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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    Actually- I'd like to see a Hassan vs JBL match tonight. Sholva? Who does he think he is, T'ealc?
  2. Anakin Flair

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    And this makes me glad that I never watch Smackdown. No more seeing this schmuck.
  3. Anakin Flair

    AFI's 100 Years 100 Movie Quotes tonight at 8 CBS

    I didn't get this: I would have thought they'd use 'Good Morning, Dave.' since that is more widley quoted.
  4. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    I agree. You should hire an actress on the merits of her TALENT, not on whom she is marying. Besides, Tom has stolen more press away from 'War of the Worlds' than Katie did for 'Batman Begins.' I also agree. The next movie needs Harvey Dent as the DA, not Rachel. They could say she was promoted, or something...
  5. Anakin Flair

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    I laughed so hard at the Tombstone- shitty or not, when was the last time you saw Kane pull that out?
  6. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    How about John Glover as Joker? Sure, he was in Batman and Robin as Bane's creator, but since not a lot of people actually SAW that movie (or choose to remember it...) it wouldn't matter. And Secret Agent- I think they can salvage Catwoman, especially since they went back to square one with Batman. Show a young Selina Kyle come to town to do some old fashioned theivery, and Batman has to sop her. Instantly forget about Returns, and instantly forget about that abortion of a Catwman movie earlier this year.
  7. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    My biggest complaint, out of all of the movies, is this- there is always some girl, who usually ends up being a love interest, that finds out that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Batman- Vicky Vale, a photographer for various newspapers, finds out. Batman Returns- Selina Kyle finds out, though I actually liked this one as it added some tension to the story. Batman Forever- Chase Meridian, Shrink. Batman and Robin- for the first time, the love interes didn't find out (though I believe she got attacked), and instead his secret is found out by Barbara Pennyworth (?), Alfreds neice, who goes on to become Batgirl. Ugh. Batman Begins- Rachel finds out near the end. You know, for a guy who's supposed to have a secret identity, he sure does spill it to a lot of people.
  8. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Wouldn't he be pissed, though, that all of his friends (and sister!) are being killed? I know he'd technically be evil, but still- Anakin still careed about Padme up till the end, and it was made apparent in the book that Vader would have killed Palpatine if he had still had his full power. Wouldn't Luke do the same thing?
  9. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Here's a question that's been rattling around in my brain... In ROTJ, when Palpatine is trying to turn Luke to the Dark Side by getting him to kill Vader- what would have happened afterwards? Palpatine's body gaurd would be dead, which would allow Luke to kill him- after all, even if Luke turned to the dark side, why would he want to join Palpatine when he could just kill him on the spot? Palpatine colud fry Luke with the lightening, but then he'd be down 2 aprentices. Discuss.
  10. Anakin Flair

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    It takes ILM on aveage about a year to do all of the CGI in the Star Wars movies.
  11. Anakin Flair

    Choosing a Wireless Router

    Thanks for the advice everybody. Got Linksys and I'm good to go. My god, this connection is a beautiful thing!
  12. Anakin Flair

    Choosing a Wireless Router

    So my dad just got high speed internet, and now I find myself needing to get a wireless router to stay online. Does anybody have any sugestions on what kind to get? I want speed, but not to expensive.
  13. Anakin Flair

    Firefly on DVD

    More good news- I just read an article on Buffy.nu. The gist of it was that studio execs were blown away by the response Serenity got at the advanced screenings, and were actually upset that they chose to postpone the release, stating something like it could have done as well as Episode 3. Think about it- the STUDIO EXECS believe that Serenity could have done as well, or comparably as well (I doubt it'll take in over $300 mil) as STAR WARS. Mostly, though, they were upset that they blew their shot to let it play all Summer. Which brings us to the second point in the article- there are rumors and rumblings that Serenity could have its release date MOVED UP. Yup, we may get the movie before September. Which would be good news for me, 'cause I'm dying to know what happens, and I've decided to remain spoiler free. So the sooner, the better.
  14. Anakin Flair

    X3 could be in huge trouble

    I'll defer judgement untill I have confirmed set report, a confirmed script, and/or a trailer to watch. Besides, I won't believe that most of the actors involved wouldn't pull out if the script is to terrible. Balley doesn't want another Catwoman, Jackman doesn't want another Van Helsing, McKellen and Stewart wouldn't do something that would depart too far from what the story has been set at already.
  15. Anakin Flair

    Choosing a Wireless Router

    I shudder at the fact that you all consider $60 cheap. But thanks for the advice, I'll probably end up going wiht Linksys.
  16. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    I'd wait till after the draft is done to see how low Cena goes in the card- there are still several more people that get to leave Raw. Could be Trips, could be Batista. Then again, it could be Viscera.
  17. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    HBK's back- do we get a re-match now?
  18. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Angle should have pointed out that he beat HHH in the Armegeddon HitC.
  19. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    This is the most entertainging part of Raw all night. Wooooooooo!
  20. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Angle! So...who does Smackdown have now?
  21. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Taker's pretty much retired by now. No, maybe Rey, or Eddie....
  22. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Wouldn't it be nice if they re-signed Matt Hardy to interupt the wedding?
  23. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    It's funny because it's true. Well, partly true.
  24. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Can someone tell me who Big Vis screwed to get a full-time job again? Besides Lilian, apparently.
  25. Anakin Flair

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Hell, last time their hand-picked winner WAS the ugliest girl.