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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I read all of the books up untill this year, when I kind of got out of it. They are still good reads, but harder to find. As YNA pointed out, they don't sell well, and my local bookstore barely carries them anymore.
  2. I think Taker will tap. He has said in the past that he is "high" on Angle. He says this on hdi DVD. Of course, one of the bonus matches is him squashing Angle at Fully loaded, so tkae that for what it's worth.
  3. Anakin Flair

    Best TV Themes

    Buffy Angel Incredible Hulk- Sad Walking away theme Knight Rider Law and Order NYPD Blue
  4. Anakin Flair

    Wrestling's biggest FLUCK UPS1

    Actually, I think that was a planned snag- to make it seem that maybe HBK just didn't have it anymore.
  5. Anakin Flair

    Wrestling's biggest FLUCK UPS1

    What PPV was this on? Souled Out 2000. Of course everyone forgot about it because of something else that happened on that show that was way more important Ah, yes. Benoit wins the title. Thanks much.
  6. Anakin Flair

    Wrestling's biggest FLUCK UPS1

    What PPV was this on? Oh, and how come nobody mentioned Kane setting "JR' on fire? That was one big fuck up.
  7. Anakin Flair

    Whats this.....?

    got another one- right after I logged in. To many users?
  8. Anakin Flair


    I need to know can somebody please tape Smackdown for me tonight? I'm at work and I forgot to set my VCR. Please help! Thanks, Drew
  9. Anakin Flair


    A.- not my vcr- my parents vcr, and you need to keep it on the channel you are taping to tape it, and they don't like wrestling. B. Thanks to Andrew TS for taping it. C. No need to be an Asshole, Havok
  10. Anakin Flair

    Whats this.....?

    Anybody else getting error messages when trying to read a topic? I get and SQL(?) error.
  11. Anakin Flair

    Happy Birthday to Me

    Happy Birthday!
  12. Anakin Flair

    France: Hamas, Islamic Jihad not terror groups

    If THAT's the best you could come up with chuckles, you're not worth my time.
  13. Anakin Flair

    My grandmother just died

    Well, I just want to give my condolences on your loss. My own grandma died right as my mom and dad pulled into the nursing home she was in, and on this trip I decided to stay home, so while I can't say I know EXACTLY how you feel, I know somewhat. And on a side not, I'm starting to get sick and tired of all you immature little jackasses running around like big men on campuses and giving somebody grief when the LEAST deserve it. It's a MESSAGE BOARD. You are no better than the next person, so deal withthat fact and move on.
  14. Anakin Flair

    The Drunken Micks and Soccer Hooligans thread

    Also, part Russian. And go figure, but I don't drink.
  15. Anakin Flair

    France: Hamas, Islamic Jihad not terror groups

    Since I was ignored the first time and it fits in better now, anyway I've bumped my reply. Hmm, I never knew there was a large muslim poulation in France. Always figured it was predominately Christian, or some variation of Christianity.
  16. Anakin Flair

    France: Hamas, Islamic Jihad not terror groups

    As a Jew, even a non-practicing one at this time, I HOPE that was sarcasm, because if it wasn't, that just disgusting. I'm very positive on the Jewish people in general, and on Israel in general. In the specific, however, you are an illiterate and an idiot. Kindly stay in the WWE folder until you learn how to read. Well, I WAS just going to tell you to fuck off, but I decided to be civil about it on the chance it was sarcasm. But, if that's the way you feel about it... Fuck off, slick.
  17. Anakin Flair

    teens face criminal charges for having consensual

    Oh, dear GOD this is so stupid. I man, WTF? They are both the same age and consenting. Let em go like rabbits an face the consequences.
  18. Anakin Flair

    Egypt to Sue the Jews

    this shit just cracks me up. If they think they stand a chance in court.... Oy. Crazy Egyptians. Heat must be getting to them.
  19. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Carts! Tracksuits! The Career-killing mule kick! This game has it all! And yes, I'm bored with SYM. I'm just playing through one more time to finish unlocking everything. As Trips. And I already let my CAW beat his ass for the belt. Heh. Of course, then I had to go and bury Bradshaw and Mark Henry. Fair Compensation, me thinks.
  20. Anakin Flair


    Nobody I know around here watches it anymore, and I really wanted to see the Eddy/Cena match. Sorry I couldn't be more elaborate, but it's hard to start a topic while taking a claim at work. If anybody could tape it and send it to me, I'll send you a copy of the Wrestlecrap site on CD, with bonus matches like Bret/Benoit in the owen tribute and the HBK-Flair vs Savage-Hart tag from Collisieum. EDIT: And my family can't tape it, because of the whole taping on digital cable crap.
  21. Who says he's retiring? And hopefully this means more older matches on the Flair DVD.
  22. Anakin Flair

    The Announcing Situation

    Actually, Coach suck on PBP. So far he has been entertaining on color.
  23. Anakin Flair

    The Drunken Micks and Soccer Hooligans thread

    Part Irish, part German. All american. Of course, I couldn't get the accents. Oh, no. I got the famed Irish temper instead. Already put holes in two doors.
  24. Anakin Flair

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    I actually did that once. I was working at Steak 'n Shake. We only had a few empty table, which were all dirty, and no busser. This lady comes in and asks if I will clean off a table for her, and I say "Sure, just one minute." So I go to grab a BusBin to clean off the table, when one of my orders comes up. So, I run the food, and they want extra stuff, which I go and get for them. Took me five minutes, tops. So, I'm rushing back down the isle to get teh busbin and I tell the lady "I'm sorry for the wait, I had to run some food. I'll be right back to clean off the table." Well, tis lady rolls her eyes and says in this really bitchy, almost condecending tone Well, we've been waiting here for 15 minutes!" No, this was in the middle of dinner rush, we were packed and understaffed, and back then I had a very short temper (still do, though it may be slightly better now.) So, I just look at the lady and say "You know what m'am, you don't want to wait, there's the door." And I pointed to the door. She looks at me with this look that just screams 'I can't believe this boy just told me off!' and demands to talk to my sup. I point him out and get to cleaning the table. Later, me and my Sup talk and we laughed at the whole thing. Then there was the time I parked my car in the drive-thru to shut it down, but that's a story for another day.
  25. Anakin Flair

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    I work for Met Life taking claims over the phone. recently, I had a 70 year old lady from Hannible MO call to see about reporting damagee to her car. It seems the person hit her and left, but it was the same person that hit her veh a week ago. If that wasn't funny enough, this nie old lady was cursing up a storm, and we ended up talking for about 15-20 minutes,and she never filed the claim. People like that make me happy that I'm doing what I'm doing. On the downside, My last call of the night was an elderly lady who was hit by the blackout, which caused her sump pump to fail and water to flood a storage room, ruining clothes, elctronics, paintings, and other valuable antiques and family heirlooms. And to top it off, her husband had a heart attack and was in the hospital, listed as critical. Those calls always make me pause for a few minutes afterwards to collect myself. One more funny one- My second week on my own I get a call from a homeowner who leased his house out to a renter, who blew his brains out with a shotgun in hte master bedroom. The owners attitude towards it: Are we coverd for the clean up? Gold.