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Everything posted by iggymcfly

  1. iggymcfly

    HHH is a Genius

    What was the WWE thinking when they decided to put Goldberg/Flair in Canada anyway? Obviously the Canadian crowd's gonna cheer for Flair. They should have put Goldberg/Flair last week and put Goldberg against somebody boring this week.
  2. La Parka, I wasn't saying you said Orton was going over, that was Choken One. Anyway, I see your point about Goldberg pinning HHH, but the WWE isn't really that interested in having big climactic PPV main events. They're more into never really resolving anything so that they can keep building up the event for the next month. I say that (if he stays over), Goldberg pins HHH cleanly at Unforgiven, and then faces Kane at Survivor Series.
  3. Anyone who thinks Orton is winning this match is retarded. Goldberg's getting good reactions everywhere outside of Canada, and whether he pins HHH or not, he will win the title. And as long as Goldberg keeps getting cheers after winning the title, he'll pin Trips at Unforgiven.
  4. iggymcfly

    HHH is a Genius

    Why are people complaining? Don't you see how much better the Summerslam card got tonight? Did you really want to see HBK/Orton, Jericho/Nash, and HHH/Goldberg all as separate matches? Now we've got them all together in a form where at least part of the match will be entertaining and we've still got room on the card for RVD and Booker T. I think Summerslam's gonna be sweet.
  5. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just did this because Triple H CAN'T work a long match right now? They can't have the main event of Summerslam last 5 or 10 minutes so this is an easy solution. They were already hyping HHH/Goldberg, so this is just a result of the injury. I really think that HHH's political power is overrated. I'm sure he'll job clean at Unforgiven.
  6. iggymcfly

    MOTYC so far.

    Here are some quotes that I thought people might find interesting: I'm with this guy.
  7. I've got one. Even though I'm a huge mark for Angle, I'd trade Angle for Rock in 2001. Rock and Austin had HUGE heat for a rematch at Summerslam, and their feud probably would have been enough to bring the industry up out of the toilet for a while. Angle would have been fine feuding with Booker T, and everyone would have been better for it.
  8. iggymcfly

    Would RVD do better as a heel?

    I'll tell you when they could have turned him heel was the night HHH faced Kane for the title at MSG. He could have easily been pissed off about Kane dumping him as a partner and gone out and joined Evolution. Then after a couple months of freshening him up, he could have had a good feud with Triple H. With the way they're pushing Kane as the monster heel though, that might not be such a good idea after all. Now, as for moving him to Smackdown, RVD would not fit in well at all there. RVD does good flashy high spot entertainment wrestling which is good for entertainment fans on Raw. That allows him to have pretty good matches with whoever they put him in there with. However, if he's put in a match with someone like Angle, Benoit, or even HHH where he's actually supposed to sell, he's lost. The only way he knows to sell a leg injury is to use the same leg to kick someone with 500 times.
  9. iggymcfly

    If HHH can't wrestle at SSlam...

    OK, HHH is definitely wrestling and jobbing at Summerslam. There's no doubt about it. So, the question is what do they do with Goldberg as champion. I say: Summerslam through Unforgiven- Continue feud with HHH culminating in a gimmick match where Goldberg wins cleanly again and officially ends the feud. Unforgiven through Royal Rumble- Long feud with Kane. Kane can get a quick run, but Goldberg's got to eventually come out on top. Giving Kane an 8 day run in November might be fun. Royal Rumble: Goldberg finishes off Kane. Smackdown superstar wins Royal Rumble. Royal Rumble through Wrestlemania: Austin announces that with no viable challengers on Raw, he will challenge Goldberg himself at Wrestlemania. Everyone gets the dream match they've been waiting for.
  10. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Well, after losing my TV deal, I actually made money for the first time, but then I go bankrupt the same month. That's screwed up.
  11. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Wow, now I'm really screwed. The WWE also took AJ Styles and my TV contract wasn't renewed.
  12. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Oh shit. The WWE just signed Raven to a written contract. Now I'm really screwed. I guess that's why they said I should have a smaller wrestler as my champion.
  13. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I can't believe I haven't gotten fired yet. I've lost money four months in a row, lost PI four months in a row and then last month, it went WAY down, because I tried to schedule another monthly large card (thinking it would go at the end of the month like it always does,) and they scheduled it for the NEXT DAY. Then, when I cancelled it, I lost about 20 PI points. The owner keeps saying I'm doing an extremely bad job, and my only hope is that my January card will make a lot of money with Raven/AJ Styles headlining. Also, when I switched my TV deal to late evening from graveyard, it didn't help me at all with sponsors, but it did make me put on an extra match every night. I can't afford to pay six to eight decent workers every week. I've been trying to do things where there's a double DQ and they fight again in a tag match or both workers have warmup matches before the main event, but I'm having a hell of a time making it. Then, when I put in a jobber match, the rating for the show goes way down.
  14. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I did the WWE for a couple weeks at a medium level, but it takes forever to book all the segments every week even with Triple H booking Heat for me. Then I started another season with MLW on very hard and it's working out a lot better. We just finished our first large card, where Satoshi Kojima and Teiyo Keiya had a ****3/4 match and Raven (who I turned face) took the World Title off of Steve Corino. We are making money and since I just started playing and it's on very hard, I figure that's not bad. Oh, here's something I thought was funny. They said that Raven was too good to hold my world title, and I should give it to someone else. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
  15. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I can't figure out why, but my Torrie Wilson/Zach Gowen feud's not getting over at all. It's segments continually score in the 40s. Maybe it's because I couldn't officially make it a feud with Torrie being a non-wrestler. Oh well, on the bright side, Zach's so mad about jobbing to Torrie twice in a row that he's on the verge of quitting.
  16. iggymcfly

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I just downloaded this today, and I've never played any of the old versions, but I was wondering, is there some way to make a #1 contender match? It's really pissing me off that I can't do it. You'd think that would be more important than adding medics or picking the booker for the developmental territories.
  17. iggymcfly

    So who turns heel?

    It's pretty simple how you keep Brock a heel after turning him. Only have him wrestle people that are super over as faces. Angle would easily get cheers for him, and if you program him into feuds with Taker and Mysterio from there, he'll have plenty of heat. The one thing they missed though was having him rage on Smackdown this week. When he came out to the ring with Kurt all calm after he'd just lost the title, it kind of took away from any heel turn that would be in the cards.
  18. iggymcfly

    Triple H's Backstage Power

    If you remember, right after No Way Out, HHH was trying really hard to get Booker over, with his promos about how "people like him" would never deserve the title. However, Booker just sat there the whole time with his one blank facial expression, and then put no heat into his beatdown of Flair backstage. If the finish of the match was changed, it has a lot more to do with Booker's complete lack of acting talent than with HHH's political power plays.
  19. iggymcfly

    Out of these seven...

    I think Kurt Angle's underrated by a lot of people. He's moved way past that dork persona and he's become very versatile in his promo skills. I'd say he's tops in the business today, with Austin a very close second. At his peak though, Rock was better than any of them. When he was focused, he could get absolutely unparalleled reactions. The other person on the list who can cut really good promos when he's focused is HBK. If you remember the video interview before Summerslam when he revealed that Hunter had run him over, that was just awesome. That promo actually gave me goosebumps up and down my whole body.
  20. iggymcfly

    WWE Vengeance 2003 - GAMBLING THREAD

    Yeah, we need a special thread for me to show how smart I am. I want to see if any other newbies turned their $1000 into $2350.
  21. iggymcfly

    Brock vs Undertapper vs Show

    Well, the house show main event doesn't really mean all that much. However, before Vengeance, I was predicting that Brock would lose the title to Kurt at Vengeance before winning it back at Summerslam, and going on to feud with the Undertaker. It all makes perfect sense to me.
  22. iggymcfly

    "We hate the French."

    This whole angle is definitely the most boring thing on Raw. It's the equivalent of the Vince/Steph/Gowen storyline on Smackdown in that it makes me embarrassed to be a wrestling fan, and makes me want to change the channel immediately. The sooner they get La Resistance away from the tag titles and then off TV for good, the better.
  23. iggymcfly

    Raw Rating

    The reason that the ratings are improving is pretty simple, the've gotten back to sports entertainment. They get an engrossing, if somewhat flawed storyline, and people tune in to see what happens. All the people who say that the era of sports entertainment is over, and that fans want to see pure wrestling now are full of shit. The reason things haven't been working is because they've been doing a shitty job with the storylines, not because they're there. The whole Vince/Hogan storyline was so simplistic, it seemed like something out of a cartoon. Moderately interesting storylines=ratings.
  24. iggymcfly

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    I can't believe I'm the only one in this whole thread that "gets it." WWE booking isn't that hard to figure out. Look, Kane's done one major angle with Shane. He's done one major angle with RVD and that was just to blow off the heat between them. He's also done angles with Vince, Linda, Bischoff, and HHH. But who has he done major angles with every week for the last two months or so? Stone Cold! Almost every Raw since Austin motivated Kane, they've done some sort of major angle together. Shit, before Kane came out, Austin had spent ten minutes trying to provoke Kane into a fight. He also almost resigned after not being able to "physically discipline" Kane. So what is this obviously leading to? A Kane/Austin match at Summerslam. I mean really, why would they do things to further their feud in the main event segment of every Raw if it wasn't leading to a big blowoff match at Summerslam. Now I know that Austin has a serious neck injury, but he did wrestle The Rock at Wrestlemania, and he also had a five-minute brawl with Kane on Raw that's about a third of the way to being a match already. Austin's not going to take a big bump off the stage or anything, but we've already seen him take the chokeslam, and if Kane gives him a piledriver like he gave to Linda, I think he'd be okay with that too. A year ago this time, HBK was having a lot less physical contact on TV than Austin is now, and he turned out to be all right didn't he? I'm sure the WWE figures that having Austin on the Summerslam card will increase the buyrate significantly, and I think he's probably okay to wrestle two or three times a year. Bottom line, there's no way that RVD or Shane will face Kane at Summerslam; the WWE has spent two months hyping Austin/Kane and they're gonna deliver.
  25. iggymcfly

    SummerSlam card is a mess

    Well, it's obvious that the Summerslam card's gonna be crowded. For that reason, they're gonna need a lot of multi-man matches to fit people on the card. Here's how I see it: World Title: HHH © vs. Goldberg WWE Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Brock Lesnar Kane vs. Stone Cold- No holds barred US Title: Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri- Fatal four way elimination match Chris Jericho and Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash Undertaker and Zach Gowen vs. Big Show and John Cena IC Title: Booker T © vs. Christian vs. Scott Steiner vs. Test Cruiserweight Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Kidman