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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    Best unintenional WWE comedy

    IT's probably already been said, but the R-K-Oh shit I missed!
  2. Anakin Flair

    Firefly on DVD

    Well, I just did a list... and it got erased. I'll get toi it eventually, after I finish with the commentaries.
  3. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Just thought I'd mention this: Moore Action Collectibles has decided to keep making Buffy action figures, starting with a whole Willow series- Willow ranging from normal, to VampWilkl, to Darth Rosenberg. The website, for those interested, is www.mooreaction.com
  4. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    I'm thinking it was part of the mind controll. How Chloe could fight, not sure. And Adam is Bruce Wayne. I'll say it all night.
  5. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    that was an anti-climatic out for this monster who tortured that little girl.
  6. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    "Bwa-ha-ha! Mine is an evil laugh!" /Firefly
  7. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Ok- where did Andrew say everybody was?
  8. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    oh, man. that was BRUTAL. Andrew's GREAT. The HAIR...not so.
  9. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    Yes, they are from Buffy. Sorry, I tend to forget that there are people on this board that don't watch Buffy or Angel
  10. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    No- Xander/Harmony was a catfight that was a BRAWL< BY GAWD!!!
  11. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    Anybody else getting an "I know kung-fu" vibe here? and was the Bruce Wayne? EDIT: this "Adam" is definately Bruce.
  12. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    Aw, he got rid of the glasses! Oh, and it's not an evil boyfriend controlling Lana. that's good, at least.
  13. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I just read the Angel spoilers for the next few episodes. Since spoiler tags aren't working, all I will say is we are in for a heavy couple of Months. Classic Joss all the way.
  14. Anakin Flair

    Barbra Streisand...

    Wouldn't her nose compliment Hoffmans nose?
  15. Anakin Flair

    Woman passes airport security with stun gun, knife

    ....... a COMPAS NEEDLE? ka-wha?
  16. Anakin Flair

    Discuss & Review: Mick Foley's Greatest Hits/Misse

    It's not to bad. Noticable, but bearable.
  17. Anakin Flair

    E-Bay Wrestlecrap

    I remember seeing these things advertised when I bowled with some friends years ago. Seemed kinda dumb back then. Still does.
  18. Anakin Flair

    Which WWF legends should

    Then play "Eye of the Tiger", Hogan comes out, destroys all three, poses, and leaves... Only to be assulted by Savage.
  19. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    Nice to see how Clark got his glasses, though. Nice touch.
  20. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I got a Kubrick feel from the Bear. Like the wierd scene from "The Shining."
  21. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Numero Cinco!
  22. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy soundclips! Name those episodes!
  23. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That segment with Spike and the girl in the Alley was GOLD. I've been waiting for somebody to tell off the stupid girls who take a shortcut through a dark alley.
  24. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    isn't next week a repeat?