pretty weak card for the 2nd-biggest PPV of the year. Hogan's not that much of a draw any more, and in a half-assed feud with Orton, no one really cares. The DX/McMahons stuff is good for television ratings, but it's not much of a PPV draw. So what are we left with? Batista who lost serious overness at the ECW show vs. Booker who no one quite takes seriously as a main eventer yet, and Cena vs. Edge part MMMCLXXVIII. Neither RVD (the top face from ECW) nor Undertaker (the top face from Smackdown) was on the card.
  22. iggymcfly

    NCAA Football 07

    I think the problem is the way the whole prestige thing works. You can only go up one level at a time, so even if you just went 12-1, you probably only go from * to **. You did pick Montana for a challenge though, right? I mean, if you got tons of ***** recruits the next year, what would be the point?
  23. I actually kind of wish I'd gone and watched Summerslam now. What turned me off was Hogan and DX taking up two of the main event slots, and the fact that it was "reported" everywhere that Cena was going to beat Edge. I didn't think I could stand sitting through the last hour if all three of those were going to happen there. Reading the results though, it sounds like Flair/Foley was excellent (which I really did want to see), and I would have loved to see Edge pin Cena's gay ass. Of course, if I'd gone to the bar and watched the show, I might not have played the poker tournament I played online tonight (I think it started at 8 or 9), and I'd be $9000 poorer, so I guess it's good I skipped it.
  24. All this talk about needing a magical new wrestler that single-handedly gets themselves massively over is bullshit. All they really need is some better writing and booking. The McMahon/Russo booking team would have pulled the trigger on the Cena heel turn at Summerslam last year. They would have had DX feuding with real main eventers by now, even if they were in Vince's employ. They also would have written at least a couple compelling feuds between main eventers. It's pretty sad when the only good feud this year was completely controlled by someone outside the company (Foley). Shit at this point, maybe they should just have Foley retire from active competition, and book Raw full-time. I'd bet he'd do a lot better than Stephanie and Kevin Dunn.
  25. I want to see Flair/Foley, and I kind of want to see Big Show/Sabu, but that's not enough for me to sit through the two and a half hours of crap surrounding those matches.