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Anakin Flair

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Everything posted by Anakin Flair

  1. Anakin Flair

    Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

    I liked how the series ended. The sheer amount of people they pissed off was astounding. Still, as someone who just got into Farscape, I'm looking forward to it.
  2. Anakin Flair

    Demons in the theater.......

    Never got the appeal for Rocky Horror. I had a friend who told me about how he went every Saturday night to a Rocky Horror showing somewhere in the Loop, if I remember correctly. He told me about how everybody dressed up, and all the newbies had to go through an "initiation," which included being numbered on the forehead with lipstick, among other things. I told him that if I ever went, someone tired to do that to me, they'd meet my baseball bat.
  3. Anakin Flair

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    A friend told me that Tobey had signed on to do 3 more Spider-man movies, so it could end up being 5. If and when X3 does big box office, they will probably do more movies. However, I believe Hugh Jackman said he would only do 3 movies as Wolerine, and possible a spin-off, before quitting the character. But then, they could still make movies without Wolverine. Many more chacters to get to.
  4. Anakin Flair

    Cameo/Guest Shots

    The guy who played Mayor Wilikns had a small guest role on The West Wing, as the Secretary of Agriculture, or something. He had a nice scene with Martin Sheen.
  5. Anakin Flair

    WWE going after E-feds?

    Don't forget to say hi to Droz...
  6. Anakin Flair

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Not only would she be perfect for the role, she could probably do the accent as well. Glad that over-hyped bint won't be in X3. But do they really hope to wrap the whole X-universe up in a trilogy? Considering how in-depth The Phoenix Saga was, I would expect that there would be more than 3 more movies.
  7. Anakin Flair

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    Ok people, help me out here... The song they play with the TV commercial for this movie- WHAT IS IT'S NAME! This is driving me nuts.
  8. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    This just in... -from Buffy.nu Can someone tell me what the FUCK "Method and Red" is still doing on? And why they'd air reruns of THAT crap? I mean, if you're going to cancel a show, fine. just don't add insult to injury.
  9. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I agree with you, Anya, on all counts. That's why, when I list my favorite seasons, the earlier seasons are usually at the bottom of the list. The storylines may have been good, but I also count how everything looks overall when I judge quality, and the first two seasons didn't have a lot of quality camera work. Also, which version of Radio Sunnydale did you get? There is a UK version and a US version. The UK version comes with twice as many songs, including another piece of score, this being from Xander's hero scene score from "The Zeppo", as well as the original version of the Buffy theme by Nerf Herder. The US version has half as many songs, but does include two trakcs not included on the UK version, one of them being the Sarah Mclaughlin song that ended Season 6 "Prayer for St. Francis", I believe. I ended up getting both, just to have a difinative CD. One more thing, I think it's been reported in this thread, but there will be an Angel CD commign out, and I beleive it will be ALL score (may be wrong, and don't have the time to check out the facts." Head over to Buffy.nu opr Whedonesque.com to find out more.
  10. Anakin Flair


    Do you have Dune or Children of Dune? Cause "Children" was only two disks, wherease I'm pretty sure "Dune" was only released in a 3-disk set. I never saw the original movie, but I own both sci-fi versions (Dune and Children) and think that they are excellent. I also remember Dune being the first televised movie that got a trailer shown in theaters.
  11. yesterday, I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 7/10 Reservoir Dogs 9/10 And today I'm watching Blazzing Saddles 9/10 Funny how you finally get most of the jokes in he movie once you get older. EDIT- Two bad things about the new Blazing Saddles DVD- the deleted scenes weren't included into the movie, but are on a seperate menu, and ther is no incert, which I find weird.
  12. Anakin Flair

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Any reason you'd like to have seen MJ killed off, Mole? How would it have been "sweet?" Anyway... - Doc Ock may be the most underutilized villain in the history of single-hero comic films. This would have been more forgiveable if the final shot of him was in a jail cell with his arms affixed to a cell wall; muttering about revenge. But they killed him off, which was pretty dumb. - JJJ was great, although he may be the only character in both movies who had his best moment in the first one (Refusing to give up PP's name to GG even under threat of death). Stand-out comedy in a flick full of it. - The movie does a tremendous job investing us in it's characters emotionally, and making Spidey do the impossible on screen. - The villain's (Doc Ock's) SECRET BIG PLAN OF DOOM sucks. However, the Harry/Peter dynamic is the best part of this movie. - Rosemary Harris is a godsend in this film. She has a nuanced, layered, and complex portrayal that even hints at far-off possibilities MINOR SPOILER: One, in particular, seems to hint that she MAY know that Pete and Spidey are one and the same.) I took from that scene that Aunt May KNEW, she just wasn't comming out and saying it. The Harry dynamic in the movie was great. He wants to avenge his father, but now he has a moral dilema- does he kill his best friend? And will he be the next Goblin, ignoring the two or three that came before him? Doc Ock was great, but underutilized. He disappeared for long stretches, but when he was on, Molina was great. And they can always bring him back- whose to say the tentacles didn't save him? JJJ was great- especially the part where he was feeling sorry that he drove off Spiderman, untill Spidey stole his suite back. MJ finally learns the truth. Now, can she live with Peter happily ever after? You'd think she'd be more cautious, since she keeps getting kidnapped! I loved the train scene (guess where it was filmed). I also liked how the people helped out Peter, and stood up for Spiderman when it counted. a lot better handled and way more subtle than in the first film. SLIGHT SPOILER! Cameo's from both Uncle Ben and Norman Osborne! Bruce Cambel as an usher! Stan Lee in the crowd again. Way better than the first, though it tended to drag at times. Now, a friend told me Tobey signed on for 3 MORE after this- any guesses as to who the villians will be?
  13. Anakin Flair

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    Of course, I would have commented on my namesake getting a match, but my power went out for a minute.
  14. Anakin Flair

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    We need crickets right about now... oh, thank GOD...
  15. Anakin Flair

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Just saw it, and it rocked. Loved all of the little things, and the cameos were great. I'll write more later, probably, after I eat.
  16. Anakin Flair

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Someone on this board actually likes Daredevil as well? And here I thought I was the only one...
  17. Anakin Flair

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    I'm seeing it on Thrusday, I can't wait. Funny thing: I bought the book a month ago. Started readingit. And for the first time, I decided not to finish it, because I didn't want to be spoiled.
  18. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, with Willow and Xander, she had wanted him for years, and she could finally have him, in a limited way. The most they ever did was make out. And once she saw how much it hurt Oz when he found out, she eneded it and worked on rebuilding her relationship with Oz. Oz, on the otehr hand, had shown his attraction ot Veruca several times up till the point where they had sex, and they ended up doing it twice. It was something that Oz wanted subconciencely- he wanted to be with someone like him. And while he did kill Veruca in the end, it was still amde very clear that if he found someone else who was a werewolf, he would go with them.
  19. Anakin Flair

    Tons Of Backstage WWE News Notes

    Paul is EXACTLY what Mordecai needs. The guy can't speak. He has the absolute wrong voice for his gimmick- it's just not menacing. Have Paul come back and speak, and have Moredcai do the in-rign work.
  20. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I say we keep it going. There is always something to talk about in the Buffyvers, be it spin-offs, Firefly, Angel movies, etc.
  21. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    What the hell? Is Lita the happy missus now?
  22. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    Remember when everybody said the Raw title was the fake title?
  23. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    Where HAS Rhyno been? Always nice to see Sarge..
  24. Anakin Flair

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    I'm actually enjoying a Regal match. Go figure,