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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    So.... why is it that Billy Gunn, Kevin Nash, and a host of other get fat contracts year after year, but the one guy who had a hell of a run w/ Booker and who really stepped up his game gets dropped? Who books this crap?
  2. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I liked the Troika, but I was SO hoping for Dark Willow to be the overall big bad of the season. She could have played the Scoobys the whole season before being stopped. of coorse, that's what happened on Angel in season 4 w/ Cordy, so maybe it's a good thing that they didn't do it
  3. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Me thinks this thread is dying.
  4. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    Survivor's still on? Huh.
  5. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Why not? They didn't kill it. The first is still around somewhere stirring shit up. the First is still around, but I don't think Joss would use it in the first movie out. Maybe in a sequal. I think the first movie would be about either A) gathering and training the new slayers while fighting some big bad, or B) Focusing on the Cleveland hellmouth and some battle happening there.
  6. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I hate posting at work. It takes to long.
  7. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    While I'd love to see a "Buffy" movie, what could they do? the one thing that limited the time that Buffy could go on was how they set up the big bads- each one was more powerfull every year. They went from: The Master To Angelus/Spike/Dru To The Mayor/Pure Demon to Adam/Gov to Glory the Hellgod They then took a break to become depressing, giving us the Troika and ultimately Dark Willow then they went all out and gave us the uber-bad First Evil. If they do a movie, who would be the big bad? Dark Willow maybe, but she seems to be gone thanks to the slayer activation spell( the white hair symbolizing Willow being purified) and the fact that she has Kennedy to support her. Maybe the First again, but I'd doubt it. Wolfram and Hart? Could be. But again, I hope they do have a movie. There are still things they can do (wrapping up Spike-Buffy, Slayer Acadamey, etc). but I doubt we'll see anything like that anytime soon.
  8. Anakin Flair

    Greatest Promo Ever

    anybody got Rock's promo with Hurricane, when they were comparing superpowers? "I got my Hurri-powers, BITCH!" priceless
  9. Anakin Flair

    TV's First Casualties

    I STILL haven't seen that show (I always forget when it's on.) But, on the bright side, if they cancel Tru, maybe Eliza will do the Faith spin-off.
  10. Anakin Flair

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    Mighty Joe Young. the scene at the ferris wheel at the end. teh score always chokes me up.
  11. Anakin Flair

    Another heartwarming tale...

    ICBM's. Or we invade their country "for the good of the people." On a serious note, that is truly sick. Those people should be beaten severly.
  12. Anakin Flair

    Ric Flair DVD

    I'd buy it, It would be a couple hours of Vince getting his ass kicked.
  13. Anakin Flair

    You can't See Me.

    I think it's some "thug code"
  14. Anakin Flair

    Fuck your mods

    The Answer! He is Prince Paul. And somewhere, Eagen does the happy dance. Thanks D. BTW, did we ever work out the DVD situation?
  15. Anakin Flair

    What do you look like...

    it probably due to compression.
  16. Anakin Flair

    Fuck your mods

    soooooo.... why did New Me get banned? I must have missed something. Like usual. -Lil Naitch always misses the good stuff.
  17. Anakin Flair

    Well I'll be damned! He DOES exist!

    As far as gimick posters go, I liked Prince Paul better than this guy. Oh,and who the hell is Brooke Rivers?
  18. Anakin Flair

    The Bus Driver Was Right

    I'd sue the city for not removing the tree earlier.
  19. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I just want to point out that ther will be no new episode next week so the WB can show the award winning movie "Josie and the Pussycats." Fuckers
  20. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I got that book- it was very poorly done, in my opinion. It's a good book, but there were too many spelling and gramatical errors, and The First thing screams spellcheck quick-fix.
  21. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Lindsay's back? he's early. I thought he was comming back in a few more eps.
  22. Anakin Flair

    Ric Flair DVD

    It would truly be an outrage if you had to pay that much for Flair's DVD, even if it's awesome and all. As far as I know Best Buy has the absolute best prices (not counting rebates and stuff) for DVDs anywhere, including those fuckers at Suncoast and FYE. You'll never see me buying in those places EVER with the prices they have. However, I got mine from Amazon.com for $29.71. You shouldn't have to pay more than that. I paid 26.99 at those FYE "fuckers" Plus I got a $5 mail-in rebate Anyone watch the Pete Sanchez match yet, it's odd that Vince's commentary doesn't come in until halfway through. I paid about $30, and that was w/ $5 off at Suncoast.
  23. Anakin Flair

    Ric Flair DVD

    Ok, so I just watched the HHH/Flair match for the first time (great match) and I'm happy to say that they include the ENTIRE post-match celebration. On a down side, The included his promo on the lst Nitro, but not his match w/ Sting on said show. Oh, well. At least I have it downloaded.
  24. Anakin Flair

    X-Men Composer Michael Kamen

    This worries me- my mom has MS, and she just turned 54. RIP Mr. Kamen.
  25. Anakin Flair

    X3 news, Wolverine Spin-Off, X2 Gag-Reel Online

    Ok, so how do you register? I can't read German, and this site layout is confusing as hell.