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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Eugene plays with the pyro, and Rhyno gets the Gore! heh!
  2. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    I think I heard it's Jell-o mix and water.
  3. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Hunters facial expressions right now are great.
  4. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

  5. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Trips asks a good question.... HBK chokes more than /insert sports team here/
  6. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    nice way to put over those young guys...
  7. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Oooh, Coach is ruling here... ouch.
  8. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    This is why Tajiri shouldn't talk.
  9. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    So, Matt is now a face? and back with Lita? So what was the whole point of the swerve when he came to Raw?
  10. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    *sniff sniff* I smell SKANK!
  11. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    and heeerrrsss KANE!
  12. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    It's not you. Damn, that looks painfull.
  13. Anakin Flair

    Banned moves

    Isn't Taker using the Tombstone again now that he's in the Deadman gimick? (Not that I have seen him, since he's never ON TV)
  14. Anakin Flair

    DVD Releases

    Funny- they say the Hall of Fame stuff is on the DVD, while people who have the DVD say it isn't on their (WM 20). Wonder if it's there or not?
  15. Anakin Flair

    Goldberg speaks on HHH & Vince

    This is real. I saw the interview in question the other day, it was supposed to be a plug for his new moive, but the hosts talked about WWE stuff for most of the time.
  16. Anakin Flair

    HBK character has to evolve

    I think that would be a good idea. HBK needs to reshen up, get away from Trips, and Smackdown needs a legit superstar to help boost ratings. Plus, and HBK-Eddie match would rock the casbah, IMO.
  17. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    From Buffy.nu, but take this with a grain of salt:
  18. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I think it was apparent in the way he dispatched Sajahn.
  19. Anakin Flair

    So I found out that my DVD player is region free.

    I thought Futurama was all out in Region 1 already. My computer's DVD program has the option to change to any region. I may go and buy Angel 4 for the hell of it.
  20. Anakin Flair

    So I found out that my DVD player is region free.

    Buffy season 7, to compliment season 6 which comes out next month. or, you know, you could get the DVD's you owe ME (grumbles...) Or, like it was stated above, Robocop or Predator. I beleive both of those had excellent Region 2 releases to counter the crap Region 1 releases. If you want some good advice, PM Jay Spree. He has the advantage of, you know, LIVING in the Region 2 area (and has good taste to boot.)
  21. Anakin Flair

    Get ready for HD-DVD format confusion!

    On the bright side, this may mean that DVD prices will go down. Still a while away, but nevertheless a good thing for DVD lovers.
  22. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    umm.... he's had exactly 2 matches since comming back.... how can you determine that he sucks so much after only 2 matches? I say give him a month (where he competes regularly) and then decide.
  23. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    Did HBK just turn face in Canada?
  24. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    how long till Bischoff overturns it?
  25. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    ???? What the Fuck? They use WW2 as set up for a new wrestler?