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J. Hungerford Smith

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Everything posted by J. Hungerford Smith

  1. J. Hungerford Smith


    Kane's botch doesn't compare to Steiner. Kane has an excuse that he was on shaky ropes...Steiner tripped off of a flat, solid canvas.
  2. J. Hungerford Smith


    Yeah. I don't care that HHH won. In fact, I think it's hilarious. Because his run will go on forever. And there's nothing anyone can do about it, so why even waste the time complaining about it? Just sit back and laugh at how ridiculous it is for him to continue his refusal to put anyone over.
  3. J. Hungerford Smith


    I still am trying to comprehend Coach's turn. My friends and I looked away from the TV for one second, and we turned around and saw him with a chair in his hand standing over Shane. I was speechless, but then I just laughed real hard. It was definitely an, umm, interesting twist. Good stuff though.
  4. J. Hungerford Smith


    If anything it was obvious that Goldberg WASN'T going to win after he mauled Orton, Michaels and Jericho consecutively in a matter of less than 5 minutes.
  5. J. Hungerford Smith

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    I doubt we'll be seeing an end to Lesnar/Angle anytime soon, so it doesn't even matter.
  6. J. Hungerford Smith

    Kurt Angle's Favorite Wrestler

    Steiner, Nash and the Big Show are names. Sure it has nothing to do with their talent...because they combine for about as much skill as Angle and Benoit's testicles. And as far as who is better between Angle and Benoit, I'd say this is an arguable point, but there's no way it will ever be solved. Although you are a bit too pushy with your love for Benoit, and you really can't back anything up by just saying "No. You're wrong. Benoit is better." And that's really all you've said throughout this thread. And Benoit is not "*SO* much better" as you claim...you're acting as if Angle is on the level of someone such as the aforementioned Nash, Steiner and Big Show. You and I both know that's complete bullshit -- if Angle's not the best (I'm not going to say that he is because you'll just go on a tirade about how great Benoit is), he's damn close.
  7. J. Hungerford Smith

    Hurricane and S.H.I.T.

    That would be very entertaining and fitting considering Rikishi is doing absolutely nothing right now.
  8. J. Hungerford Smith

    So Who Attacked Brock?

    Yeah! And how did Funaki know?! Vince must've paid him to come and interrupt him and the Undertaker! But I guess we'll find out this week when they spend the entire 2 hours breaking down every minor detail of this whole conspiracy!
  9. J. Hungerford Smith

    Staying in on a Friday night

    I worked, and after we closed myself and two others stayed to play no-limit Texas Hold'em. Fun.
  10. J. Hungerford Smith

    So Who Attacked Brock?

    Do you want to know what baffles me more than how Brock tricked the supposed EMTs? How you managed to get a 50+ reply thread out of this subject.
  11. J. Hungerford Smith

    An educated guess at Shane's SummerSlam role

    Somehow I don't see that happening. Eventually though I wouldn't be surprised seeing another Kane/Taker feud if one were to jump to the other brand. In fact, I would welcome another feud between them since they're both much different characters from their original feuds.
  12. J. Hungerford Smith

    An educated guess at Shane's SummerSlam role

    Another reason why Shane vs. Kane would be better is because Shane can actually afford to job a big time match. It's going to hurt RVD to lose this one, but not as much as it would Kane, IMO. But I think either way I'm actually looking forward to the match, even if it doesn't get any buildup.
  13. J. Hungerford Smith

    Lesnar vs McMahon Cage Match

    My guess is Kurt keeps the belt since he just won it...
  14. J. Hungerford Smith

    If HHH can't wrestle at SSlam...

    HHH will wrestle at Summerslam. If anything, the injury will probably motivate him to give his match even MORE time than he normally would. Dare I say longer than his match with Steiner at Rumble?
  15. J. Hungerford Smith

    Lesnar vs McMahon Cage Match

    Well what makes you say Kurt's gonna definitely job?
  16. J. Hungerford Smith

    Please Flame This Guy

    Yeah. All of the episode titles had to rhyme. "From Geek to Chic!"
  17. J. Hungerford Smith

    Please Flame This Guy

    I find the shows where Raymond Moses yells at the little kids to be extremely hilarious.
  18. J. Hungerford Smith

    Summerslam 2003 Theme Announced.

    My gripe with this has nothing to do with the fact that St. Anger is an awful song, but rather what in the hell does the song have to do with anything regarding Summerslam or even wrestling in general?
  19. J. Hungerford Smith

    Triple H's Backstage Power

    Vince dies tomorrow, and the Wrestlemania XX main event will be Test vs. Steve Blackman
  20. J. Hungerford Smith

    Triple H's Backstage Power

    Yeah, wish death on someone so another person who is just going to parallel him can take the reins
  21. J. Hungerford Smith

    Summerslam 2003 Theme Announced.

    Hogan and Cena should rap battle.
  22. J. Hungerford Smith

    Summerslam 2003 Theme Announced.

    Personally, I liked it better when they used the corny songs they made themselves. Like Deadly Game.
  23. J. Hungerford Smith

    Summerslam 2003 Theme Announced.

    Be realistic...no matter how bad the product gets the company won't go anywhere.
  24. J. Hungerford Smith

    NBA Live or NBA 2k3

    I have NBA Live 2003, I'm happy with it for the most part. The only problem I have is dunks are missed way too often. I find this to happen more if you have a lead over the margin of 10. I know the computer is just trying to make it harder for you to keep your lead, but that's still not very realistic. But when have any EA basketball games been realistic?